
Chemistry Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Ethanoic acid

Acetic acid, also known as ethanoic acid and methanecarboxylic acid, is a colorless liquid that has a strong and distinct pungent and sour smell....

Accountancy Notes For SSC CGL 2019-20 on : Double entry system

The basic principle of double entry system is that for every debit there must be an equivalent and corresponding credit. Double entry system Double entry system...

Accountancy Notes For SSC CGL 2019-20 on : Ledger

All the accounts identified on the basis of transactions recorded in different journals/books such as Cash Book, Purchase Book, Sales Book etc. will be...

Chemistry Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Alloys

An alloy is a substance having metallic properties and which is composed of two or more elements at least one of which is a...

Economics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Diminishing Marginal...

The concept of marginal rate substitution (MRS) was introduced by Dr. J.R. Hicks and Prof. R.G.D. Allen to take the place of the concept...

Physics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Convex Mirror

A convex mirror, or simply put a curved mirror, is a mirror in which the reflective surface bulges toward the light source. The surface...

Statistics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Sampling and Non-sampling...

Non-sampling errors It is a general assumption in the sampling theory that the true value of each unit in the population can be obtained and...

Accountancy Notes For SSC CGL 2019-20 on : Transaction and its type

Transaction Transaction involves transfer of money or money’s worth (goods or services or ideas) from one person to another. Transaction can be classified into 1)cash transaction,...

Chemistry Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Periodic classification...

Placing similar groups and species together is known as Classification. Classification is needed to easily understand the properties of different elements in a periodic table....

Accountancy Notes For SSC CGL 2019-20 on : Accounting rules

Accounting rules are statements that establishes guidance on how to record transactions. As per accounting rules all the accounting transactions should be recorded in...
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Bank Function & Risk Assessment Question With Detailed Answer & Tricks Free PDF Bank Function & Risk Assessment Pdf Free Download Now : Bank Function...