IBPS released the result for provisional allotment under reserve list of IBPS RRB-V. Reserve list for the post of IBPS RRB for Officer Scale-I (PO), Office Assistant (Clerk) Officer Scale-II (GBO and Specialist) and  Officer Scale-III.
Check Your Combined Result for CWE-RRB-V (Provisional Allotment- Reserve List) from the Link Provided Below.

Check Your Provisional Allotment under Reserve List Here For Officer Scale-I

Check Your Provisional Allotment under Reserve List Here For Recruitment of Officers Scale II (GBO)

Check Your Provisional Allotment under Reserve List Here For Recruitment of Officers Scale II (Specialist Officers)


Check Your Provisional Allotment under Reserve List Here For Recruitment of Officers Scale III

Check Your Provisional Allotment under Reserve List Here For Recruitment of Office Assistants



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