Direction: (Q. No. 1- 15): The sentence given below, have four parts, indicated by (a), (b), (c) and (d). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error. If a sentence has no error, indicate the part (e), which stands for ‘No error’. (Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.
1. There were a great many question (a) / which were (b) / left unanswered (c) / at the end of the enquiry (d) / No error (e).
2.a) Agriculture is the backbone of the/b) Indian economy but the sad part/c) was that it is still in a rudimentary stage,/d) which ultimately
affects the overall economy/e) No error.
3. a) The proposed INO project, /b)primarily aims to study atmospheric neutrinos/c) in a 1300 m deep cavern in/d) the Bodi West Hills in
Tamil Nadu /e) No error.
4. You cannot (a)/ master physics (b)/ without learning the (c)/ formula that govern it. (d) / No Error (e).
5. a) The rail coach has been / b) shifted near the station/c) and would be developed/ d) as a unique restaurant/ e) No error.
6. A shoal (a) / of wolves (b) / attacked (c) / the travelers. (d)/ No error (e)
7. (a) The Government cannot/ (b) be able to contain/ (c) Encephalitis by spending just 1% of GDP on Health sector. /(d) No error.
8. a) Heavy Hails in many / b)parts of apple growing/ c) areas also resulted in/ d) huge losses to farmers/ e) No error.
9. Just to the North of India (a) / is the Himalayas (b) / that were once impregnable (c) / No error (d)
10. The price of (a)/ production in the (b)/ industrial sector (c)/ has gone up. (d)/ No Error (e).
11. (a) The murderer was convicted/ (b) and ordered to/ (c) be hung. /(d) No error.
12. a) The Trinamool Congress government / b) is all set to issue an order changing the/ c) very nature /d) of students. e) No error.
13. Myself and Sumit (a) / will take care of (b) / the function on Tuesday. (c) / No error (d)
14. (a)The company has appointed / (b) consultants to help them / (c) increase its revenue / (d) no error.
15. Women after women (a) / spoke against (b) / the practice (c) / of dowry. (d) / No Error (e)