
Vocabulary of the day

1. MACHINATION (NOUN): maneuver Synonyms: conspiracy, ploy Antonyms: frankness, honesty Example Sentence: Reading about the criminals’ machination to rob the casino was enthralling. 2. MENTOR (NOUN): person who...

Vocabulary of the day

1. MANGLE (VERB): mutilate, deform Synonyms: bruise, contort Antonyms: beautify, help Example Sentence: His hand was caught in the machine accidently and was totally mangled. 2. CONTAMINATE (VERB):...

Vocabulary of the day

1. DAMPEN (VERB): make wet Synonyms: bedew, dabble Antonyms: collect, dry Example Sentence: Even the red sun couldn't dampen her mood. 2. TINSEL (NOUN): particular type of embellishment Synonyms:...

Vocabulary of the day

1. CORNUCOPIA (NOUN): Abundance Synonyms: affluence, plenty Antonyms: scarcity, rareness Example Sentence: There was cornucopia of mango in his garden. 2. CONTRITE (ADJECTIVE): Regretful Synonyms: apologetic, remorseful Antonyms: unrepentant, indifferent Example...

Vocabulary of the day

1. NARCISSISM (NOUN): self-love and devotion Synonyms: egotism, selfishness Antonyms: humility, modesty Example Sentence: Narcissism leads to selfishness in character. 2. VITRIOLIC (ADJECTIVE): bitter Synonyms: astringent, sardonic Antonyms: courteous, gracious Example...

Vocabulary of the day

1. CONCOCT (VERB): formulate, think up Synonyms: contrive, create Antonyms: demolish, destroy Example Sentence: He concocted an idea to start a new business. 2. DILATORY (ADJECTIVE): procrastinating Synonyms: delaying,...

Vocabulary of the day

1. DETRIMENT (NOUN): damage Synonyms: harm, loss Antonyms: profit, benefit Example Sentence: Smoking is a detriment to good health. 2. DREARY (ADJECTIVE): cheerless Synonyms: comfortless, dark Antonyms: inspiring, pleasant Example Sentence:...

Vocabulary of the day

1. MAMMOTH (ADJECTIVE): huge Synonyms: enormous, gargantuan Antonyms: little, miniature Example Sentence: A mammoth project will be completed very soon. 2. MENACE (NOUN): danger Synonyms: threat, peril Antonyms: safety, surety Example...

Vocabulary of the day

1. SATANIC (ADJECTIVE): demonic Synonyms: cruel, maniacal Antonyms: angelic, good Example Sentence: His father’s satanic remark stung deeply and brought the boy to tears. 2. TITULAR (ADJECTIVE): having...

Vocabulary of the day

1. DELIRIOUS (ADJECTIVE): frantic Synonyms: excited, frenzied Antonyms: balanced, rational Example Sentence: He was delirious with joy. 2. DERANGE (VERB): disorder Synonyms: addle, muddle Antonyms: order, arrange Example Sentence: This does...
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Acetic acid, also known as ethanoic acid and methanecarboxylic acid, is a colorless liquid that has a strong and distinct pungent and sour smell....