Word of the day
'->stupefy /ˈstuːpəˌfaɪ/ verb
stupefies; stupefied; stupefying
Learner's definition of STUPEFY
: to shock or surprise (someone) very much : to cause (someone) to become confused or unable...
Word of the day
outpouring /ˈaʊtˌporɪŋ/ noun
plural outpourings
->Learner's definition of OUTPOURING
1:an act of expressing an emotion or feeling in a very powerful way — often + of
-There was...
Word of the day
Soft Spot /ˈsɑːft ˈspɑːt/ noun
▫️plural soft spots
->Definition of SOFT SPOT
1 : a strong liking for someone or something — usually singular
-He has a soft...
Word of the day
menorah /məˈnorə/
an object that holds seven or nine candles and that is used in Jewish worship
-The boy is lighting a Hanukkah menorah.
Word of the day
the evil eye /ði ˈiːvəl ˈaɪ/ noun
Learner's definition of THE EVIL EYE
- a look that is thought to be able to harm someone
He gave...
Word of the day
Soft Spot /ˈsɑːft ˈspɑːt/ noun
▫plural soft spots
Definition of SOFT SPOT
1: a strong liking for someone or something — usually singular
-He has a soft spot...
Word of the day
?????? /ˈnɛtl̟/ verb
???????; ???????; ????????
->Definition of NETTLE
: to make (someone) angry
-The mayor's recent actions have nettled some members of the community.
-It nettles him that...
Word of the day
Meaning: to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done; remonstrate
Example: He found fox expostulating with the man
Word of the day
flatter /ˈflætɚ/ verb
flatters; flattered; flattering
-The boy is flattering the girls with compliments.
Learner's definition of FLATTER
1 .to praise (someone) in a way that is not...
Word of the day
-> Extremely hot
It was already broiling by afternoon time yesterday ?
=>Synonym: Scorching