
Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : A good beginning on draft...

A good beginning: on draft data protection bill The data protection bill drafted by the Srikrishna panel ticks many boxes Given the vast(विशाल/लंबा-चौड़ा) amounts of personal data being...

Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : Tackling HIV

Tackling HIV India has brought down HIV incidence, but it must do more in removing social stigma A new report from the Joint United Nations Programme...

Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : Detention no cure on RTE...

Detention no cure: on RTE Act amendment The amendment to the Right to Education Act will only undermine its intent The legislation(क़ानून) to amend(संशोधन करना) the Right to Education Act...

Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : Cosmetic repair on inter-creditor agreement

Cosmetic repair: on inter-creditor agreement It will now be easier for banks to sell stressed assets, but other tricky issues remain Indian banks trying to sell...

Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : Stimulus mode on GST rate...

Stimulus mode: on GST rate cuts GST cuts reflect buoyancy, but Centre-States cooperation must be maintained Unveiling(अनावरण ) a mini-Budget of sorts in the middle of the...

Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : GST Council has done well,...

GST Council has done well, can do more The GST Council has done well to lower the indirect tax rate for over 100 items, simplify(आसान बनाने...

Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : Sunlight and shadow on amendments...

Sunlight and shadow: on amendments to the RTI Act The government must roll back amendments that weaken the RTI Act As a law that empowers the...

Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : Onus on the CBI on...

Onus on the CBI: on the case against P. Chidambaram   The case against P. Chidambaram is another test for the agency’s credibility The arraignment(आरोप/अपराध) of former Union Minister...

Daily The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary in Detail : Reverse the railways’ descent into...

Reverse the railways’ descent into doom Indian Railways (IR) needs a speedy change of track to address faltering(कमी/हीनता) demand in crucial(महत्वपूर्ण/निर्णायक)segments(खंड) and falling revenues(आय/राजस्व). Raghu Dayal points out, in a recent...

English vocab words from The HINDU newspaper

Handpicked=> विशेषतौर से पसन्द किया हो Example : राकेश ने अपने मित्र के लिये"handpicked"भेंट खरीदी Trump=> पछाड़ देना, Usage : Saina Nehwal trumps Sun Yu to claim...
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Government Scheme

Yearly Government Policies and Schemes Magazine 2017 – Current Affairs Capsule...

Government Policies and Schemes is an important part of General Awareness & Current Affairs Section of various Banking & Government Exams. Here’s the Yearly...