IBPS Po Prelims Exam Analysis 2017: 7th Oct – Shift 2

Dear Aspirants,

Its time for exam analysis of IBPS PO Prelims (7th October 2017) Slot II. A lot of students have appeared for their preliminary exam today and it will continue till 15th October, 2017. Without wasting any moment, let’s get straight to the analysis which you all are interested in.
There are 3 Sections in IBPS PO Pre exam namely English, Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. This year the paper was of moderate level.

IBPS Po Memory Based Questions (Prelims) 2017:  7th Oct- Shift 2

IBPS PO Prelims Analysis: Overall  

The preliminary exam for IBPS PO was conducted online and had 100 questions for 60 minutes. Candidates have to manage those 60 minutes themselves while dealing with three sections- Reasoning (35 Ques), Quantitative Aptitude (35 Ques), and English (30 Ques).

Subject Good Attempt Time (in min.)
English Language 12-15 15
Reasoning Ability 16-21 20
Quantitative Aptitude 12-16 25
Total 52-55 60

English Language ( Moderate- Difficult )

The level of English Language was Moderate- Difficult. The topic of reading comprehension was related to Consumption of Coffee as the most favorable beverage worldwide. There were 2 questions of Antonyms and 1 question of synonym with the passage.

Topics No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension 10 Moderate- Difficult
Phrase Replacement + Error Detection (new pattern) 20 Difficult
Total 30 Moderate-Difficult


Quantitative Aptitude ( Moderate-Difficult )

The level of quantitative aptitude section was Moderate. If you are yet to appear for IBPS exam, The first and most basic tip to help you clear quantitative aptitude section’s cut off is that you should work on your calculation speed. There were only 2 sets of DI:

  • Tabular
  •  Line Graph
Topics No. of Question Level
Series (Missing) 5 Moderate-Difficult
Approximation 6 Moderate
Data Interpretation 12 Calculative and Difficult
Average 1 Moderate
Profit & Loss 2 Moderate
Compound Interest 1 Moderate
Discount 2 Moderate-Difficult
Problem on Ages 1 Moderate
Ratio and Proportion 1 Moderate-Difficult
Time and Work 1 Moderate
Boat and Stream 1 Moderate-Difficult
Miscellaneous 2 Moderate-Difficult
Total 35 Moderate-Difficult

Reasoning Ability (Moderate)

There were 4 puzzles and Seating Arrangement which are given below:-

  • Linear
  • Circular
  • Day and Color
  • Floor
Topics No. of Questions Level
 Inequalities 5 Moderate
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement 20 Difficult
Direction Sense 1 Moderate
Blood Relation 2 Moderate
Order and Ranking 2 Moderate-Difficult
Coding Decoding (Conventional Pattern) 5 Moderate-Difficult
Total 35 Moderate

Stay confidence and you’ll surely do well in the exam!
All the best for next shift !!

To Clear English Sections You must Have English Tricks Book Buy Now From Here

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To Clear Quantitative Aptitude Section You must Have Quantitative Aptitude Tricks Book Buy Now From Here

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To Clear Reasoning Section You must Have Reasoning Tricks Book Buy Now From Here

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To Clear Computer Awareness Section You must Have Computer Awareness Book Buy Now From Here

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