Order & Ranking Quiz For Upcoming Exams Answers


Q1. Correct Answer is: b)

Priya’s rank from bottom = (35 – 7) + 1 = 28 + 1 = 29

Divya’s rank from bottom = (35 – 12) + 1 = 23 + 1 = 24

Hence, Priya and Divya’s ranks are 29 and 24th

Q2. Correct Answer is: d)

The middle position out of 31 boys is 16

Hence, Prabu’s original position from left end is, 16 – 3 = 13

Hence, the original position of Prabu from right end is,

= (31 – 13) + 1 = 18 + 1 = 19th

Q3. Correct Answer is: d)

D > B > C > A

Hence, D is tallest amongst all.


Q4. Correct Answer is: a)

Total number of girls in row1 = 19 + 15 – 1= 33

Total number of girls in row2 = 14 + 22 -1 = 35

Hence, the total number of girls in both the rows = 33 + 35 = 68


Q5. Correct Answer is: d)

D > C > A > E > B

Hence, both C and A are older than E but younger than D


Q6. Correct Answer is: b)

Charu -> 25, 26, 27, 28

Charu’s sister -> 28, 29, 30

Charu’s brother -> …, 24, 26, 28, 30.

Hence, their father’s birthday is definitely on 28th  May.


Q7. Correct answer is: c)

The Preethi’s position from end = 36 – 14 + 1 = 23

Number of girls between Priyanka and Preethi is, (23 – 11) – 1 = 12 -1 = 11

Prithika is in between Priyanka and Preethi, So exact middle out of 11 girls is 6.

Hence, the prithika’s position from end is 17 .

(23 – 17) -1 = 6 -1 = 5

Hence, there are 5 girls between Preethi and Prithika

Q8. Correct Answer is: d)

There are two possibilities, either S is to the right of P or S is to the left of P.

Hence, data is inadequate to answer the question.


Q9. Correct Answer is: b)

T > V > P > S > U > Q, R


T >V > P > S > U > R > Q

The marks secured by Q is, 48-12 = 36


Q10. Correct Answer is: a)


The expected marks of P and S are 62 and 54 in given options