
Slang of the day

uppity -Meaning: conceited, arrogant, pretentious -For example: -Since he got his BMW, Frank's been behaving like an uppity snob. Someone needs to remind him that he's no better...

Slang of the day

ill American English ->Meaning: good, excellent -For example: -The new Neo album is ill, man! -Corrie's new jacket is ill. Where can I get one? --Note: This usage is fairly...

Slang of the day

To Cut Class Definition : to be absent from class without permission. -> Example : this is the second time in this week he has cut...

Slang of the day

pain | pain in the arse | pain in the backside British and Australian English ->Meaning: someone or something that's annoying or troublesome -For example: -Pete's new girlfriend...

Slang of the day

jailbait American and Australian English ->Meaning: someone below the legal age of consent -For example: -He claims he had no idea the girl was jailbait, and insists that...

Slang of the day

ump ->Meaning: umpire -For example: -The umps have to make difficult decisions, and they usually get them right. -"What's the matter with you, ump? Lost your seeing-eye dog,...

Slang of the day

'=>thick (2) ▪️Meaning: full-figured without appearing overweight -> For example: ▪️That chick is thick, dude! She has meat on her bones in all the right places; her...

Slang of the day

ocker -Meaning: a crude and obnoxious Australian For example: -Most Australians don't like ockers and the image of Australia they create. -These ockers we met think getting drunk...

Slang of the day

oi! =>Meaning: a sound used to attract someone's attention, like "hey!" ->For example: ->The coach noticed that some of his players weren't listening, so he said, "Oi!...

Slang of the day

'=>arty | artsy Meaning: displaying an interest in the arts or high culture For example: -Most Hollywood actors are careful not to sound too arty when they're...
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