Kerala Government has launched Gau Samridhi Plus Scheme to provide insurance coverage to the dairy farmers at low premium rates. The general category dairy farmers will get subsidy of 50% on premium where as SC/ST farmers to get 70% subsidy on premiums. The main objective of the scheme it to make sure that the dairy farmers get nancial protection and increase their income. The Animal Husbandry Department of Kerala will be implementing the scheme across Kerala.

What is Gau Samridhi Plus Scheme

A Kerala government scheme to provide insurance coverage on the subsidized premiums to the dairy farmers.

Gau Samridhi Plus Variants

1. Subsidy on premium rates for insurance of 1 year
2. Subsidy on premium rates for insurance of 3 year

Gau Samridhi Plus Benets

♦ Subsidized insurance coverage to the cattle farmers and their cattle

♦ 50% subsidy on the insurance premium for general category dairy farmers

♦  70% subsidy on the insurance premium for scheduled caste (SC) / scheduled tribes (ST) category dairy farmers

Eligibility Criteria

The scheme is applicable only in Kerala Applicable only to the cattle farmers only

Gau Samridhi Plus Highlights

♦ A scheme to provide subsidized insurance coverage to the cattle farmers and their cattle

♦ Provides subsidy on the insurance premium rates for insurance of 1 year and 3 years

♦ The insurance premium on 1st year is 2.8% of the total cost of livestock For 3 years policy insurance premium is 6.54% of the total cost of the cattle

♦ General category farmers will get insurance coverage at a premium of Rs. 700 per year and Rs. 1635 for three
years SC/ST farmers will get insurance coverage at a premium of Rs. 420 per year and Rs. 981 for 3 years
Cows with value more than Rs. 50,000 has additional policy facility



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