
Data Interpretation For IBPS PO & IBPS RRB 2017

Direction (1-5): Study the given graphs to answer the questions. Production of wheat in different countries Total Production=50 lakh Tonnes Production: Scientific Vs Conventional Methods in Percentage 1. What...

Quant Quiz For IBPS PO & IBPS RRB 2017

The ratio of the first and second class fares between two railway stations is 4 : 1 and that of the number of...

Quadratic Equations Quiz For IBPS PO & IBPS RRB

How to Solve Quadratic Equations Tips & Tricks Click Here To Know Directions (Q.1-5): In each of these questions, two equations (I) and (II) are...

DI Quiz For IBPS PO & IBPS RRB 2017

Questions (1-5): Study the given table carefully to answer the following questions Following table shows the investment (In Rs. Crore) in various sectors in different...

Data Interpretation Quiz – Quantitative Aptitude

Directions for the Question (1-4): Study the following pie-charts to answer these questions.                     Question 1: If 22% of the Production department persons are posted at Hyderabad region,...
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Accountancy Notes For SSC CGL 2019-20 on : Branches...

Depending on the informational needs of various users of accounting information, several branches or subfields of accounting have been developed. The various branches of accounting...