
Vocabulary of the day

1. MISCREANT (ADJECTIVE): immoral Synonyms: criminal, reprobate Antonyms: moral, good Example Sentence: They can force miscreant firms to cease trading. 2. RENDITION (NOUN ): explanation Synonyms: presentation, delivery Antonyms: failure, vagueness Example...

Daily Vocabulary

1. CLOUT (NOUN): influence Synonyms: power, dominance Antonyms: powerlessness, incompetence Example Sentence: Ministers often use their clout to get what they want. 2. PRESTIGE (NOUN): fame Synonyms: dignity, status Antonyms: lowliness,...

Phrasal verb of the day

object to Meaning: If you object to something, you don't think it's a good thing or a good idea, so you oppose it or you...

Word of the day

menorah /məˈnorə/ an object that holds seven or nine candles and that is used in Jewish worship -The boy is lighting a Hanukkah menorah.

Word of the day

the evil eye /ði ˈiːvəl ˈaɪ/ noun Learner's definition of THE EVIL EYE - a look that is thought to be able to harm someone He gave...

Phrasal verb of the day

offer up =>Meaning: to give thanks, praise or prayers to God or gods -For example: -offer up something->After the accident, Nola offered up prayers for her child's...

Common mistake of the day

Using the wrong preposition Travel by train, etc., not with the train, etc. Don't say: He traveled with the train yesterday. Say: He traveled by train yesterday. Note:...

Daily Vocabulary

1. MORDANT (ADJECTIVE): sarcastic Synonyms: caustic, sardonic Antonyms: kind, nice Example Sentence: The mordant comedian offended many people with his scathing taunts. 2. ALTERCATION (NOUN): fight, often verbal Synonyms: brawl,...

Idiom of the day

'=>have a heart-to-heart ->Meaning: If you have a heart-to-heart with someone, you have an honest talk and share your feelings with each other. ->For example: -After we'd...

Daily Grammar Booster

'=>Hate, like, love and prefer ->We can use hate, like, love and prefer with an -ing form or with a to-infinitive: -I hate to see food...
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Government Scheme

Yearly National Affairs Magazine 2017 – Current Affairs Capsule in PDF

National Affairs is an important part of General Awareness & Current Affairs Section of various Banking & Government Exams. Here’s the Yearly Magazine of...