
Banking Term of the day

Amortisation Amortisation is the process of spreading the repayment of a loan, or the cost of an intangible asset, over a specific timeframe. This is...

Common mistake in English

Indefinite Articles – A or An The words a and an are called indefinite articles. We can use them with singular nouns to talk about any single person or thing....

Banking Term of the day

Off-balance sheet exposures Off-balance sheet exposures refer to activities that are effectively assets or liabilities of a company but do not appear on the company’s...

Common mistake in English

WHO vs WHOM WHO is a pronoun that refers to the subject of the sentence. WHOM is a pronoun that refers to the object of the sentence. Examples: Who locked the door? ...

Banking Term of the day

‘On tap' authorisation of payment systems RBI has issued guidelines on ‘on tap' authorisation of payment systems on 15th October 2019. The aim is to...

Common mistake in English

Then vs Than THEN is an adverb that is used to situate events in time, and an adjective that means, “being so at the time”. THAN is a conjunction that...

Banking Term of the day

Asset/Liability Committee (ALCO) A risk management committee in a bank that evaluates the risk associated with the bank's assets and liabilities. It manages interest rate...

Common mistake in English

AFFECT vs EFFECT Affect Definition and Examples Primarily, “affect” is used as a verb. That means that it is performing an action on something or someone. The...

Government scheme : POSHAN Abhiyaan

The Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition or POSHAN Abhiyaan or National Nutrition Mission, is Government of India’s flagship programme to improve nutritional...

Government scheme : Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya JanAushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP)

With a view to achieve the objective of making available quality generic medicines at affordable prices to all, ‘Jan Aushadhi Scheme’ was launched by...
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Government Scheme

Statistics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on :Methods...

Data is a tool which helps in reaching a sound conclusion by providing information therefore. For statistical investigation, collection of data is the first...