Insurance & Bancassurance
Insurance & Bancassurance
History of Indian Insurance Industry
1st company to offer Life Insurance was Amicable Society
Location – London
Year of Establishment – 1706
Introduction –
It is a statement of estimated receipts and expenditure of the government of India for the following financial year – 1st April...
Cooperative Banks,Foreign Banks,Apex Bank,SIDBI, IFCI, NHB, NACH In Details
Cooperative Banks,Foreign Banks,Apex Bank,SIDBI, IFCI, NHB, NACH In Details
Cooperative Banks
Co-operative Banks are government supported financial agency in India, which are organized and managed with...
GST (Goods and Services Tax) In Detail
GST (Goods and Services Tax) In Detail
The midnight of 30th June, 2017 was a revolutionary one in the history of the Indian economy after...
Indian Economy
Indian Economy
Economy before British Rule
To understand the present level of the Indian economy, it is important to understand the economic system of India during...
Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
Monetary policy refers to the use of monetary instruments under the control of the central bank to regulate magnitudes such as interest rates,...
RRB & RRB Act in Detail
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were set up as government-sponsored, regional based rural lending institutions under the Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976....
NPA and Its Recovery
NPA and Its Recovery
NPA - Non Performing Assets
If the status of NPAs in banks is not controlled, banks can become bankrupt. The entire credit...
History Of Banking In India
History Of Banking In India
Banking history of India is divided into Two major categories –
Pre-Independence Banking History
Post-Independence Banking History
The Indian banking system at the...
RBI : Its functions & Role
RBI : Its functions & Role
The Reserve Bank of India was established in the year 1935 in accordance with the Reserve Bank of India Act,...