Allies, interrupted: on India-U.S. ties

India and the U.S. must urgently take steps to arrest the drift in bilateral ties
There are enough signs that relations between India and the United States have suffered(भुगतना/हानि होना), with officials in both capitals now freely conceding(स्वीकार करना/दिए) that their interests are diverging(अलग कर रहे हैं/अपसारी) . From the U.S. side, policy decisions by President Donald Trump to walk out of the multilateral nuclear deal with Iran, and the U.S. Congress’s CAATSA law sanctioning(मंजूरी/अधिकृत करना) Iran and Russia have set up an inevitable(अटल/अनिवार्य) conflict(संघर्ष/टकराव) .Mr. Trump’s insistence(अनुरोध) on tough sanctions against all those continuing to engage(लगना/संलग्न होना) with Iran and Russia limits India’s options on energy security and defence procurement(खरीद/प्राप्ति) . During(दौरान/की अवधि में) her visit last week, Nikki Haley, the U.S. envoy to the UN, told India to “revise(संशोधित/दोहराना) ” its relationship with Iran; this line is expected(उम्मीद है) to be reiterated(दोहराने ) by U.S. interlocutors(वार्ताकारों) in the coming days. Added to this confrontation (आमना-सामना/विरोध) is the U.S.’s tough policy on trade tariffs, applied to ally(मैत्री करना/मिलाना) and adversary alike, including(समेत/के साथ) India. For its part, the Narendra Modi government has taken a policy turn away from four years of a pro-U.S. tilt. Mr. Modi’s speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue last month, in which he invoked(लागू/विनती करना) the long-lapsed(लंबे समय से लापता ) phrase(वाक्यांश) “strategic(महत्वपूर्ण/रणनीति-संबंधी) autonomy(स्वत्व अधिकार/स्वयं शासन) ”, set at rest any doubt that there is a reset in his foreign policy. Since January, he has personally reached out to the Chinese and Russian Presidents in informal summits, and invited the Iranian President to Delhi. At variance(परिवर्तन) with the U.S. position on limitingengagement(वचनबद्धता/व्यवसाय) with these very countries, India promised to raise oil imports from Iran this year, committed to far greater engagement on the Chabahar port project and oilfields in Iran, while negotiating(बातचीत करना/तय करना) a $5.5 billion deal with Russia for the S-400 Triumf missile systems. These will trigger U.S. sanctions unless the two countries reach a compromise(समझौता) .

What is more troubling(चिंतित करना) for bilateral(द्विपक्षीय/द्विदेशीय) ties is that despite(के बावजूद/विरोध से) the obvious(स्पष्ट/प्रत्यक्ष) problems, the political will to address these issues is now considerably(बड़े पैमाने पर/पर्याप्त रूप में) diminished(कम हो गई है). In contrast to his meetings with the Russian and Chinese leaderships, Mr. Modi has had little contact with Mr. Trump since their meeting in Manila last November, which by all accounts did not go well. Now, the postponement of the Indian Foreign and Defence Ministers’ “2+2” dialogue(वार्तालाप/संवाद) with their U.S. counterparts has denied(से इनकार किया/अस्वीकृत) the governments a chance to gather(इकट्ठा/बटोरना) together the fraying bilateral threads(सूत्र). It is imperative(आत्यावश्यक/आदेशात्मक) that the dialogue be quickly rescheduled. While the U.S. has traditionally(पारंपरिक रूप से/रिवाज के अनुसार) applied pressure on its allies(सहयोगी दलों) to limit their engagement with countries it considers to be threats(आशंका/ख़तरा) to the international order, the manner in which deadlines(समय सीमा) have been publicly issued by the State Department twice(दुगना)this week will only make its demands more difficult for India to even consider(विचार करना) . India must now decide how best to deal with the ultimatums(अन्तिम शर्त), with U.S. sanctions kicking in by November. The clock is ticking on the relationship.



Important Vocabulary

1.Conceding(स्वीकार करना/दिए)
Synonyms: accept, admit, allow, capitulate, cave in
Antonyms: defend, deny, disallow, disapprove, dispute

2.Sanctioning(मंजूरी/अधिकृत करना)
Synonyms: accredit, allow, approve, certify, empower
Antonyms: deny, disagree, disallow, disapprove, invalidate

Synonyms: imminent, impending, inescapable, inexorable, irresistible
Antonyms: avoidable, distant, escapable, later, doubtful

Synonyms: interrogator, interviewer, questioner, speaker, talker

5.Invoked(लागू/विनती करना)
Synonyms: appeal to, conjure, adjure, beg, beseech
Antonyms: answer, give, reply

Synonyms: commitment, obligation, pact, assurance, betrothal
Antonyms: breach, break, disagreement, break-up, disengagement

7.Autonomy(स्वत्व अधिकार/स्वयं शासन)
Synonyms: self-determination, self-government, self-rule, sovereignty, liberty
Antonyms: dependence

8.Troubling(चिंतित करना)
Synonyms: afflict, agitate, annoy, burden, concern
Antonyms: aid, assist, calm, comfort, delight

Synonyms: mutual, reciprocal, respective, two-sided
Antonyms: multilateral, unilateral

Synonyms: accessible, clear, conspicuous, discernible, distinct
Antonyms: ambiguous, concealed, dark, disputable, doubtful

Synonyms: compulsory, critical, crucial, essential, immediate
Antonyms: inessential, insignificant, nonessential, optional, trivial


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