Students, as far as the IBPS PO 2017 Prelims Examination cut off is concerned, it entirely depends on the number of vacancies declared and the complexity level of questions asked. The overall cut off for Prelims Examination of 2015 and 2016 were 37.25 and 47.50 respectively. As the difficulty level of every other examination has only been rising, there is no doubt that the level of IBPS Examination too has to rise.
Quantitative Aptitude
Quantitative Aptitude Section has always been giving heebie-jeebies to the students, many of them are bundle of nerves while attempting this particular section. Well, this is a fact that this section can be very difficult and time-consuming. Data Interpretation and topics from arithmetic section make it hard for one to deal with the section as easily as any other section. But students, you can’t ignore the fact that this very section can prove to be very scoring as well. The only way to ace the scores in the section is strenuous practice.

The trick to ace Quantitative Aptitude test is to attempt the questions on Quadratic Equations, Simplification and Approximation first and then you can go for Number Series. The total number of questions on these topics will be 15. One should try to attempt at least 12 questions in not more than 8 minutes. After having attempted all these questions efficiently, go for Data Interpretation. As per the previous year pattern of IBPS PO 2016, the number of questions based on DI in 2017 Examination will be 10 i.e. 2 DI’s, each holding 5 questions. In every DI 3 questions are always doable and the rest two are a bit tricky and calculative. So, one should try to attempt at least 6-7 questions out of the total 10 questions within 10 minutes. The remaining 10 questions will be based on miscellaneous topics like CI & SI, Time and Work, Pipes and Cisterns, Partnership, etc. 6 out of these 10 questions too will be doable and one should try to finish them within 7 minutes. If we observe the pattern of Quant Section of IBPS PO Prelims 2016 and SBI PO Prelims 2017, it’s the same as described. So, one can be very sure that same is going to be the pattern of IBPS PO 2017 as IBPS follows the pattern of SBI only. This is how you have to wind up with the Quantitative Aptitude Section. The average time to be spent on this section should be 25 minutes. Practice continuously, it will pay big time.

The sectional cut off for Quantitative Aptitude Section in 2015 and 2016 were 7.75 and 8.25 respectively.

To Clear Quantitative Aptitude Section You must Have Quantitative Aptitude Tricks Book Buy Now From Here Buy Now


Reasoning Ability
This section is no doubt going to make your blood run cold with a great number of puzzles and the number can be as great as 55-60% of the total number of questions in this section. You literally need to practice quite hard if you genuinely wish to ace the grades in this particular section.
The trick to attempt the maximum number of questions in minimum time is to attempt the difficult puzzles in the end. Start with the questions that are not in the form of puzzles, you can choose to start with questions based on inequalities, direction and distance, syllogism, coding decoding, alpha numeric series, and other random topics. Then try to start with puzzles that appear easy to be solved and proceed with moderate and difficult puzzles in a similar way. You can choose to leave an extremely difficult puzzle but do keep it in mind that it is just impossible to overlook puzzles as the expected number of total questions based on puzzles is 20-24. And yes, do read the question very carefully, you can miss a few important points while solving puzzles and mark a wrong answer too. So, this is how you have to manage to attempt this section. Make sure that the time that you spend on solving this section doesn’t exceed 20 minutes.
The sectional cut off for Reasoning Ability Section in 2015 and 2016 were 11.25 and 8.50 respectively.
English Language
This topic can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. A habit of reading an English Newspaper can actually do a good turn because it helps to build up a strong vocabulary, effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills. Rest depends on how hard you practice.
The trick to scoring in English section can vary from one person to another depending on his/her strengths and weaknesses. If you are good at vocab and reading then attempt the reading comprehension first and proceed with Cloze Test and other miscellaneous topics like Error Detection, Para Jumbles, Phrase Replacement, Double Fillers, etc. But if you are good at grammar, attempt Reading Comprehension in the end. The Reading comprehension too should be attempted in a way that you attempt questions based on vocab and phrases first and then the questions that need a deep penetration through the paragraphs. The important topics for cloze test are subject verb agreement, preposition and verbs. These topics may help you some other questions too that will be based on grammar. So make sure that you have these topics on your finger tips when you are to attempt the examination. This section should be finished within a time limit of 15 minutes.

The sectional cut off for English Language Section in 2015 and 2016 were 7.50 and 7.00 respectively.

To Clear Reasoning Section You must Have Reasoning Tricks Book Buy Now From Here Buy Now


So students, we hope this article proves to be helpful to you all. Do bear it in mind that there is an overall cut off too. So, do not just concentrate on clearing sectional cut off of every different section, try to perform to the best of your ability in every section so that you are able to clear the overall cut off too. Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret to success.

English Section

The difficulty level of this section seems ever increasing with every recruitment exam to aspirants, but don’t worry with correct practice you can get through this section. Now-a-days the approach is more towards practical usage so always stay prepared for the unexpected. After all English is a language and essentially there are two most important aspects of a language its syntax and semantics. If you improve and work on your vocabulary, grammar knowledge, and comprehension skills you can easily deal with any new pattern question.

To Clear English Sections You must Have English Tricks Book Buy Now From Here Buy Now

In SBI PO Mains 2017 following were new pattern questions or changes in conventional questions introduced this year:
Reading Comprehension: The pattern of RC is not so drastically changed. They’ve just written Paragraph1, Pragraph2, etc before each para of the RC and each RC had a set of 5 question with no question based on vocabulary.One new question of paragraph connector was introduced, for example: Which of the following statements can follow paragraph 4 to form a connection with paragraph 5?
Sentence Formation:  In this type, four statements were given in the question and candidate has to identify which among the given option is the answer where all those parts are connected to a complete, meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
Error Detection:  In SBI PO Mains there 4 questions of conventional error detection question and 4 questions for a new pattern of error detection. The new format was essentially the same as the conventional one where you have to identify the error in a part of the sentence but here it was presented in a much-twisted way, which led to the tendency of confusion in aspirants.
A sentence was divided into three parts and in the question itself, they separately gave improved phrases for all those three parts (I), (II) and (III). Now the candidates have to identify if the error was in Ist part or in two parts or in all parts and the improvement provided for the first, second, or third part is correct or no correction is required in any part and the given sentence if grammatically correct.
Phrase Interpretation: In this type of question a phrase was marked as bold in a sentence and three definitions to that phrase were provided separately. The candidate has to identify the correct interpretation of that phrase among the given options.
Double Fillers: There are two blanks in each of the two sentences given in the question and the candidate have to choose the option which provides the correct set of words that fits both the blanks in both the statements appropriately and in the same order making them meaningful and grammatically correct.
Passage Inference: This question of passage inference was in reverse order, where they already provided with the inference (phrase) in the question itself and candidates have to identify the correct passage among the given options from where it was inferred.

Sentence Rearrangement:  These questions of Jumbled sentences also required candidates to apply some logical skills where they asked questions as if a particular sentence if the last sentence then which of the following does not fit the context of passage; or then what will be the order of rearrangement.

Must Do for IBPS PO 2017: English Language

  • Develop Reading Habits and read newspaper daily to improve comprehension skills
  • Improve Vocabulary for Fillers and Cloze test questions
  • Learn English Grammar Rules related to all parts of speech
  • Memorize all important phrasal verbs
  • learn all the different type of sentence structures, e.g. Conditionals etc.
  • For Sentence Rearrangement, learn the connecting words, conjunctions, and prepositional phrases.
  • For new pattern questions, always read the directions twice, If the direction is clear then you can easily answer the questions.

5 Must Do Reasoning Questions for IBPS PO Prelims

IBPS PO recruitment this year has brought 3562 vacancies and this is certainly one of the biggest opportunity for you to become a banker in 2017. IBPS has also introduced some major changes in its Mains Exam pattern making it similar to SBI PO Mains exam pattern. Now you can also expect the difficulty level of IBPS Exam to change as well.

All of this certainly calls for a full proof preparation of all the sections, English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Computer Aptitude and General Awareness. No matter what is the difficulty level of any exam, but there are always some escape routes or “the must do questions” that can help you score. You might have either faced of heard about candidates who missed the cut off by 1 or 0.5 marks.This can be averted this year, as you have a chance to make a fresh start to fill in those gaps in your preparation and for this, you need to prepare and practice well these 5 Must Do Topics of Reasoning Section.
The year 2016 was revolutionary in the history of banking exams, where English Language Section brought some big surprizes and Reasoning Section became flooded with Puzzles and Seating Arrangement. But Should or Can you avoid Seating Arrangements and Puzzles in Reasoning Section completely? The answer is No, neither you should, nor you can. In Prelims exam itself where there will be a total of 35 questions in reasoning section, there is a high possibility you might face 18-20 questions of Puzzles and Seating Arrangement. We are saying this based on facts and the latest trend of SBI and IBPS Exam. This year itself SBI Prelims had around 23 questions of Puzzle, last year in SBI PO Prelims there were 25 questions of Puzzles and Seating Arrangement and IBPS PO Prelims 2016 had 20 questions from this very topic.  The sectional cut off for Reasoning Ability Section in 2015 and 2016 were 11.25 and 8.50 respectively. So, then what should one do to score in IBPS PO Prelims as clearly you cannot just solve 3-4 puzzles and be sure of clearing the cut off that too within a time constraint of 20-23 minutes. The solution to this problem is practicing enough to master the following must do topics for Reasoning Section:

1. Blood Relation, Direction Sense, Order and Ranking 

Level: Easy-Moderate
Expected Number of Questions: 5
These topics are your saviour in a tough level paper. You can expect around 5 questions from these 3 topics collectively and with simple daily practice you can master to solve the questions from these topics. Blood relation can also be asked in form of a short puzzle of combined with a puzzle or seating arrangement. The best advice is to practice all possible sorts of questions so that you know the correct approach to every type.

2. Syllogism

Level: Moderate
Expected Number of Questions: 5
Syllogism can be a tricky topic especially if it is Reverse Syllogism. If you are not comfortable or familiar with different types and combinations of syllogism its best to start practicing them. You can get all the study material you’ll need to practice Reasoning questions of bankersadda and Adda247 app.

3. Coding-Decoding

Level: Moderate
Expected Number of Questions: 2-3
Practice both new pattern and the conventional pattern coding decoding. You’ll get an idea of how to find patterns and how to decode quickly by practicing different types of questions.Here is an example of new type of Coding Decoding question asked in SBI PO Mains 2017 and IBPS PO Mains 2016:

Directions: Study the information carefully and In certain code language,
“Nothing can delight” is written as ‘GOI49 MA9 GIE49’
“Making brilliant career getting” is written as ‘MIA36 GIIA81 IEEA36 GIE49’
“Prestigious government job ensuring” is written as ‘GUOIIE121 EOEE100 QO9 HUIE64’
“Endeavors are yearning desire” is written as ‘EOEEA81 IEA9 BIEA64 HIEE36’Q. Which of the following is the code for ‘your’?
(a) BOU16
(b) BUO64
(c) BUO16
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these

4. Inequality

Level: Easy-Moderate
Expected Number of Questions: 2-3

This is a scoring topic, and you must attempt questions of inequality in reasoning section. Proper practice will help you gain speed in solving questions and you will develop the right approach easily.

5. Puzzle and Seating Arrangement

Level: Moderate- Difficult
Expected Number of Questions: 18-20
One thing you must keep in mind is you cannot escape from this topic at any cost, then it is to the best of your interest to see it as a must do but with the right approach. The key to identifying which puzzle to solve and which one to skip in the exam is practice…a lot of practice. If you are comfortable in solving linear seating arrangement then in exam you can choose them over the circular ones. You have to find out you are comfortable and confident in solving which type of puzzle and seating arrangement and then go with it. Remember this topic alone consumes most of your time so do try to solve a puzzle within 3-4 minutes or else it will be a wise decision to skip it.
When it comes to preparation another most important thing is “Revision”. Never miss out the daily revision, whatever you studied to get a time in a day to revise that will help you retain that for maximum time. Confidence also plays a big role in your exam preparation as self-confidence is a key element in any exam. The more you are confident the more you feel relaxed and calm. And this is how you can attempt the questions with patience and confidence. But always know the difference between confidence and overconfidence as many people fail because of their overconfidence.


5 Must Do Topics of Quantitative Aptitude for IBPS PO Prelims


Here we will share with you some most important and must do topics of Quantitative Aptitude Section for IBPS PO Prelims 2017 Exam. IBPS PO Recruitment exam have 3 major sections/subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English Language. Quant section will have 35 questions out of a total of 100 questions in the IBPS Preliminary paper. You have to manage time of 1 hour yourself, and thus you must practice enough to complete quantitative aptitude section within 25 minutes. For this, you must practice these must-do 5 most frequently asked topics in Quantitative Aptitude section of Bank recruitment exams.

The sectional cut off for Quantitative Aptitude Section in 2015 and 2016 were 7.75 and 8.25 respectively.The first and most basic tip to help you clear quantitative aptitude section’s cut off is that you should work on your calculation speed. If you want to score in Maths you know you must calculate faster. In fact, this section is most scoring if you have practiced enough as you cannot be sure of your answers in language section and you might trip while solving puzzles but whereas questions of arithmetic are concerned you can be sure if you can solve it, if your answer is right or not.
1. Simplification & Approximation
Level: Easy
Expected No. of Questions: 3 – 5
Mental calculation sharpens the mind and increases mental agility and intelligence, enhancing the precision of thought. To save time and to score in quant make sure you are good enough to solve a question of simplification or approximation in a minute. These questions are your escape routes that will help you clear quant cut off in case of a tough paper.
Directio: Simplify the given question and identify what value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the questions given below?
Q. 3.5% of 40 + 3.5% of 80 = ?% of 10
(a) 49
(b) 56
(c) 64
(d) 66
(e) 42

Approximation (IBPS PO Pre 2016, SBI PO Pre 2017, IBPS PO Mains 2016)
Direction: What approximate value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the questions given below?
Q. 23.001 × 18.999 × 7.998 = ?
(a) 4200
(b) 3000
(c) 3500
(d) 4000
(e) 2500
2. Number Series
Level: Easy- Moderate
Expected No. of Questions: 5
Practice enough to be able to solve a question of Number Series within 30-50 sec. With adequate practice and faster calculation speed you’ll be able to easily identify the trick or pattern of Number Series questions. In case it takes too long for you to get to the pattern of series, then during exam you may skip that question. Learn Tables, squares, cubes, sq. roots and cube roots.

Missing Number Series (SBI PO Prelims 2017, IBPS Clerk Mains 2016, IBPS PO Prelims 2016)

Direction: What will come in place of the question mark (?) in each of the following series?
Q. 14, 8, 9, 14.5, 30, ?
(a) 75
(b) 76
(c) 60
(d) 65
(e) None of these


Wrong Number Series (IBPS PO Mains 2016)

Direction: Find the wrong term in the following series.
Q. 33, 39, 56, 85, 127, 185, 254
(a) 39
(b) 254
(c) 185
(d) 85
(e) 56

3. Inequality
Level: Moderate
Expected No. of Questions: 3 – 5
SBI last year introduced a new type of Inequality based on two quantities and the same has been seen to surface in this years’ SBI PO exam as well. There are high chances that you might face it in IBPS PO seeing the changes in pattern. Apart from the new type you must also practice enough to master to solve quadratic equations. This topic is relatively easier.
New Pattern Inequality (SBI PO Mains 2017 and IBPS PO Mains 2016)

Q. There are 63 cards in a box numbered from 1 to 63. Every card is numbered with only 1 number.
Quantity I: Probability of picking up a card whose digits, if interchanged, result in a number which is 36 more than the number picked up.
Quantity II: Probability of picking up a card, the number printed on which is a multiple of 8 but not that of 16.
(a) Quantity I > Quantity II
(b) Quantity I < Quantity II
(c) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
(d) Quantity I ≤ Quantity II
(e) Quantity I = Quantity II or No relation
Quadratic Equation (IBPS PO Prelims 2016)

Direction: Two equations (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve both the equations and give answer
Q. I. 3x2 – 22x +7 = 0
II. y2 – 15y + 56 = 0
(a) if x > y
(b) if x ≥ y
(c) if x < y
(d) if x ≤ y
(e) if x = y or relationship between x and y cannot be established
4. Data Interpretation
Level: Moderate-Difficult
Expected No. of Questions: 15-20
Data Interpretation is a major part of Quantitative Aptitude section for any banking exam.  Following are the type of DI that you must practice for IBPS exams
1. Pie Charts
2. Line Graph
3. Bar Graphs
4. Tabular
5. Radar DI
6. Caselet DI
7. Missing DI
As IBPS has picked up on SBI’s exam pattern it will be a wise decision to also have a good look at the changes seen this year in SBI PO exams. Quant section in SBI PO had a big change where SBI introduced Arithmetic Topic based Data Interpretation questions in Mains Exam. Usually, DI were based on concepts of Percentage, Average, Ratio but this time in SBI PO Mains 2017 DI was based on Time and Work and Profit and Loss. So be prepared with the new pattern as well as with the conventional one.
5. Arithmetic Questions (Word Problem)
Level: Moderate-Difficult
Expected No. of Questions: 10
For word problems, you need to prepare and practice the arithmetic portion of quant. This part may include various chapter – Profit and Loss, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Speed Distance & Time, Time and Work, Probability, Pipes and Cistern, Permutation and Combination, Compound Interest and Simple Interest. The best possible way to tackle these is practice and attempt questions of those topics you are confident and comfortable in. Try not to spend more than 2 minutes on a word problem. These can kill your time so you must be strict with your time management.
Most important element of a Language 
As there is only about a month left, you should speed up your preparation and follow the right path as this is a vast subject. To prepare English Language subject for examination you must first understand that grammar is the essence of every language. And if you understand the grammatical rules, you easily could relate what goes into the structure of sentences and phrases. And the second most important thing is vocabulary. Vocabulary is the body of words used in a particular language and for commutating well or to understand the language vocabulary also plays an important part. And to have a good vocabulary you must develop good reading habits.
Every student appearing for IBPS PO Examination must know what all are the important topics that you need to cover or practice well to score in the examination.
The topics that you need to cover are:
☑ Reading Comprehension (Based on Story, Economy, Social cause, Specific Topic)
☑ Jumbled Paragraph
☑ Sentence Improvement
☑ Cloze-Test
☑ Double/Single Fill in the blanks
☑ Antonyms, Synonyms and Spellings
☑ Jumbled Paragraph with odd one out sentence
☑ Paragraph Completion
☑ Compound Sentences (Combining sentences using participial phrases/connecting words)
And to prepare these topics you need to have good knowledge of:
Basic Grammar such as sentence, subject and predicate, phrases, clauses and Nouns
Adjective, types of adjective and the key to usage of suitable form of adjective
Phrase Replacement
Auxiliary and Modal Verbs
Adverbs and its types and usage
Prepositions, Conjunctions and Interjections
Strategy to make the most in limited time.
Firstly, you should choose to attempt questions of Cloze Test, Antonym/Synonym, Spellings and Fill in the blanks as they are relatively easier and far less time consuming than other topics. Be careful as there is negative marking, do not take chances in the examination as even 1 mark can make or break your dream.
Then you can go for Sentence Improvement, Jumbled paragraph and Compound sentences. They can be tricky as we’ve seen in SBI PO examination, there were some major changes, so practice well and be prepared for the unexpected. The key is not to lose your calm and concentration. There are certain methods and tricks for these topics and by practicing well, you can easily get through these questions as well.
Then you’ll be left with Reading Comprehension. There are certain types of Reading Comprehension like on Story based, Economy based, Social cause or Specific Topic basedIt is advisable that as you have around a month left, you should practice at least 2 of each type. The trick for Reading Comprehension can be to at first quickly read the questions and then accordingly go through the passage, this can save your time. Yes, this step is very important, and while reading the questions do note down important points or keywords that you have to search in the passage. Remember it’s better to leave those questions that you find too much time consuming, be careful with your choices. Around 10 questions will be asked from a Reading Comprehension and 5-6 questions can be of easy to moderate level. Choose wisely and don’t be tempted to take chances while attempting questions from Reading Comprehension as accuracy matters a lot.


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