1. CLAIRVOYANT (ADJECTIVE): intuitive, psychic
Synonyms: visionary, prophetic
Antonyms: real, moderate
Example Sentence:
You don’t need to be a clairvoyant to see how this is going to turn out.

2. CLIQUE (NOUN): group of friends
Synonyms: cabal, coterie
Antonyms: individual, personal
Example Sentence:
The organisation is run by a small clique of wealthy families.

3. COALESCE (VERB): blend, come together
Synonyms: consolidate, integrate
Antonyms: divide, disjoin
Example Sentence:
It is important for party members to coalesce to form a strong party.

4. APLOMB (NOUN): assurance
Synonyms: composure, equanimity
Antonyms: doubt, uncertainty
Example Sentence:
He took the news with undeterred aplomb.

5. APOCALYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): outstanding in revelation, prophecy
Synonyms: fateful, ominous
Antonyms: short- sighted
Example Sentence:
Insurance policies helps against apocalyptic outcomes.

Synonyms: barbarous, boorish
Antonyms: generous, humane
Example Sentence:
Because bullfights are so bestial, they are viewed as illegal acts.

7. ERUDITE (ADJECTIVE): well educated
Synonyms: literate, knowledgeable
Antonyms: ignorant, uneducated
Example Sentence:
Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar was an erudite person.

8. CAPITULATE (VERB): surrender
Synonyms: concede, bow
Antonyms: win, conquer
Example Sentence:
They capitulated to the enemy.

9. INTERVENTION (NOUN): armed interference
Synonyms: interference, invasion
Antonyms: retreat, surrender
Example Sentence:
Russia’s intervention in Ukraine has caused a lot of troubles.

10. DEPLORABLE (ADJECTIVE): unfortunate
Synonyms: terrible, distressing
Antonyms: excellent, brilliant
Example Sentence:
Many of them work under deplorable conditions


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