1. UNDULY (ADVERB): improperly
Synonyms: unjustly, unfairly
Antonyms: fairly, justly
Example Sentence: The decision was unduly.

2. ROGUE (NOUN): A person who deceives
Synonyms: con, crook
Antonyms: naïve, gullible
Example Sentence: The rogue Santa was arrested by the police.

3. PERSIST (VERB): carry on
Synonyms: endure, persevere
Antonyms: discontinue, halt
Example Sentence: The soldiers persisted on carrying on the attacks.

Synonyms: typical, regular
Antonyms: irregular, unique
Example Sentence: He is a conventional kid and he loves playing.

5. RESIST (VERB): withstand
Synonyms: combat, confront
Antonyms: surrender, assist
Example Sentence: Our army can resist any attack

Synonyms: deteriorating, declining
Antonyms: forward, positive
Example Sentence: The planet Venus orbits the sun in a retrograde orbit.

7. AMITY (NOUN): friendship
Synonyms: amicableness, cordiality
Antonyms: discord, dislike
Example Sentence: If the committee members do not work in amity, the budget will never be finalized.

8. VERACITY (NOUN): truth
Synonyms: authenticity, credibility
Antonyms: dishonesty, falsehood
Example Sentence: Still the evidence for this comes from one anonymous source, so its veracity remains uncertain.

9. VIVACITY (NOUN): liveliness
Synonyms: gusto, enthusiasm
Antonyms: listlessness, lethargic
Example Sentence: To the matter of her appearance: There is no question that her seasoned beauty and vivacity are ingredients in the Palin cocktail.

10. UNFETTERED (ADJECTIVE): unburdened
Synonyms: free, loose
Antonyms: restricted, burdened
Example Sentence: Cutler says he got unfettered access to the magazine-making process after he took the simple step of asking for it.


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