English Quiz On Paragraph Fillers Day 19 Bag

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Under liberalisation, employment opportunities have expanded into the private sector, almost unthinkable hitherto. Employers such as ITC, Lemon Tree Hotels, Mphasis, Wipro, and so many others_________________, rather than the impairments, of our manpower.

1) have seen the restrctions and obsacles

2) overlook the direct benefits flowing from the adoption of an open economy in these respects

3) are also the equality and diversity norms that the corporate sector is beginning to incorporate

4) have seen the economic wisdom behind playing on the strengths

5) None of these


Answer – 4)

In the arena of state employment, the more industrious and enterprising among the disabled have,_________________opportunities provisions in the 1995 law, entered the corridors of the administrative services.

1) The census and other data discussed above in fact capture this dismal real

2) with disabilities who have brought laurels to the country

3) aided by the Supreme Court’s proactive interpretations of the equal

4) greater visibility for disability-related concerns in our media is also part of this broad picture of inclusion

5) None of these


Answer – 3)

Twenty years on, the West Indies cricketers are in such a fast and scary free-fall that some of us might think that they would dig their own craters so deep that they might___________________.

1) obvious that the bitter squabble between the players and the West Indies

2) it is blindingly Cricket Board has thrown up a Gordian Knot

3) need to be exhumed to make way for formal funerals

4) the organisers of the four-Test series against India might have already sounded out

5) None of these


Answer – 3)

However, there is an opposing group of public intellectuals that considers social justice to be of paramount importance in India. To these people, the tiger remains an animal that is so much in one’s face that___________________.

1) it blocks out the view of the forest

2) recounting several instances of injustice where tribals have been forced out of forests

3) tiger conservation has come at a terrible human cost, they are prone to exclaim

4) forests are as much cultural and social places as they are a habitat for wildlife

5) None of these


Answer – 1)

Any serious evaluation of what people with disabilities have gained in these past 25 years would probably have to begin with showcasing the political will India’s leadership__________________an independent and impartial assessment.

1) norms that the corporate sector is beginning to incorporate in its hiring practices

2) shows that 54.5 per cent of people with disabilities in India are literate

3) displayed to generate the very tools to arrive at such

4) whereas other estimates put the figure at about thrice that number

5) None of these


Answer – 3)

Any assessment of the economic reforms of the past 25 years could well do with some understanding of their impact on people with disabilities in India. Indeed,_______________________impairments in economically productive activity, the influence of these s.

1) a large section of our population have been initiated in the post-privatisation

2) in view of the negligible levels of participation of people with various

3) weeping policy changes would seem at best minimal

4) the staunchest critic of liberalisation would have to acknowledge that the greatest

5) None of these


Answer – 2)

If the WICB gets a million dollars, the players want 90 per cent of it,” says a former Indian cricket player. To honour an agreement — following the botched tour of India in 2014____________________the West Indies to compensate for the anticipated loss of over $42m by playing T20s in the United States.

1) anticipated loss of over $42m by playing T20s in the United States

2) Do the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees have a problem playing at home

3) they are welcome to Mumbai and we can promise them that they would

4) the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) wants

5) None of these


Answer – 4)

The great game playing out in the forests of our country continues. A few days ago, the Rajya Sabha passed the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Bill,________________States’ forest departments.

1) because it bypasses democratic institutions like the gram sabha

2) or simply callousness, depending on one’s point of view, the Bill passed

3) thereby paving the way for disbursement of funds from to individual

4) decision the National Democratic Alliance government took to canvass disabilities in the 2001 decennial

5) None of these


Answer – 3)

In the last two decades or so, elected governments in India have sanctioned the cutting down of forests to build highways, flattened forests for coal and other minerals, and drowned out forests for dams, __________________alike.

1) with a deft swirl of the baton, has ensured that crony capitalists are not to be bothered

2) set on accelerating swiftly towards the edge of ecological destruction

3) to assure legal rights to bona fide forest dwellers through the passing of the Forest Rights Act (FRA).

4) significantly devastating wildlife and forest dwellers

5) None of these


Answer – 4)

Of the literate among the disabled, only 8.5 per cent boast a graduate degree, as per the 2011 census. _________________for children with disabilities; just 1.32 per cent of teachers have been equipped with the relevant special skills training.

1) they were notably few and far between, informed largely by an ad hoc approach

2) we consider that the 1981 census was the lone exception to the otherwise routine

3) to 26.8 million people with disabilities

4) A mere 21.1 per cent of Indian schools adhere to inclusive education

5) None of these


Answer – 4)


On August 9, the Madras High Court observed that it was both a moral obligation and the legal mandate for the state to permit Dalits to worship at the Badrakaliamman temple in Kallimedu, a village near Vedaranyam in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, and to perform rituals during the Aadi festival. It further hoped that “some compromise” would be worked out_______________________. With this, the curtain has come down on the temple festival even before it could be observed.

1) but this scares the wits out of those with a vested interest in the maintenance of a religious status quo

2) in a bid to attract attention, a threat to convert to Islam is issued

3) the government decided to drop all names from the transport corporations starting from the venerable Thiruvalluvar.

4) “so that at least in the next year… the temple festival is performed without any problem or hitch”

5) None of above.


Answer – 4)

The Badrakaliamman temple stands on a site claimed to be some 800 years old. The medieval poet Kalamegam had composed a song about it. Now administered by the government of Tamil Nadu through the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department, its last major reconsecration was conducted in 1957. The temple’s annual festival takes place over five days in the Tamil month of Aadi (mid-July to mid-August). _________________________. The local Dalits (Adi Dravidars) join the festivities but do not have the privilege of holding the mandagapad

1) In the first instance, Dalits assert themselves to a right over social space, a demand often framed in the language of religion

2) In the first instance, Dalits assert themselves to a right over social space, a demand often framed in the language of religion

3) As in many Tamil villages, the intermediate castes sponsor and conduct rituals and festivities — called mandagapadi — on specific days assigned according to custom

4) The local dominant caste cares little for this demand — and may in fact see it as a resolution to their immediate fears

5) None of above.


Answer – 3)

Kallimedu’s population primarily comprises Pillaimars apart from a sprinkling of some service castes. Dalits live in the adjoining hamlet of Pazhag Kallimedu._____________________. The temple is located in between, and the Dalits claim that in the past the temple was sited in their quarters.

1) In the first instance, Dalits assert themselves to a right over social space

2) But then it is up to the executive to enforce it

3) The two communities number some 150 families each

4) The fear of the collapse of law and order is enough to quieten the courts

5) None of above.


Answer – 3)

The Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi, headed by Thol. Thirumavalavan, has considerable influence and presence among the Dalits. For the last few years Dalits have been claiming mandagapadi rights, a demand stonewalled by the Pillaimars. In August 2015, the headman of Pazhag Kallimedu, N. Pakkirisamy, filed a writ petition in the Madras High Court.____________________. “Prima facie,” Justice M.M. Sundresh observed that “the petitioner cannot be treated differently” and posted the case for a later date to hear respondents’ objections.

1) The Dalits’ struggle for an equal share of honours in temple festivals has repeatedly ended in failure

2) As far as Dalits are concerned, history, it seems, not only occurs as tragedy first but repeats itself as well

3) When the Dalits did not budge, the State administration banned the temple festiva

4) Among the prayers was the demand for the deity to be taken in procession through the Dalit quarters

5) None of above.


Answer – 4)

The Wahhabist Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath’s associates made an appearance; while extending moral support, they stated that conversion should be based on a commitment to Islamic tenets rather than as a form of protest. Can the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) be far behind? The State president, Tamilisai Soundararajan, paid a visit two weeks ago. _____________________. Later a fringe group, the Hindu Makkal Katchi, was involved in negotiating a compromise. As its anti-Dalit image continues to be reinforced by the Una protests in Gujarat and the insult by a senior party functionary to Bahujan Samaj Party leader Mayawati, the BJP is under enormous pressure to shore up its claim to speak for the entire Hindu community.

1) The Dalits’ struggle for an equal share of honours in temple festivals has repeatedly ended in failure

2) It is rumoured that a senior Hindutva ideologue too had intervened, promising to meet Dalit demands if the conversion threat was dropped

3) When the Dalits did not budge, the State administration banned the temple festival

4) It was against this order that the Pillaimars filed a writ resulting in the observation

5) None of above.


Answer – 2)

Most curiously, the history of codification of the rights of people with disabilities coincides more or less with the commencement of the era of economic reforms.______________________, they were notably few and far between, informed largely by an ad hoc approach to addressing issues, or at times a spillover from an activist judiciary.

1) Indeed, in view of the negligible levels of participation of people with various impairments in economically productive activity

2) Any assessment of the economic reforms of the past 25 years could well do with some understanding of their impact on people with disabilities in India

3) A plausible explanation of this post-protectionist paradox may be found in the need for greater regulation under more market-oriented conditions

4) Even though legal guarantees enshrined under the Constitution were read into judicial and executive decisions during earlier decades

5) None of these.


Answer – 4)

It was the landmark Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, over four years after the reforms, which stipulated specific provisions concerning equal opportunities to basic education, employment, and accessibility._____________________.Since the passage of that comprehensive law, the lot of the disabled had moved, one might say, from a mode of thinking akin to the Directive Principles of State Policy discourse, to a more robust, Fundamental Rights approach to matters.

1) Even though legal guarantees enshrined under the Constitution were read into judicial and executive decisions during earlier decades

2) In the event, even the staunchest critic of liberalisation would have to acknowledge that the greatest legislative and policy changes since Independence that affect

3) Every policy advance, or its absence, witnessed since that path-breaking legislation has turned on these three fundamental ingredients critical to a better quality of life

4) Indeed, in view of the negligible levels of participation of people with various impairments in economically

5) None of these.


Answer – 3)

Any serious evaluation of what people with disabilities have gained in these past 25 years would probably have to begin with showcasing the political will India’s leadership displayed to generate the very tools to arrive at such an independent and impartial assessment. ___________________decennial population census. The real import of the measure becomes apparent when we consider that the 1981 census was the lone exception to the otherwise routine exclusion of this category from the countrywide exercise since Independence.

1) Even though legal guarantees enshrined under the Constitution were read into judicial and executive decisions during earlier decades

2) That was the bold decision the National Democratic Alliance government took to canvass disabilities in the 2001

3) This finding of a survey by the National Council of Educational Research and Training points to the challenges in

4) In the event, even the staunchest critic of liberalisation would have to acknowledge that the greatest legislative and policy changes since

5)None of these.


Answer – 2)

Under liberalisation, employment opportunities have expanded into the private sector, almost unthinkable hitherto. Employers such as ITC, Lemon Tree Hotels, Mphasis, Wipro, and so many others have seen the economic wisdom behind playing on the strengths, rather than the impairments, of our manpower. _______________________. It would be hard to overlook the direct benefits flowing from the adoption of an open economy in these respects.

1) There are athletes with disabilities who have brought laurels to the country

2) This finding of a survey by the National Council of Educational Research and Training points to the challenges in relation to employability

3) These are the numbers that should worry us, and prod us into action

4) Notable here are also the equality and diversity norms that the corporate sector is beginning to incorporate in its hiring practices

5) None of these.


Answer – 4)

In the arena of state employment, the more industrious and enterprising among the disabled have, aided by the Supreme Court’s proactive interpretations of the equal opportunities provisions in the 1995 law, entered the corridors of the administrative services. _______________________. Access at polling booths seems to have become almost irreversible since the apex court’s landmark 2004 ruling stipulating easy access through ramps. The greater visibility for disability-related concerns in our media is also part of this broad picture of inclusion, howsoever restricted.

1) Women with disabilities are most vulnerable to exploitation

2) These are the numbers that should worry us, and prod us into action

3) A mere 21.1 per cent of Indian schools adhere to inclusive education for children with disabilities

4) There are athletes with disabilities who have brought laurels to the country

5)None of These.


Answer – 4)



What explains this sudden paranoia? After all, political opposition is a necessary condition for functioning democracy and nobody would have been shocked if Euroskeptics continued to oppose Europe after losing the referendum,__________________for independence after their ten-point referendum defeat in 2014.

1) that the continent has made in recent years, but also the basic rights

2) straightforward way to do that would be to restore some of the

3) just as Scottish nationalists have continued campaigning

4) tough stress tests on banks, and enhanced transparency

5) None of above.


Answer – 3)

Explanation : just as Scottish nationalists have continued campaigning

Sentence third is correct as per passage theme populism versus media.

I cite these participants to emphasize the level of conservative support for this proposal, which comes at a time when Republicans________________CO2 emissions, while Democrats have favored such plans.

1) for each adult and half that amount for each child

2) we seem to be moving toward a different sort

3) to scale back significantly the regulatory system

4) have generally opposed government efforts to limit

5) None of above.


Answer – 4)

Explanation : have generally opposed government efforts to limit

Sentence forth is correct as per passage theme a conservative plan to combat Global warming.

The cost of weak health systems – both to human lives and to the economy – is steep. The Ebola outbreak which economists estimate cost three times more________________have cost to build functioning health-care systems in the first place – made that starkly clear.

1) the existence of an effective health system with sustained links to

2) to bring under control than it would

3) Chile has an 18% tax on high-sugar drinks

4) to elaborate new strategies for addressing their NCD problems

5) None of above.


Answer – 2)

Explanation : to bring under control than it would

Sentence forth is correct as per passage theme achieving universal health coverage in Africa.

A carbon tax is the simplest and economically most efficient way to limit CO2 emissions. It is better than the more cumbersome methods of regulation now in place._________________the “cap and trade” method that has been tried in Europe and proposed during President Barack Obama’s administration.

1) proliferating droughts deplete biodiversity, destroy ecosystems

2) It is also simpler and more reliable than

3) the basic rights of tens of millions of Africans

4) “more versus less” isn’t so much the issue

5) None of above.


Answer – 2)

Explanation : It is also simpler and more reliable than

Sentence second is correct as per passage theme a conservative plan to combat Global warming.

According to the World Health Organization the rates of hypertension in LMICs, are already the highest in the world, and are set to continue to rise rapidly. Cardiovascular disease for which hypertension is the leading risk factor now accounts for the highest disease burden globally____________________.

1) Along with more mouths to feed, stresses on food supplies will include conflicts, economic volatility

2) to build resilient health systems capable of responding swiftly and effectively to emergencies

3) more adults are able to work, buy food, and pay school fees

4) and is the main cause of death in most LMICs

5) None of above.


Answer – 4)

Explanation : and is the main cause of death in most LMICs

Sentence fourth is correct as per passage theme the high stakes of hypertension.

But strong health-care systems are critical not only in times of crisis. They are also needed to provide children with life-saving immunizations; _______________________; and to provide all people with preventive services and treatments to address the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.

1) we also know that it is linked to diet and lifestyle

2) respond to his proposal by reformulating their products, encouraging

3) taxes drinks with both added sugar and artificial sweeteners

4) to provide women with reproductive care, including contraception

5) None of above.


Answer – 4)

Explanation : Sentence fourth is correct as per passage theme achieving universal health coverage in Africa.

Any assessment of the economic reforms of the past 25 years could well do with some understanding of their impact on people with disabilities in India. Indeed,_______________________impairments in economically productive activity, the influence of these s.

1) a large section of our population have been initiated in the post-privatisation

2) in view of the negligible levels of participation of people with various

3) weeping policy changes would seem at best minimal

4) the staunchest critic of liberalisation would have to acknowledge that the greatest

5) None of these


Answer – 2)

Explanation : in view of the negligible levels of participation of people with various

While Britain’s populist media rant about restoring parliamentary sovereignty in Britain (as though it had ever been taken away),______________questions the path on which the country is now set.

1) they denounce any member of parliament who

2) in global temperature is high enough that a

3) way to do that would be to restore some of the

4) significantly the regulatory system put in place in response to the

5) None of above.


Answer – 1)

Explanation : they denounce any member of parliament who

Sentence first is correct as per passage theme populism versus media.

Under liberalisation, employment opportunities have expanded into the private sector, almost unthinkable hitherto. Employers such as ITC, Lemon Tree Hotels, Mphasis, Wipro, and so many others have seen the economic wisdom behind playing on the strengths, rather than the impairments, of our manpower. ___________________. It would be hard to overlook the direct benefits flowing from the adoption of an open economy in these respects.

1) There are athletes with disabilities who have brought laurels to the country

2) This finding of a survey by the National Council of Educational Research and Training points to the challenges in relation to employability

3) These are the numbers that should worry us, and prod us into action

4) Notable here are also the equality and diversity norms that the corporate sector is beginning to incorporate in its hiring practices


Answer – 4)

Explanation : Notable here are also the equality and diversity norms that the corporate sector is beginning to incorporate in its hiring practices

5) None of these.

They should wear it as a badge of honor – a token of their hard work to protect civil society from the worst excesses of populism. By contrast, in Britain, where important news outlets are defying some of the very values that have________________, little now stands between us and a meaner and less prosperous future.

1) I served in the same role under President Ronald Reagan

2) when it comes to financial reform in the United States

3) long underpinned the health and vibrancy of our democracy

4) the administration’s goal is to scale back

5) None of above.


Answer – 3)

Explanation : long underpinned the health and vibrancy of our democracy

Sentence third is correct as per passage theme populism versus media.



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