Reading Comprehension Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Human behaviour is contagious: We all do as others do’
We did an interesting experiment in Mumbai some time back. We got 98 households across...
New Pattern Missing Sentence Quiz For Upcoming Exams
For the banking sector, the thrust to digital economy will
help banks expand their digital footprint as well as to
meet the additional 10 lakh new...
Double Fillers Quiz For Upcoming Exams
51. As the boat __________ all those onboard fortunately
managed to reach the bank of the river __________ with
the help of the life boats.
(a)capsized, drowned
Parajumble Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Directions : Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B),
(C), (D),(E)and (F) in the proper sequence to form a
meaningful paragraph then answer the questions given
below them.
Reading Comprehension Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
answer the questions given below it. Certain words
have been printed in bold to help you to locate them
English Multiple Fillers New Pattern Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Bridge is _____________ popular card sport in the world with
over 100 countries as members of the World Bridge
Federation. The estimated number of bridge players
English Odd Man Out Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Directions: Five statements are given below, labelled a, b,
c, d and e. Among these, four statements are in logical
order and form a coherent paragraph/passage....
Cloze Test Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
Directions: Please select the most appropriate
option, out of the five options given for each of the
following sentences, which, in your view, should be
grammatically and...
Reading Comprehension Quiz For Upcoming Exams
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and
answer the questions given below it. Certain words
in the passage are printed in bold to help you to