1. A provision in some loans that allows the borrower to change the interest rate from xed to variable or Vice Versa is termed as __________
A. Convertible Bond
B. Convertible Clause
C. Convertible Security
D. None of the Above
2. CRAR stands for _________
A. Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
B. Capital to Risk Assets Ratio
C. Credit Rating-Weighted Assets Ratio
D. Credit Rating Assets Ratio
3. An index that is used to determine interest rates and/or changes of interest rates of certain types of loans is known as _________
A. Covenant
4. _________ are long term corporate bonds that are unsecured in nature.
B. Debentures
C. Covenant
5. A type of loan, where the bank or the lending institution provides the borrower with a loan that helps the borrower to pay o his all previous debts is termed as ________
A. Debt Recovery
B. Debt Settlement
C. Debt Management
D. Debt Consolidation
6. An account for which a bank acts as an uninterested third party is termed as _______
A. Savings Account
B. Current Account
C. Reserve Account
D. Escrow Account
7. The unpaid principal balance of a loan on property divided by the asset’s appraised value is termed as ______
A. Liquidity Adjustment Facility
B. Loss Given Default(LGD)
C. Loan to Value(LTV)
D. Long term liabilities
8. A signed undertaking from one party containing a promise to pay a stated sum to a specied person or a company is known as ________
A. Power of Attorney
B. Promissory Note
C. Purchasing Power Parity
D. None of the Above
9. __________ is a transfer of property to its real owner, once the loan or mortgage is paid o.
A. Reconveyance
B. Repossession
C. Recurring Billing
D. Revalidation
10. Which of the following is dened as the dierence between current assets and current liabilities?
A. Venture Capital
B. Working Capital
C. Equitable Mortgage
D. None of the Above
1)B. Convertible Clause
2)A. Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
4)B. Debentures
5)D. Debt Consolidation
6)D. Escrow Account
7)C. Loan to Value(LTV)
8)B. Promissory Note
9)A. Reconveyance
10)B. Working Capital