Tips to Crack IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Pre 2019

 This particular article is designed to help you save time and practice what’s important for you considering the upcoming RRB Scale 1 2019 exam. With some hard work and perseverance, you’ll be able to confidently identify and gain command over the important topics for RRB Officer Scale 1 2019 which can fetch your desired job in 2019.

So here are some important tips that you need to keep in your mind.

  1. Don’t Take Stress

As you know only few weeks left for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Pre to happen, as an aspirant you too must have started taking unnecessary stress. Please don’t do this as it is not going to change your current situation or level of preparation.  

While taking an exam don’t get panic, when you are panicked, your mind usually goes blank and things can downhill very quickly. You need to be able to think clearly so you can retrieve the information you need. So if you come across a question you are not able to answer, take a deep breath in, tell yourself “There will be other questions I will be able to answer” and move onto other set of questions which must be doable among the difficult ones.


  1. Set concrete task for yourself

how to crack ibps rrb officer sacle 1 pre in 2 months

Telling yourself that you have to study for exams is just too overwhelming and unclear for your brain.

“Study what?” your brain says.

You see, your brain hates fuzzy and unclear things and tends to procrastinate unless it knows exactly what it needs to do.

  1. Be like Arjuna

You all must be aware with Dronacharya’s bird’s eye test. When Dronacharya asked Arjuna during the practice session “What do you see there?” Arjuna replied “I can see only the eye of the bird.”

From this story we can learn one of the most important lessons.

In today’s time when you have a lot of distractions in terms of Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube, Tiktok, you must act an Arjuna if you are really passionate towards achieving your goal.  You need to give 100% of your attention to the task at hand.

You can simply follow a rule here. If you practice offline, set a timer for your own self. Set it for a  particular time duration and complete a concrete task during this time. Then once the time is up, go have a break, take rest and recover for the next task.

  1. “Don’t procrastinate or else you will struggle

You don’t have much time for practice so you can’t procrastinate, make a schedule chart and follow it passionately. If you fail to do so, you may end up staying unprepared for topics that could prove deciding at a later stage. You have to be very attentive to small things. So you have to give one-hundred percent into this. The more practice you do, the more confident you become for the exam.


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