Steps to fill IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Application form 2018

IB Online Application Form 2018 : How to apply for the IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant post? How to upload photo and signature in IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Form? How to pay the fees IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant ? . We are providing Complete Steps to fill the IB SA form like Photo Upload,Signature Upload,Fee Payment,Application form Print Out. How to Select Examination Center etc. You can try this Photo Editor to edit your photo for application form.

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Hello Aspirant As we know that Intelligence Bureau has declared 1054 vacancy for the post of security assistant executive. So candidates must be looking for How to fill IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Application form 2018 for the exam. Below we are providing the detailed Steps to fill IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Online Application form.

Step By Step Process for Filling Of IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Online Application Form

How to fill IB SA/Exe 2018 Application Form?

First of all log on to the official website >> Click Here

You will see below home page. Read all the details of page and than on the bottom you can see the check box. Click on i have read the detailed advertisement. Than below one button will come click on it to proceed.

Now you will see the login page in that if you have already registered than enter your registration number and password that came into you mobile after registration process. If you have not registered than click on new registration page.

Now registration page looks like this. Fill all the details select city center qualification date of birth etc. Than click on register now.

After registration go to login page again there you will find buttons to upload the photo and signature. after uploading the photo and signature. You can see the payment page. click on that to proceed for payment & complete the form and take out print out of the form for future reference.

How to Upload Photo & Signature in IB Security Assistant Form ?

Check the size of photograph and signature combined (max 50 KB) and format of the files must be JPG or JPEG.

Paste your recent passport size photograph on a plain paper. Append your signature under the photograph. Scan this sheet of paper; crop to select the photograph and signature together and ensure that the size of entire file is less than 50 KB. Save this file with a valid name and JPEG or JPG extension/format on the computer being used to apply online. At the time of uploading photograph and signature, upload this file.

How to pay the Application fees for IB Security Assistant Form?

Only male candidates belonging to General and OBC category are required to pay the fee. All SC/ST, Ex-servicemen & female candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee. However, Ex-servicemen, who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Govt in Group ‘C’ posts on regular basis after availing benefits of reservation given to them, are required to pay the fee. The examination fee can be paid offline or online AFTER A GAP OF ONE WORKING DAY FROM THE DATE OF REGISTRATION. For offline payment, the applicant will be required to take a printout of Challan form & deposit the fee in cash in any branch of State Bank of India AFTER A GAP OF ONE WORKING DAY. The applicants having Internet Banking, ATM-CumDebit Card and Credit Card of State Bank of India or any other bank including Rupay Photo Signature 1.5 cm abcd Card can pay the fees through ‘SBI Collect’ option. The candidates would be required to provide their registration number during the process of online payment. The fee could be paid online AFTER A GAP OF ONE WORKING DAY. Verification of fees deposited would be available on the application portal on T+2 basis. Online fees can’t be paid immediately after completing the applications.


Frequently Asked Questions for filling of IB Security Assistant Application Form

1. How to apply for the post?

The detailed advertisement and link for applying online is available
on the website of MHA, viz., under “What’s New”
section or under the tab ‘Vacancies’. Please read the detailed
advertisement and apply accordingly.

2. If the print out of the registration slip could not be taken at the time of
registration, can it be taken out at a later date?

 Yes. The print out of the registration slip can be taken at a later date.

3. Whether the registration number can be viewed again if the same has
not been noted down at the time of submission of application.
• Yes: The same can be retrieved from the website from the link
mentioned in point 1 above by providing requisite information like name,
date of birth, etc.

4. Whether educational and experience certificates are required to be
attached along with registration slip?
• No. Educational and experience certificates are not required to be
attached along with registration slips. These certificates will be verified at
the time of document verification in case you get shortlisted in Tier-I.

5. Is there any reservation for physically handicapped category?
• There is no reservation for physically handicapped (HH, OH, VH &
Autism) persons.

6. Can a candidate who is awaiting final result apply for the post?
• A candidate must be Matriculate (10th class pass) or equivalent from
a recognized Board of Education as on closing date otherwise he/she is
not eligible. He must have knowledge of the local language/dialect,
opted by the candidate at the time of online registration.

7. Whether NOC has to be obtained for applying by the applicants from
PSUs / Govt. Departments?
• Candidates from PSUs / Govt. Departments are required to obtain
NOC for submitting their applications. NOC will be verified at the time of
document verification.

8. Whether upper age limit is also relaxable for personnel working in
PSUs, Autonomous/Statuary bodies, etc.?
• Upper age limit is relaxable for departmental candidates up to 40
years of age who have rendered 3 years of regular & continuous service.
This relaxation is applicable only to Central Govt. Civilian employees
holding civil posts & not applicable to personnel working in PSUs,
Autonomous/Statuary bodies, etc.

9. Whether the change of center for written examination is allowed after
the submission of application.
• No.

10. Whether OBC certificate in the state government performa allowed?
• No, OBC certificate should be in the format prescribed for
employment under government of India and the same is given in the
appendix II in the “Eligibility Criteria and Other Details” on the website.

11. What to do if photograph and signature are not getting uploaded?
• Please check the size of photograph and signature combined (max
50 KB) and format of the files must be JPG or JPEG.

12. Can the photograph and signature be uploaded at the time of
downloading admit card?
• No, the photograph and signature are to be uploaded at the time of
registration only.

13. What is the subject of Tier-I & II? Please give some selective book.
• Tier-I will consist of multiple choice objective type questions while
Tier II will be descriptive type consisting translation of a passage of 500
words from local language/dialect to English and vice versa. No specific
book is recommended.

14. What is the syllabus like reasoning, Math, GK etc.?
• Tier-I will focus on General Studies, Quantitative aptitude,
Logical/analytical ability, English language and Tier-II will be designed to
check the knowledge of any one of the local language/dialect.

15. What is the eyesight for the job? Can a colour blind candidate apply
for the job?
• As per the medical standard prescribed for the post, the candidate
should possess normal colour vision and should be fit as per our medical

16. Can an ex-serviceman get any age relaxation?
• Yes, as per rules.

17. What is the validity for the challan?
• The challan would be valid till two days after the closing date.

18. Where do we have to submit the hard copy of our certificates?
• Not required. To be submitted at the time of document verification.

19. What if the photograph & signature are not appearing/visible in the
registration slip even after uploading the same?
• Please refresh/reload the webpage on your browser.

20. What if a candidate uploaded wrong photograph/signature while
registering themselves?
• The candidates are advised to bring original identity proof along with
attested copy of the same to the examination hall. He/She may also
bring his/her photograph to the examination hall and should give an
undertaking that he/she has uploaded wrong photograph/signature while
registering online.

21. Is there any negative marking?
• There is negative marking in Tier-I; for every incorrect answer ¼
mark would be deducted. There is no negative marking in Tier-II.

22. What is the total number of vacancies?
• Total number of vacancies is 1054, which is further distributed
SIBx/Centre wise, as mentioned in advertisement.

23. Is there any age relaxation for State Govt. employees?
• There is no age relaxation for State Govt. employees.

24. How to upload photo and signature?
• Paste your recent passport size photograph on a plain paper.
Append your signature under the photograph. Scan this sheet of paper;
crop to select the photograph and signature together and ensure that the
size of entire file is less than 50 KB. Save this file with a valid name and
JPEG or JPG extension/format on the computer being used to apply
online. At the time of uploading photograph and signature, upload this

25. How to pay the fees?
• Only male candidates belonging to General and OBC category are required to pay the
fee. All SC/ST, Ex-servicemen & female candidates are exempted from payment of
examination fee. However, Ex-servicemen, who have already secured employment in
civil side under Central Govt in Group ‘C’ posts on regular basis after availing benefits of
reservation given to them, are required to pay the fee. The examination fee can be paid
REGISTRATION. For offline payment, the applicant will be required to take a printout of
Challan form & deposit the fee in cash in any branch of State Bank of India AFTER A
GAP OF ONE WORKING DAY. The applicants having Internet Banking, ATM-CumDebit
Card and Credit Card of State Bank of India or any other bank including Rupay
Photo Signature 1.5 cm abcd
Card can pay the fees through ‘SBI Collect’ option. The candidates would be required to
provide their registration number during the process of online payment. The fee could be
paid online AFTER A GAP OF ONE WORKING DAY. Verification of fees deposited
would be available on the application portal on T+2 basis. Online fees can’t be paid
immediately after completing the applications.

26. What if a candidate has furnished incorrect information in the online
• In case wrong date of birth or category or name has been entered
and application finally submitted, it is advised to apply afresh and appear
for the written examination with the admit card bearing correct details.
• In case there is minor correction like address, name misspelt, etc
there is no need to apply again. In case the candidate is shortlisted in
Tier-I, he/she can give an intimation for relevant correction at the time of
document verification.

27. Whether the marks of Tier-II exam will be included in the final merit?
• No, Tier-II examination will be of qualifying nature and to qualify in
the same, the candidate would be required to obtain minimum 20/50
marks. All candidates appearing in Tier-II exam would be provisionally
admitted in Tier-III exam. However, the final merit list will be prepared on
the basis of combined performance in Tier-I & Tier-III exam, subject to
qualify in Tier-II exam.

28. What is the cut off for Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III exams?
• In order to achieve qualitative selection & recruit the best available
talent, there would be minimum cut-off marks (out of 100) in Tier-I exam
as under:
UR-35, OBC-34 & SC/ST-33 (all Ex-servicemen would be treated in
their own category viz., UR/OBC/SC/ST)
However, candidates at 10 times of the number of vacancies will be
called for Tier-II & Tier-III exam based on their performance in Tier-I
exam. The cut-off in Tier-II is same for candidates of all categories.
There is not cut-off for Tier-III exam.

29. Is it necessary to know to read, write and speak of the particular
language, initially selected by the candidate at the time of online
• Yes. Reading and writing ability of the candidates will be assessed
through Tier-II exam and spoken ability will be assessed at the time of
Tier-III exam (Interview/ Personality test).

IB Security Assistant / Executive Important Study Material Link  Direct Links
IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant/Executive Recruitment Notification 2018 – 1054 Vacancies Click Here
How to fill IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Online Form 2018 ? Click Here
20+ IB Security Assistant Executive Previous Year Question Paper PDF – Download Now Click Here
IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Previous Year Cut Off Marks Click Here
IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Exam Pattern 2018 -Read Now Click Here
IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Syllabus 2018 – Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 Click Here
IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Study Material Pdf : Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning | English | General Awareness Click Here
Best Books For IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Exam Preparation Pdf : Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning | English | General Awareness Click Here
IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Salary In Hand | Job Profile : Read Now Click Here
Study Plan for IB (Intelligence Bureau) Security Assistant Executive Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 Click Here


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