- One thing about technology is that / the human mind think in a / linear fashion but technology / advancement is actually exponential.
A. One thing about technology is that
B. the human mind think in a
C. linear fashion but technology
D. advancement is actually exponential.
E. No error
Answer – B
Explanation: Replace ‘think’ with ‘thinks’ - The other thing about this exponential / curve is that the capabilities rise / exponentially and the price declines exponentially, / because they go hand in hand.
A. The other thing about this exponential
B. curve is that the capabilities rise
C. exponentially and the price declines exponentially,
D. because they go hand in hand.
E. No error
Answer – C
Explanation: Replace ‘exponent’ with ‘exponentially’ - The ideal goal is a uniform import duty in / raw materials, intermediates and final / products, to give all lines of value addition / the same effective rate of protection.
A. The ideal goal is a uniform import duty in
B. raw materials, intermediates and final
C. products, to give all lines of value addition
D. the same effective rate of protection.
E. No error
Answer – A
Explanation: Replace ‘in’ with ‘on’ - Harry Truman call for a one-handed / economist, after tiring of advice / contingent on the one hand and / on the other, might be more pertinent.
A. Harry Truman call for a one-handed
B. economist, after tiring of advice
C. contingent on the one hand and
D. on the other, might be more pertinent.
E. No error
Answer – A
Explanation: Replace ‘Truman’ with ‘Truman’s’.To show plural possession, simply put an apostrophe after the s. Do not use an apostrophe + s to make a regular noun plural. - The RBI has purchased about $50 billion from the / market this year both from the / spot as well as the forward markets / to slow currency appreciation.
A. The RBI has purchased about $50 billion from the
B. market this year both from the
C. spot as well as the forward markets
D. to slow currency appreciation.
E. No error
Answer – E
Explanation: No error - Indian nationhood can be trace to the truest concept / of Hindu dharma, not meaningless regimentation, / empty rituals and rigid beliefs, but / instead the principle of individual freedom.
A. Indian nationhood can be trace to the truest concept
B. of Hindu dharma, not meaningless regimentation,
C. empty rituals and rigid beliefs, but
D. instead the principle of individual freedom.
E. No error
Answer – A
Explanation: Replace ‘trace’ with ‘traced’.
modal + be + 3rd form. - As Alexis de Tocqueville noted: the very / definition of democracy is that the / majority will not abuse its power to / violate the basic rights of the minority.
A. As Alexis de Tocqueville noted: the very
B. definition of democracy is that the
C. majority will not abuse its power to
D. violate the basic rights of the minority.
E. No error
Answer – E
Explanation: No error - While interviews for those transitioning for / employment-based visa status to green / cards were standard a decade ago, waivers / have been regularly granted since then.
A. While interviews for those transitioning from
B. employment-based visa status to green
C. cards were standard a decade ago, waivers
D. have been regularly granted since then.
E. No error
Answer – A
Explanation: Replace ‘for’ with ‘from’
from – indicating the point in time at which a particular process, event, or activity starts. - The heat shield is meant to protect / the satellite from the heat / generated during to friction / against atmosphere during takeoff.
A. The heat shield is meant to protect
B. the satellite from the heat
C. generated during to friction
D. against atmosphere during takeoff.
E. No error
Answer – C
Explanation: it should be ‘due’ instead of ‘during’. due – expected at or planned for at a certain time. - a)/Anita’s new office b)/is quite spacious but c)/most of the furniture is d)/old and should be changed. e)/No error
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5 No error
Answer – E. 5
Explanation: No error - a)/A skilful advertiser may be able to create b)/practically monopoly for himself c)/not because his product is superior to d)/but he has succeeded in including people to believe that it is e)/No error
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5 No error
Answer – C. 3
Explanation: “to” will not come after “superior” because here we are not comparing. - a)/In the larger scheme of foreign policy, b)/the Obama administration also had to deal c)/by a rising, ambitious d)/China and a resurgent, vengeful Russia. e)/No error
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5 No error
Answer – C. 3
Explanation: it will be “with a rising, ambitious” rather than “by a rising, ambitious” - a)/Farmhouse owners in the city, b)/who had till now paid property tax c)/ for only the built-up area of the plot, will soon d)/have to pay tax to the government for vacant land also. e)/No error
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5 No error
Answer – E. 5
Explanation: No error - a)/These citizens and groups have been b)/steadily achieving ‘Clean India’ goals without c)/any fanfare, and with hardly d)/any support for local bodies.e)/No error
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5 No error
Answer – D. 4
Explanation: it will be “any support from local bodies” rather than “any support for local bodies”. - a)/ Honesty and integrity are b)/ the qualities which cannot be c)/ done away with and d)/ hence assumes a lot of importance. e)/No error
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5 No error
Answer – D. 4
Explanation: it should be assume.
Because assumes is singular verb but subject is plural i.e. honesty and integrity that’s there should be plural verb i.e. assume
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