As we all know that now a day’s in All Banking Exams and other competitive exams most of the English Sections were taken from Editorial pages. So it is essential to have a sound knowledge and understanding of English vocabulary. So here we are presenting you Vocabulary from “The Hindu”.

  1. Middleman (noun) – intermediary, mediator, liaison officer.
  2. Set off (phrasal verb) – cause, start, trigger/give rise to.
  3. Storm (noun) – uproar, commotion, disturbance.
  4. Climactic (adjective) – final, culminating, crucial.
  5. Unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
  6. Convention (noun) – custom, practice, tradition.
  7. Draw up (phrasal verb) – arrange, formulate, plan.
  8. Roster (noun) – a list of the people of a team/organisation.
  9. Sobering (adjective) –  serious, sensible, practical/thoughtful.
  10. Warrant (verb) – justify, necessitate, validate.
  11. Adverse (adjective) – unfavourable, disadvantageous, unfortunate.
  12. Restraining order (noun) – prohibition, ban, bar; a preliminary order to bans someone doing a particular action.
  13. Propriety (noun) – morality, correctness, decency.
  14. Substance (noun) – significant subject, important matter/content, valid message.
  15. Tender (verb) – put forward, give, submit.
  16. Ignominy (noun) – public shame, disgrace, humiliation/embarrassment.
  17. Impeachment (noun) – the act of charging (a public official) with a crime done while in office (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  18. Pave the way for (phrase) –  clear the way for, create a situation to do something, procede, make provision for.


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