DFCCIL Recruitment MTS, Executive, Junior Manager
DFCCIL Recruitment MTS, Executive, Junior Manager

DFCCIL Recruitment 2025 Job Notification – Apply Online for MTS, Executive & Junior Manager

DFCCIL Recruitment 2025 : Looking for a stable and rewarding career in the Government sector? The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India (DFCCIL) Recruitment 2025 is here! Get complete details on eligibility, vacancies, selection process, salary, and how to apply online. Don’t miss this golden opportunity!

DFCCIL Recruitment – MTS, Executive, Junior Manager

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India (DFCCIL)

MTS, Executive, Junior Manager Recruitment 2025


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DFCCIL Recruitment Important Dates 2025

  • Starting Date for Apply Online: 18-01-2025
  • Last Date for Apply Online: 16-02-2025
  • Dates of opening the “Window” for Application Form Correction: 31-03-2025 to 04-04-2025
  • Schedule for 1st stage Computer Based Test (CBT): July, 2025
  • Schedule for 2nd stage Computer Based Test (CBT): November, 2025
  • Schedule for Physical Efficiency Test (PET): January/February, 2026
  • Extended Last Date: 22-03-2025 at 23:45 hrs

DFCCIL Application Fees 2025

  • For Gen/ OBC/ EWS (For Executive): Rs. 1000/-
  • For Gen/ OBC/ EWS (For MTS): Rs. 500/- 
  • For SC/ ST/ PwD/ ESM: Nil
  • Mode of Payment: Through Online

DFCCIL Recruitment Age Limit 2025

  • Minimum Age Limit: 18 Years
  • Maximum Age Limit: 30 Years
  • Age relaxation is admissible as per rules

Qualification for DFCCIL Recruitment 2025

Junior Manager (Finance) CA/ CMA
Executive (Civil) Diploma (Civil)
Executive (Electrical) Diploma (Electrical)
Executive(Signal & Telecom) Diploma (Relevant Field)
Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 10TH, ITI Pass

DFCCIL Recruitment 2025 Vacancy Details

Post Name Total Vacancy
Junior Manager (Finance) 3
Executive (Civil) 36
Executive (Electrical) 64
Executive(Signal & Telecom) 75
Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 464
Interested Aspirants Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online

Important Links for DFCCIL Recruitment 2025

Apply Link Click Here
Notification  Click Here
Official Website Click Here
Exam Pattern Click Here
Exam Syllabus Click Here
Previous Year Question Papers Pdf Click Here
Previous Year Cut-off Marks Click Here
Study Material Pdf Click Here
Join Our Telegram Group Click Here
Join Our WhatsApp Channel Click Here
Join Our Instagram  Click Here


DFCCIL MTS, Executive, Junior Manager Recruitment important FAQs regarding this recruitment:

Some common points, on which the candidates seek clarification are clarified as under:

1. What should I ensure before applying Online?
Candidates are advised to first carefully read the detailed Advertisement for details of Educational Qualification, Age and other Eligibility criteria as indicated in the Advertisement and ascertain their eligibility.
After going through the detailed Advertisement and checking their eligibility, candidates can apply Online by going to https://dfccil.com > Career > Open Market Recruitment > Notices > Advt No. 01/DR/2025 > Click here to apply.
After “New Registration”, candidate has to go to “Candidate Login” and fill up the online form and make necessary payment (as applicable).

2. How do I know that I am eligible for the post/discipline?
Candidates can see the eligibility criteria for all the posts / disciplines in the Detailed Adveretisement available on DFCCIL website https://www.dfccil.com at Career Section. Candidates who do not possess the requisite qualification in accordance with the Detailed Advertisement No. 01/DR/2025, will not be considered eligible.

3. How do I register for the Online Application?
Candidates have to register by filling-up Post, Name, Mobile Number and valid E-mail ID for the Online Application process. After registration, login ID and password will be sent at their registered Mobile Number and Email Id. The other steps are to be completed as per the guidelines given in the detailed Advertisement.

4. What if I do not have an E-mail Id and Mobile Number?
Candidates should have own active personal E-mail Id & Mobile Number. It should be kept active during the entire Recruitment Process. All future communications / correspondences with the candidates will take place through E-mail/Mobile Number only. Candidates have to ensure the accuracy of their E-mail Id & Mobile number. No change in E-mail Id & Mobile Number as already declared in the Online Application Form will be allowed.

5. Can I save my Application while applying for the Post?

Yes, the Online Application Form is divided in different sections. After filling the details in
each section, please click on the “Save and Next” button at the end in order to save the
information filled and move to the subsequent section. If candidate is not able to complete
the entire form in a single attempt, he/she can log in again and continue filling from the
last saved status and complete rest of the sections.
Please note that Application cannot be submitted after the last date/time, as mentioned in
the detailed Advertisement.

6. What if I forget my login Id and password or want to change them in future?
If candidates provide a valid and active E- mail Id / Mobile Number at the time of
registration, the Application sequence no., login Id & Password will be sent to that
registered E-mail Id / Mobile Number only. Candidate may check it in his/her E-mail for
future reference. However, an option of “Forgot Password” is also available.

7. Where should I contact in case of any problem related to Oline Application?
In case of any problems faced by the candidates in filling up the Online Application,
Candidates may refer the “Help Desk Option” available in the individual login portal.
Candidate may also contact through helpdesk Number +91-9513631887 between 10:00
AM to 17:00 PM (Except Saturday, Sunday & Holiday from 18.01.2025 to 16.02.2025 and
23.02.2025 to 27.02.2025).

8. Can I apply for more than one post against this Advertisement if I am eligible for multiple posts?
Yes, Candidates applying for more than one Post have to submit separate Application
Form(s) along with the Fee for each post code. However, the candidates will do so at their
own risk as the Schedule of Examination (CBT) for any two post codes may coincide.

9. How do I apply for a post if I am an employee of DFCCIL?
Departmental candidates (employees of DFCCIL) can also apply if they are eligible for the
Post. Please note that in the Online Application Form, Candidate has the option to indicate
whether he/she is an employee of DFCCIL and fill the details accordingly.

10. My father/mother/relative is an employee of DFCCIL. Can I apply as Departmental candidate?
No, only the concerned regular employees of DFCCIL can apply as Departmental

11. Whether the prescribed eligibility conditions like educational qualification, age etc. can be relaxed?
No, the eligibility conditions will be strictly in accordance with the Advertisement without
any further relaxation.

12. What is the Examination Fee mode of Payment?
Candidates belonging to UR /OBC / EWS category are required to pay a non- refundable
Fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- in case of MTS). In addition, applicable charges (if any) will
also be borne by the candidates. The Payment can be made by using UPI/Debit Card/Credit Card/Online Net Banking
through the Payment Gateway integrated with Online Application. There will be no other
mode of payment of Examination Fee. In case a candidate deposits the fee in any wrong
account or through any other mode, DFCCIL will not be responsible for such wrong
Fee once paid will neither be refunded nor adjusted against future Recruitments under any
circumstances. Candidates are therefore advised to verify their eligibility before applying.
SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-Serviceman/Transgender candidates, are exempted from payment of
Examination Fee. The related guidelines/instructions, in detail have been provided in the
detailed Advertisement.

13. Will DFCCIL refund the Examination Fee in case my candidature is rejected due to any reason?
No, the Examination Fee once deposited is neither refundable nor adjustable for future

14. What shall I do after submitting the Application Form?
After submitting, candidates should take printout of the Application Form for future
record. Candidates will receive acknowledgement on their registered E-mail Id & Mobile
Number after successful submission of Online Application Form.

15. The average of all semesters is 59.60%, can I apply?
No, the minimum marks in the requisite educational qualification, for being eligible for all
posts is 60% and not less than 60%. Rounding off percentage will not be acceptable under
any circumstances for considering eligibility e.g. 59.99% will be treated less than 60%. For
calculation of percentage, marks considered by the Concerned University/Institute for the
purpose of issuance of Degree/Diploma will be taken into account.

16. Where the University does not give percentage and only gives CGPA/OGPA/CPI/ DGPA, how to fill in the percentage of marks in the Online Application Form?
The CGPA/OGPA/CPI/DGPA should be converted into percentage as per conversion
formula applied by the Institute/University for awarding Class/Division.
A number of queries from candidates have been received that CGPA formula provided by
their Institute is not as per tabs provided in Application Form and difficulty is being
experienced in filling of form. In such cases, there is no other option then to fill up the
multiplying factor in such a manner that percentage arrived is same as acquired by the
candidate as per University formula. Two such illustrations are given below:
Illustration 1: CGPA obtained in 8.77 out of 10.
University formula to convert the CGPA to Percentage is (CGPA -0.75) * 10 Percentage
arrived at per University Formula = (8.77-0.75) *10=80.20% So, in this case, values to
be filled in Application Form will be:
CGPA Obtained: 8.77, Total CGPA : 10, Multiplying Factor: 80.20/8.77=9.145 to arrive
at 80.20%.
Illustration 2: CGPA obtained in 8.77 out of 10.

University formula to convert the CGPA to Percentage is (CGPA *10) – 3.75. Percentage
arrived at per University Formula = (8.77*10)-3.75 = 83.95% So, in this case, values to
be filled in Application Form will be:
CGPA Obtained: 8.77, Total CGPA : 10, Multiplying Factor: 83.95/8.77=9.572 to arrive
at 83.95%.

17. Are final year students eligible to apply?
No, the applicant should possess the Essential Qualification as on the closing date for
Online Registration i.e. 16.02.2025 (appearing candidates / candidates awaiting final results of prescribed Educational Qualifications on the closing date of Online Registration are NOT eligible to apply).

18. Can I apply if my age is 30 Years and 01 day in General category as on 01.07.2025?
No. The Upper Age Limit is 30 Years as on 01.07.2025 for General (UR) & EWS category
candidates. The same will be applicable for reserved categories, after availing age
relaxation as applicable.

19. Is 60% marks mandatory in prescribed Qualification in case of Ex-servicemen?
For Ex-servicemen candidates, the Qualification Equivalency as per Govt of India’s
Instructions shall be applicable. The criteria for duration of course and percentage of marks
shall not be insisted upon in case of Ex-servicemen, provided they possess a requisite
Equivalent Qualification as prescribed in the Advertisement which has been acquired
through Indian Army/Navy/Air Force. The Ex-serviceman candidate shall however have
to produce an Equivalency Certificate stating that their Qualification/Trade has been
equated with the prescribed Qualification/Trade in this Advertisement failing which their
candidature will not be considered at the time of Document Verification.
In case, prescribed qualification has been acquired through any recognized Educational
Institute/University (and not through Indian Army/Navy/Air Force), then duration of
course and percentage of marks as prescribed (i.e. 60% minimum) as required to be
possessed by other candidates will also be applicable for Ex- servicemen.

20. I want to change my choice of Centre, can I do it?
A candidate is not allowed to change his/her choice of Centre after the Online Application
is submitted & modification window is closed. Also, once a Examination City/Centre is
allotted by DFCCIL, the same cannot be changed.

21. How I will receive E-Admit Card?
The E-Admit Card is to be downloaded by the candidate from the link sent to the
candidates on their E-mail Id or take print-out from their Individual Login Portal. Please
bring print-out of the E-Admit Card at the Examination Centre along with valid ID proof
issued by GOI, in original. Since all the related information will be uploaded on DFCCIL
website, candidates are advised to visit the same on regular basis for updates.

22. What is the Scheme of the Examination?
Kindly refer Para 10 of the Detailed Advertisement No. 01/DR/2025.

23. Is two stage CBT will be held for all posts ?

24. If I am a SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/PwBD/Ex-SM candidate and applied in General(UR) category, can I avail reservation/relaxation if I submit caste certificate in future?

25. If I belong to OBC (Creamy Layer), can I avail the relaxation under OBC (NCL) category?

No. The OBC candidates who belong to Creamy Layer are not entitled for relaxation
admissible to OBC(NCL) category and such candidates have to indicate their category as

26. I belong to OBC category. The name of my caste appears in the State List; however, the name of my caste is not appearing in the Common List/Central List. Can I claim the benefit of OBC category / will my candidature be accepted as OBC Category candidate?
No. For claiming benefit of reservation, the caste / sub-caste community essentially has to
be in Central List. If the caste, candidate belongs to appears in a State List but not in Central
List, he/she is not eligible for getting the reservation benefits. Candidates can check the
latest Central List of OBCs published by the National Commission for Backward Classes

27. What is the minimum qualifying marks?
The minimum qualifying marks for CBT for different categories will be as under:
UR/EWS – 40%
SC/OBC(NCL) – 30%
ST – 25%
Same minimum qualifying marks are also applicable for Ex-Serviceman & PWBD candidates
as per their communities. However, relaxation of 2% marks will be given to PwBD
candidates in case of shortage of candidates subject to fulfilling other conditions (if posts
are reserved for PwBD).

28. How do I know about the status of my selection?
After the CBT/PET, as applicable, the list of short-listed candidates will be published on the
website of DFCCIL. E-Call letters for various stages of CBT/PET and Document Verification
(as applicable) will be sent to the candidates on the registered Email-ID. Also, message will
be sent on registered Mobile Number.

29. Whether alternative employment is provided in case a candidate fails the medical test?
No alternate appointment shall be given to candidates found medically unsuitable for
the applied Post(s) under any circumstances.

30. What documents are required to be brought during Document Verification (DV)?
Kindly refer Para-11 (viii) of Detailed Advertisement.

31. Where will a candidate be posted after joining?
Details of DFCCIL Units along with an illustrative list of stations is at Annexure-III of
detailed Advertisement. Posting may be done anywhere in India on DFCCIL Units /
Stations / Projects/ Establishments/ Offices. All posts are transferable at the sole discretion
of the Management.

This compilation of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) has been published for general
guidance, information and assistance of users. The information contained herein is general in
nature and is by no means exhaustive and is not in the nature of legal or statutory opinion,
advise, interpretation or authority on the issues involved. Under no circumstances shall DFCCIL
be liable for any liability, loss, damage or expense incurred or suffered that is claimed to have
resulted from the use of material contained in this compilation, including, without limitation,
any error or omission with respect thereto.



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