
Basics of Direct Indirect Speech

In SSC exams, where there are direct questions to convert direct speech into indirect speech and vice-versa, you cannot afford to skip or make mistakes. Similarly, there is...

How to Quickly Solve Maximum-Minimum Problems in Data Interpretation

In banking exams we often come across bar graph questions. In IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk papers, we are required to solve maximum-minimum problems...

GK Tricks – भारतीय संविधान निर्मात्री सभा के प्रमुख सदस्य

राधा के श्याम आज गोकुल के सरदार है ! Explanation ट्रिकी वर्ड सदस्य राधा S. राधाक्रष्णन के के. एम. मुंशी श्याम श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी आ B. R. अंबेडकर ज जबाहर लाल नेहरू गोकुल गोविंद वल्लभ पंत के के. टी. शाह सरदार सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल

GK Trick – भारत के राष्ट्रपति (President Of India)

GK Trick – ” राजू की राधा जाकर गिरी फखरुद्दीन रेड्डी की जेल में, तब रमाशंकर नारायण की कलम से प्रतिभा निकली प्रणब की “ राजू– डॉ. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद (Dr. Rajendra Prasad) राधा– डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन (Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan) जाकर–...


GK SHORT TRICKS FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMS Candidates preparing for competitive exams must go through the important questions already asked in the exams as there is a huge probability of...

GK Trick To Learn Dance Forms In India

विभिन्न राज्यो के मुख्य नृत्य TRick’s * करेले कि कथा = केरल = कथकली * पंजे में भांग डालो = पंजाब = भांगड़ा * राजा तुम घुमो...

GK Tricks Part 2

1. BIGGEST COUNTRY. AREA WISE... TRICKS---- RUCCU BRAIN ARZENTINA KA 1-RU---Russia 2-C---Canada 3-C---China 4-U---U.S.A 5-BR---BRAZIL 6-A---Australia 7-IN---INDIA 8-AR---Arzentina:: KA--- WILL BE SILENT WORD.. Aap apni saralta k liye isko aise bhe yaad kr sakte ho jaise...

Error Spotting Part 1

Buy Quant & Reasoning Tricks Book - Buy Now Students preparing for competitive exams will encounter English Language and Comprehension sections. One of the most important...

IBPS RRB PO Study Plan 2017: Tips to Crack Prelims

As we know IBPS will be conducting the IBPS RRB Officer Grade Preliminary Examination in the month of September 2017. IBPS RRB PO Recruitment 2017...

Time and Work Tricks – 3

Here W  is the work. For e.g., if 5 men are cutting 10 trees in 2 days, working 4 hours per day. Then, M =...
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Government Scheme

Economics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on :Production...

The production possibility curves is a hypothetical representation of the amount of two different goods that can be obtained by shifting resources from the...