BOB PO PGDBF Exam Pattern 2018

Hello Aspirants, all of us know that exam pattern is most important thing that everyone should know before starting your preparation for that exam. Therefore, we are advise you to check the all details of  BOB PO 2018 Exam Pattern .Each question will have weightage of 1 mark and 0.25 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in Bank Of Baroda Manipal PO Exam 2018.

The BOB Manipal PO online test will be Conducted on a single level. The test will consist of –

  1. Objective Test
  2. Descriptive Test

BOB PO 2018 Exam Pattern

S.No Name of Tests (NOT BY SEQUENCE) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Time allotted for each test
1 Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 50 75 English & Hindi Composite time of 2 Hours 30 minutes
2 General/Economy/Banking Awareness 40 40
3 Quantitative Aptitude 40 50
4 English Language 35 35 English
Total 165 200 2 Hours 30 minutes
5 English Language (Letter writing & Essay) 2 50 English 30 minutes





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