Q1. What does a computer system includes?
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Peripheral devices
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Q2. Which of the following device used ‘set of beads’ to represent the unit of data?
(c) Abacus
(d) MARK-I
(e) None of these
Q3. Antikythera mechanism was mainly used to perform which computation?
(a) Astronomical calculation
(b) Logarithm
(c) Trigonometry
(d) Time calculation
(e) All of these
Q4. The first electro-mechanical computer MARK-1 invented was by ______.
(a) Charles Pascal
(b) John W Mauchly
(c) Howard Aiken
(d) Clifford Berry
(e) Steve Wozniak
Q5. What was the first electronic computer in the world?
(e) Z1
Q6. Which of the following is the full-form of ENIAC?
(a) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
(b) Electrical Numerical Integer and Calculator
(c) Electrical Numerical Integer and Computation
(d) Efficient Numerical Integrator and Computer
(e) Electronic numbers Integer and Calculator
Q7. The first computer was programmed using ___________.
(a) Assembly language
(b) Machine language
(c) Source code
(d) Object code
(e) ASCII code
Q8. A/(n) ___________ is an object embedded in a web page or email, which unobtrusively (usually invisibly) allows checking that a user has accessed the content.
(a) email
(b) virus
(c) web beacon
(d) spam
(e) firewall
Q9. Non-physical components of the computer are referred to as _______.
(a) CPU
(b) Software
(c) Hardware
(d) Peripheral
(e) Motherboard
Q10. How many rows are there in latest version of MS Excel?
(a) 65536
(b) 16,384
(c) 1,048,576
(d) 1,050,000
(e) 2,001,000
1)(d) All of these
2)(c) Abacus
3)(a) Astronomical calculation
4)(c) Howard Aiken
5)(a) ENIAC
6)(a) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
7)(b) Machine language
8)(c) web beacon
9)(b) Software
10)(c) 1,048,576