English Quiz- Odd One Out
Choose the odd sentence out of the given five sentences in each question:-
Q1.(a)Although aging may seem a less pressing problem than global population growth,...
Reasoning Quiz: Coding – Decoding
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
With a certain code language,
‘care adjust found under’ is written as ‘#6a @5u $5f...
SSC MTS Result Declared : Check Now
SSC MTS Examination Paper-I
Check SSC MTS Cut Off
Below are the links for the particular region to check your Marks for SSC MTS Tier-I...
Quantitative Aptitude Quiz- Simplification/Approximation
1.(5546/47+4984*0.25)/11 = ?
A) 124
B) 132
C) 128
D) 139
E) None
2. 7 3/4 / 46 1/2 * 8 2/3 + 2 5/9 =?2
A) 4
B) 2
C) 5
D) 6
Quantitative Aptitude Quiz- Time & Work
1)12 men can complete a piece of work In 36 days. 18 women can complete the same piece of work in 60 days. 8...
Reasoning Quiz- Blood Relation
Directions (1 – 2): Consider the following relationships and answer based on the relationships given below:
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is daughter of Q’
GIST of The Hindu: October 2017 (Free Download)
Hello Friends,
Here we present you the "Gist of The Hindu" October 2017, edition of Current Affairs from The Hindu Newspaper.
CAO Gist of The Hindu:...
Insurance Awareness Quiz For IBPS, RBI & Insurance Exam
Q1. IRDA stands for-
(a) Insurance Regulatory and Department Authority
(b) Insurance Regulatory and Development Assembly
(c) Insurance Regulatory and Development Association
(d) Insurance Regulatory and Development...
Editorial Monthly E-Magazine: CAO Editorial Analysis October 2017
Editorial Monthly E-Magazine: CAO Editorial Analysis October 2017
Note:- Dont forget to give your feedback in the comment section given below.
An editorial is an article...
Paragraph Completion Quiz
Directions: In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a...