Synonyms: criminal, reprobate
Antonyms: moral, good
Example Sentence:
They can force miscreant firms to cease trading.

2. RENDITION (NOUN ): explanation
Synonyms: presentation, delivery
Antonyms: failure, vagueness
Example Sentence:
His voice was high, clear, and musical, and his rendition was absolutely correct.

3. GAIETY (NOUN): happiness
Synonyms: celebration, elation
Antonyms: sadness, sorrow
Example Sentence:
Holi is celebrated with gaiety in all over the country.

4. RECREANT (ADJECTIVE ): cowardly
Synonyms: faithless, fearful
Antonyms: brave, strong
Example Sentence:
Faiz was recreant in his childhood.

5. LEGIT (ADJECTIVE): lawful
Synonyms: authorized, judicial
Antonyms: illegal, unacceptable
Example Sentence:
This new policy is not legit

6. MORDANT (ADJECTIVE): sarcastic
Synonyms: caustic, sardonic
Antonyms: kind, nice
Example Sentence:
The mordant comedian offended many people with his scathing taunts.

7. ALTERCATION (NOUN): fight, often verbal
Synonyms: brawl, argument
Antonyms: calm, harmony
Example Sentence:
I had an altercation with some people who objected to our creation.

Synonyms: startling, astonishing
Antonyms: unsurprising, usual
Example Sentence:
The results are quite astounding.

9. DEBACLE (NOUN): catastrophe
Synonyms: breakdown, devastation
Antonyms: victory, boon
Example Sentence:
The debacle of Russia was ever before the eyes of these nations.

10. DOPEY (ADJECTIVE): stupid
Synonyms: dumb, silly
Antonyms: intelligent, smart
Example Sentence:
He is a dopey boy


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