How To Write PPDT AND TAT in SSB Interview Tips

Guys i am putting this post to put a general view of Basic screening test in SSB or SSB screening test, how things goes in BST, and what general instruction should be followed in BST (Day 1), how to analyse the PPDT picture and how to write a better story.

The culmination of BST-I and BST –II commences with Picture Perception and Description Test. Let us analyse the requisites of this test and essential ingredients which should be kept in mind to undergo the test. The students are exposed to a picture through the help of video projector, OHP, for a total period of one minute. The students should see the picture critically, since the picture is blurred and recognition of the characters in the picture is very essential to reach to a rational understanding. The psychologist will explain the procedure and give exhaustive guidelines which should be adhered strictly as per the laid down norms. A sheet of paper will be provided to append your story most appropriate to the picture, keeping in mind the guidelines given subsequently. A rectangle will form part of the sheet, which can be utilized to endorse the number of characters, mood and attitude and general age profile of the person seen in the picture.

Always remember, making your assessment of the central character and the characters, basically depicts your own personality and your viewpoint to include the people around you. In psychology of SSB, there is no right/wrong answer but  the appreciation of the picture in question should be correctly interpreted and commented, Remember , the picture are shown to suit your profile in general, hence anything not suiting your profile or working  beyond your limitations should not be penned, your should write a detailed account of the picture , which should be comprehensive and complete in all respects.
Do not be in a hurry to write, buy see the picture critically. Critical analysis will help you ascertain the picture fully and improve your perception at the time of writing. Once, the approximately five minutes to write your story on the picture. After the elapsed period, your sheet will be taken away and given appropriate time for your discussion.

Errors that aspirants do while attempting PPDT and TAT in SSB?

Today i was talking to my friend and she was asking me, how she can write error free story in Picture Perception and Description Test in SSB. I just told him to write a story on pictures that ihave provided in post and send me. After writing she send me the story. That was not a bad story rather but it was not a good one. Now let me tell you the general errors which which you do while writing a PPDT and TAT( Thematic appreciation Test) story.

Errors you should not do:

  • Firstly, Don’t go off-track most of the aspirants go off-track while writing a story, for example we have seen 2 peoples standing near a dead body in a room and you just started writing about the dead body, that a commando has been died and make full story on commando and war and bla bla…You will have to start with a Firing name, which you will give to your story hero and the you have to write the picture description in two or three lines like what is room scenario, who one is there and how the things look like in room it will be written based on your perception.
  • Secondly, Aspirants take their story in past, why boys live in present past is past. Like you are shown a scene of 2 boys going to forest. Write like this- It is a pleasant morning and Ram has decided to go into forest for his survey on forest animals.
  • Thirdly, make a problem in story and let it solve by your hero, For example, Sometime you are shown accident scene then write like this- Ram is a social worker, It is Monday and he is going to college, Suddenly he saw a man has stuck with a bus, he rushed toward it. There has lots of crowd gathered.
  • Write like this starting 2 lines for past which will tell what had happened. Then, 2 take your story in present which shows solution of that problem. And then 2 lines for bright future of hero if u like, Most of you like to write bright future in 4-5 lines and they don’t even write about problem solution. So please avoid it.
  • Don’t write bad about anything specially for persons if u can’t see in image. Most of aspirants have habit of killing peoples in war or in road accident, please limit it to a accident, illness and heat exhaustion problem and Remember this problem should be rectified by your story hero in present tense and then write bright future of hero in future but in 2 lines.
  • As you have seen a PPDT or TAT image do write what u have seen in image, not on your behalf but write like this, for example a person is standing in front of mirror- Ram is getting ready for his interview, after taking bath and wearing clothes he stand in front of mirror, he is saying  himself he that he is looking good to boost his confidence
  • Generally aspirants not write more than 6-7 line, its bad try to write 10 lines or more increase your story length.
  • For more info please read my tips to write a PPDT or TAT story in my Previous post.
  • Also i have provided post how to analyse PPDT picture, and tips to write good stories. Read my all post on blog thanks.
Advice to all** If you want to really want improvements i have provided many PICTURES and Sample Stories, Do write your Sample story in Comment i will check it and mark errors.

This is a sample PPDT Sheet, a similar sheet will be given to you in your SSB Interview. To help you understand it better we have numbered it and explained each and every part.

You all are going for the purpose of becoming an Officer and hence we suppose that you knows what you have to do with the No.of SSB, Age, Date etc.

1. In this box you have to mark all the characters which you have seen in the picture. You are required to mention their sex, age and their mood. For male write “M”, “F” for female and if you can’t determine the gender of the character the write “P” which stands for person. Mention the approximate age in numbers for example 26 and for mood use mathematical signs “+” for positive mood “-“ for negative mood and “0” for neutral mood. A sample is done for you and at times you will be asked to encircle the character whom you seen first but you must listen to instruction if they asks you to encircle then only do that.

2. Here you have to mention the aim or the summary of you story in one or two lines.

3. This space is for writing story, you must write you story in at least 100 words and if you requires more space then you can use the back side of the page also.

Picture Perception and Description Test: A Dead body Scene

Guys i am putting this PPDT story for you so that you can have a general idea of how to write a PPDT story on Dead Body scene. THE BEST WAY TO PREPARE FOR BASIC SCREENING TEST: PPDT IS TO PRACTICE MORE AND MORE AND BOOST YOUR WRITING SPEED

What have you seen in the picture A room scene, probably a dead body on a bed & two people sitting on the side. A table is placed on the write with medicines and a stand at the back of bed.
Characters involved Three including a dead body
Age profile 18 to 20 years and 30 to 35 years
Mood Negative
What has already happened Probably a martyr lead down the life for the nation
Present happenings Cremation and the dead body of the martyr before emotional seen with due encouragement to take revenge with the enemy
Final outcome Productive and challenging
Come to a common consensus Probably a martyr laid down life in the operation


  1. The picture show for screening test is generally blurred.
  2. See the picture carefully and the surrounding areas before writing on the sheet.
  3. Identify all the important character and comment with authenticity.
  4. Be with the picture and improve your perception gradually.
  5. Logical analysis is important to come to rational conclusion.
  6. The dead body and the person around should be commented and lesson learnt should be related to the diseased character.


3 Best PPDT stories for Practice: 3 PPDT Images set

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. I have uploaded a series of PPDT sample Images with Story for Practice you can refer to my previous stories for better Practice. here i am uploading three images which are mostly asked in PPDT round of SSB. Practice more and more PPDT images for best results.
PPDT Image 1: PPDT story on a Tonga Accident scene.
Sample PPDT image of accident Scene

Sample PPDT Story: 

Sanjay is a school boy of class 9,he was on his way to school when he saw a speeding maruti car is moving on a road got collided with rickshawala which was coming from front,the car instead of stopping tried to escape from the accident area, sanjay immediately noted down the car number,called for ambulance and gave the number to nearby police station,with the information given by sanjay police track down the driver and sanjay was awarded and praised for his work.

PPDT Image 2: PPDT image of River bank Scene with recommended Image

Sample PPDT story:
Arun lives in a small village in maharastra,he along with his friends decided to go the riverside of their nearby village, it was morning time and all of them were enjoying, run then saw dead fishes lying along the bank of river, he went near the river and jumped into it, what he saw was unbelievable for him, the river water which is going to his village, which they are using for every purpose is being polluted by the nearby factory setup, he with his friends went to village sarpanch and informed about the threat and consequences. The result were in favor of arun and the industry discharge was banned into the river arun was praised by sarpanch for his work.
PPDT Image 3: Sample PPDT image of a person sitting on chair.
Sample PPDT image of person sitting on chair
Sample Story:
Sonu is an design engineer and working for IKY solution, he has been assigned an project which should be completed within one week time, he is designing a fuel efficient car, sonu is working late night in the offices so that work could be completed in stipulated time, he does not even have the time to sleep, he sleeps while in sitting postion,the work load had put him down but he keep himself motivated by thinking the fact that he has ability to design the fuel efficient car, after completion of his work within time he showed the presentation and design to his boss, boss was very happy with his work and promoted him and awarded him.


Guys i am putting this PPDT story for you so that you can have a general idea of how to write a PPDT story on a Person Standing at base of Mountain scene. THE BEST WAY TO PREPARE FOR BASIC SCREENING TEST: PPDT IS TO PRACTICE MORE AND MORE AND BOOST YOUR WRITING SPEED

Characters involved One
Age profile 25 to 30 years
Mood Positive
What has already happened Mountaineer probably planning for a mountain expedition in the Himalayan range
Present happenings Carrying out survey of the mountain peak and finding a possible solution to make expedition a success by mapping plotting route recce and planning
Final outcome Productive, expedition, reconnaissance
Come to a common consensus Probably a venture in the mountains which is successful


  1. Read between the pictures and steadily move toward your perception.
  2. The picture is keep blurred so that your time to understand the surrounding.
  3. The mountainous terrain should be appreciated and commented.
  4. The role model remains the centre of attraction indicating your personality.
  5. The character should be strong and lead the mission.
  6.  The story should be result oriented and all the participants should be given a hearing before concluding the main theme.

A case of Eve Teasing

Guys i am putting this PPDT story for you so that you can have a general idea of how to write a PPDT story on a Eve Teasing case scene. Generally we face problemwhat to write and how to write on negative pictures like this, THE BEST WAY TO PREPARE FOR BASIC SCREENING TEST: PPDT IS TO PRACTICE MORE AND MORE AND BOOST YOUR WRITING SPEED. i have uploaded a lot of Practice Sets prepare them

What have you seen in the picture A person holding a hand of another person and two ladies looking at each other
Characters involved Four
Age profile 18 to 30 years
Mood neutral
What has already happened Probably, a eve teasing case
Present happenings Giving moral ethics to the offender not to repeat such incidents or face dire consequences
Final outcome productive
Come to a common consensus Making society answerable to the citizens


  1. See the picture and read the event leading to the situation.
  2. The picture depicts a case of eve teasing and should be commented rather forcing a theme not leading to the events.
  3. The surrounding areas should be commented and related to the circumstances.
  4. All four characters seen in the picture should be commented.
  5. Sequences of event should be maintained.
  6. Write the story chronologically, events should be interlinked and discussion made effective.

Sample PPDT Story n a Person Sitting Near his ill Mother

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. This image consist of a negative scene where ill women is shown and see how he has made his PPDT story as postive.
PPDT/TAT image of a ill women

Recommended Story:

Ram is student studying class 9, her mother last week underwent an operation and doctors have suggested to do bed rest for at least one week, and he is alone in the house with his mother. Seeing the situation he stopped going to school and sent an application letter through his friend for the leave as he has so many responsibilities in the house, giving medicines to his mother at the correct time, make food his mother, washing clothes etc, due to shear dedication towards his mother, his mother recovered her health within few days and she was really happy to have a son like him.

How to Write a PPDT/TAT story on a Robbery Scene: Practice Image

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. I have uploaded a series of PPDT sample Images with Story for Practice you can refer to my previous stories for better Practice. This image consist of a car scene with a thief(a robbery scene), read how to make a positive story on such Images.
PPDT/TAT image: Robbery Scene

Sample PPDT/TAT story:

Mohit is an army officer, he went out for a movie with his friends during the liberty granted to him, after coming out of the theater while he was about to sit in his car ,he heard someone an old lady shouting thief thief running, he saw the thief running by passing his car, he along with his friend chased the thief through a distance but the thief could not make it long and finally got over him handed him to the police and returned the baggage to the old lady, and told the lady to be careful next time,he and his friends was praised by his training officer.
What makes PPDT/TAT story good:
helping nature, social worker, courageous work

PPDT Sample Story Set 11: PPDT story on playground Scene

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. I have uploaded a series of PPDT sample Images with Story for Practice you can refer to my previous stories for better Practice. This image consist of scene where some students are playing in playground with similar uniform.
PPDT/TAT Image on playground Scene

Sample PPDT/TAT Story:

Rana is a captain of football team representing mechanical in his college, due to failure in the last match played Rana along with his team mates practices daily during evening hours 2 hours daily, giving practices of how to dodge a ball, how to defend a goal, how and when to pass, improving the stamina of players. During the match competition with the electrical department team Rana motivated confidence of his players and reminded them of their practices Rana too well played during the match and finally won the trophy and being awarded as the best captain.
What makes PPDT story Good:
motivation, practice to achieve goal, team work

How to Write PPDT Story on Aeroplane Scene: Sample Story 10

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. I have uploaded a series of PPDT sample Images with Story for Practice you can refer to my previous stories for better Practice. This image consist of an aeroplane like image in hilly area with some peoples standing nearby.
PPDT/TAT image of Aeroplane Scene

Sample Story:

Anup is an engineering student who went along with his friend to Manali for a trip, during trekking they all went out for the safe limit and all got stuck, there was one around for help except some broken trees and bushes, Anup told his friends not to hamper for the situation and he thought of sending message for help, he along with friend made an aeroplane like structure from the wooden sticks and leaves and on it wrote need help. They flew it from a certain height so that it could be reached to people on the other side of mountain. They were successful in their plan and were finally rescued.
What Makes this PPDT story good:
A trip, daringness, something innovative.

Practice Image 9: A PPDT story on Car Accident Scene

Guys this PPDT image is sent to me by one of my Friend Shailedra Rajput, he was following me since one month and was preparing for his SSB Interivew . He writes really well and i appreciate his work. This image consist of a negative scene where ill women is shown and see how he has made his PPDT story as postive.
PPDT/TAT image of Car-Cycle Accident Scene

Recommended PPDT Story:

Suresh is an engineer and is going with his secretary for his office work and was already late for his site work, on the way while he was driving he met with an accident, he hit the school boy coming from his left, crowds gathered around his car, leaving his thought about his work he immediately took the boy into the car rush him to the hospital and he admitted his crime to the police that he was driving fast as he was getting late for his work and felt guilty and promised himself will not do it again. Soon the School Student get fit.

A person running in the direction of a train

Guys get a general idea of  how to write a PPDT story on A person running in the direction of a train
scene. This is typical and confusing picture read the sample story and write like this.

Sample PPDT picture on a person running in train direction
What have you seen in the picture One person running in the direction of the railway track and a train coming from the opposite direction.
Characters involved one
Ago profile 18 to 20
Mood Positive
What has already happened Physical workout
Present happenings  Making himself mentally and physically tough and reaching the destination and driving own life to glory like the train helping people to reach destination.
Final outcome Mission successful
Come to a common consensus Learning from routine events and making life meaningful with effort.



  1. The picture depicts a person running in the direction of the train in an hospitable terrain and line of mountain as the back.
  2. The surrounding area which looks akin to village should be commented
  3. The address by the main character should be related to the train and the track and lessons derived out of such conditions.
  4. The train can possible act to achieve objectives in life.
  5. Listen to all the students taking part in the discussion.
  6. The views of other students should be taken into account at the time of common consensus.


A Person Addressing Two students in a Room

sample PPDT picture on a person addressing two students
What have you seen in the picture Tone person sitting across the table spectacles and two boys standing in front in school uniform.
Characters involved three
Ago profile 16 to 40 years
Mood Positive
What has already happened Suggestions to make a project on energy crisis
Present happenings Detailed briefing by the principal of the institution to prepare the project as part of CBSE requirement
Final outcome Project successful and as per of CBSE requirement demonstrated
Come to a common consensus Learn from hard work and success in mission



  1. The picture displayed is generally obscured.
  2. See the picture carefully and evaluate the sequence of events concerning all three characters.
  3. The central character should be of your age profile and depict of vibrant personality.
  4. The senior character can be counselor or a person in high office.
  5. The second leading character should also be commented and given a rule.


  1. Make a meaningful analysis of the situation and come to a logic conclusion.


A Person Addressing a Group of People Under a Tree

Guys get a general idea of  how to write a PPDT story on a person Addressing a group of People Under a Tree scene. This is one of the most important PPDT and TAT picture as you will have to generally write a story on addressing case like this.

sample ppdt picture on group addressing
What have you seen in the picture One person addressing a group of people under the tree.
Characters involved 25 to 30
Ago profile 16 to 40 years
Mood Positive
What has already happened Suggestions to improve literacy in the village
Present happenings Detailed briefing by the person to include primary education for all the children and to introduce the adult education in the village
Final outcome Mission successful and literacy rate improved
Come to a common consensus Briefing the better living standards and continuous learning


  1. The picture scene should be commented keeping in view.
  2. The surrounding area which looks akin to village should be commented.
  3. The address by the main character should be related to the existing circumstances presently seen in the village
  4. The audience shown should be receptive and understanding.
  5. Interest should be generated and sequence of events maintained.
  6. During the discussion, the views of other students should be taken into account at the time of common consensus.

Two People Standing on Top of a Rope Bridge

Guys get a general idea of  how to write a PPDT story on two person standing on bridge scene. I have also putted the same story in Psychology: Sample TAT stories, have a look at TAT story also.

Sample PPDT Picture on two person standing on rope bridge

What have you seen in the picture Two persons standing on the rope bridge with the river flowing underneath.
Characters involved Two
Ago profile 20 to 25 yrs
Mood Positive
What has already happened A visit to a national park
Present happenings  Getting ready to see wild life  in the forested area across the river line
Final outcome Adventure trip and mission successful
Come to a common consensus Adventure loving and enjoying the natural environment


  1. The picture depicts a river line scene and a rope bridge across the bank.
  2. The one character of the two should display the role model and lead the event.
  3. The natural layout of the river line can be a part of write up.
  4. The story perceives should be productive and meaningful.
  5. The event should involve both the character.
  6. Have a meaningful sequence of events, listen to all candidates and lead to a faithful discussion and conclusion.

A Person Standing in Front of Mirror

Guys i am putting this PPDT story for you so that you can have a general idea of how to write a PPDT story on a person standing in front of mirror scene. This is very general picture and generally shown in all Psychology: TAT pictures, prepare for how to write a PPDT as well as TAT story from here, THE BEST WAY TO PREPARE FOR BASIC SCREENING TEST: PPDT IS TO PRACTICE MORE AND MORE AND BOOST YOUR WRITING SPEED.


What have u seen in  the picture  A man is standing in front of a mirror in a room
Characters involved One
Age profile 25 to 30 years positive
Mood positive
What has already happened Cleared IAS prelim examination
Present happenings Preparing for the interview
Final outcome Productive and interview successful
Come to a common consensus Mission achieved with high level dedication


  1. See the picture critically and evaluate such circumstances and situation.
  2. The surrounding area should be commented in great detail with the central character being the role model of the event.
  3. Link the event and come up to a rational thought process.
  4. Write the story chronologically.
  5. Describe the present happenings and after affects.


  1. Have a meaningful interpretation listen to each other carefully and come to a sound judgement.


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