In order to aid your exam preparation, we are presenting a ‘Static Awareness Quiz’ that you can score well in this section.

Q1. Which is the head quarter of United Nations Organization (UN)__________

A. New York, US
B. Washington DC, US
C. Manila, Philippines
D. Geneva, Switzerland
E. None of these

Q2. Which of the following is the folk dance of Odissa and Andhra Pradesh_________
A. Changu
B. Karagam
C. Dumhal
D. Lavani
E. None of these
Q3. World economic outlook is published by__________
A. international monetary fund (IMF)
B. World bank
C. institute for economic and peace
D. World economic forum
E. None of these
Q4. “Astana” is the capital city of which country_________
A. Kyrgyzstan
B. Tajikistan
C. Turkmenistan
D. Kazakhstan
E. None of these
Q5. Which is the capital of Portugal?
A. Porto
B. Lisbon
C. Lago
D. Devas
E. Portal
Q6. Which country shares a border with Portugal?
A. France
B. Spain
C. Germany
D. Luxembourg
E. Both B & D
Q7. When was the Himachal Pradesh state formed?
A. 1961
B. 1971
C. 1981
D. 1991
E. 2001
Q8. When was the Indian Navy established?
A. 1912
B. 1812
C. 1712
D. 1612
E. 1512
Q9. What is the state bird of Himachal Pradesh?
A. Rose-ringed parakeet
B. Great hornbill
C. Western tragopan
D. House sparrow
E. Parrot
Q10. Who is the President of Russia?
A. Dmitry Medvedev
B. Andrey Belousov
C. Vladimir Putin
D. Donald Trump
E. Mark Peter


1. A 6. B
2. A 7. B
3. A 8. D
4. D 9. C
5. B 10. C



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