Directions (Q. 11-12): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below

P $ Q means ‘P is the mother of Q’

P @ Q means ‘Q is the wife of P’

P # Q means ‘P is the father of Q’

P % Q means ‘P is the daughter of Q’

11). How is U related to T in the following expression? U @ H $ J # T

  1. Paternal Grandmother
  2. Paternal Grandfather
  3. Maternal Grandfather
  4. Maternal Grandmother
  5. Data Inadequate

12). Which of the following expression indicates S is the sister of V?

  1. Only I and II follows
  2. Only II and III follow
  3. Only I and III follow
  4. None follows
  5. All follows

13). K married to S. P is a brother of B. S is a mother of N, who is a brother of B. How is B related to K?

  1. Son
  2. Daughter
  3. Either son or daughter
  4. Data Inadequate
  5. None of these

14). Pointing to a girl, Mala said, ‘She is the granddaughter of my grandfather’s only son’. How is the girl

related to Mala?

  1. Niece
  2. Sister
  3. Daughter
  4. Cannot be determined
  5. None of these

15). Pointing a boy, Ram said, ‘He is the only son of my grandfather’s son’. How is the boy related to Ram?

  1. Son
  2. Brother
  3. Cousin
  4. Data Inadequate
  5. None of these

Directions (Q. 16-17): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

There are seven members A, C, D, E, F, G and H in a family. There are two fathers, one mother, two sisters and four brothers. E is a sister-in-law of D. G is a daughter of C. F is the brother of E. A is a grandfather of G. E is a mother of H.

16). How is H related to A?

  1. Grandson
  2. Granddaughter
  3. Son
  4. Cannot be determined
  5. None of these

17). How many male members in the family?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. Data Inadequate
  5. None of these

18). If A-B means ‘A is father of B’, A/B means ‘A is sister of B’, A + B means ‘A is daughter of B’ then how is S related to P in M / P – R + S?

  1. Mother
  2. Wife
  3. Sister
  4. Cannot be determined
  5. None of these

Directions (Q. 19-20): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

A # B means ‘A is daughter of B’

A $ B means ‘A is husband of B’

A * B means ‘A is brother of B’

A @ B means ‘A is sister of B’

19). If P # Q $ R @ T, which of the following is true?

  1. T is the sister of R
  2. R is an aunty of P
  3. T is the brother-in-law of Q
  4. P is the daughter of R
  5. None is true

20). If M * P # Q @ R, which of the following is definitely true?

  1. R is the uncle of M
  2. P is the cousin of R
  3. M is the nephew of P
  4. Q is the uncle of M
  5. None is true

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