
All about NPA‟s

A bank‟s balance sheet will have performing as well as non performing assets. Performing asset means an asset on which interest income is received...

Vocabulary of the day

1. DAMPEN (VERB): make wet Synonyms: bedew, dabble Antonyms: collect, dry Example Sentence: Even the red sun couldn't dampen her mood. 2. TINSEL (NOUN): particular type of embellishment Synonyms:...

Maths Quantitative Aptitude Pdfs | Handwritten Notes | Ebooks For SSC | IBPS |...

Maths Quantitative Aptitude Pdfs | Handwritten Notes | Ebooks For SSC | IBPS | Railways | SBI | RBI | TET Free Pdf Download...

Triangle & its various kinds of Centers

Triangle & its various kinds of Centers There are 4 very important ways of viewing the center of a triangle. We can look at its...

Triangle : Its Properties & Its Types

Triangle : Its Properties & Its Its Types A triangle is one of the basic shapes of geometry. It is a polygon with three sides...

Geometry Tricks – 2 [Centres of a Triangle]

In this post I will share some very important formulae for Geometry. Geometry is all about theorems and properties and there are endless things...

Geometry Tricks – 1 [Important Formulae]

Many students asked me to share some geometry tricks. So here is the Part-1 : (1) Be it algebra or geometry, such questions are always...

Mensuration Tricks – 2

This is a famous question. Just remember whenever you are forming a circle and then a square, the side of that square is given by,...

Mensuration Tricks – 1

Mensuration is a pure formula-based topic and tricks/shortcuts are seldom applied here. So in this series I will try to solve all the mensuration...

Trigonometry Tricks – 4 [Maximum and Minimum Values]

Few points to remember: sinθ and cosθ both have "1" as their maximum value and "-1" as their minimum value. Hence the values of sinx,...
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Government Scheme


What is the FRDI Bill about? India now has a law to swiftly address the issue of insolvency of companies in the manufacturing sector. Essentially,...