IBPS RRB Office Assistant Memory Based Questions (Prelims) 2017:  24th Sep- Shift 1

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Analysis (Prelims) 2017: 24th Sep – Shift 1

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Number Series Asked in (1st Slot) IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims Held on 24th Sep 2017

1). 408, 405, 396, 369, 288, ?

-3 -9 -27 -81

2). 220, 108, 52, 24, 10, ?

112 56 28 14….

3). 7, 8, 16, 43, ?

+1³ +2³ + 3³….

4). 91, 70, 51, 35, 23, ?

Diff of diff -2 -3 -4….

5). 8, 4, 6, 15, ?

Logic: ×0.5, ×1.5, ×2.5, ×3.5

The number of illiterate males and females are in ratio 7:3..number of literate males and females are 600 and 400 respectively. if the total number of males is 600 more than females find the total males and females?

A man buy cycle for Rs.5400 and spend some amount for repairing.After selling for Rs.5880 incurred loss 16%.Find repairing cost?
How many pairs of letters are there in the word”MARRIES” which have as many letters between them in the word
as in alphabetical series?
Q.Total no of students 480
Males are 200 and females are 280
200 females ordered non veg , total 180 members ordered veg , how many males ordered veg

7 people were there facing north, more than 4 people were sitting to the left of U, R was 3rd to the left of U, more than 2 people were sitting between T & S, V was not a neighbour of S, more than 1 people were sitting between V & X.W is 3rd to right V.

Floor Puzzles:

7 floor A,B,C,W,X,Y,Z More than four person between C and Z. B even floor and immediately above Y. Three persons between A and Z. Three persons between W and X. X is above W.

7 C
6 X
5 A
4 B
3 Y
2 W
1 Z


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