Maharashtra Kanya Van Samriddhi Yojana – The State Government of Maharashtra has come up with a new scheme for the farmers of the state. The name of this scheme is ‘Kanya Van Samriddhi Yojana’. Under this scheme, the state government will provide free saplings to the farmers’ families where girl children are born. These saplings will be provided to the farmers families for plantation.
What is Kanya Van Samriddhi Yojana (KVSY)?
A scheme by the government of Maharashtra to help farmers in the state with girl child in the family. Under the scheme 10 free tree saplings will be given to take care of the girls in the farmer families. The income from the trees such as teak, jackfruit, tamarind and mango is expected to be used for girls welfare and studies.
Kanya Van Samruddhi Yojana Features
The important features and highlights of this scheme are as follows:-
- Govt. will provide absolutely free plant saplings to all those families of farmers where girl is born.
- Each farmer will get 10 free of cost plant saplings.
- Beneficiaries are required to plant saplings between 1 July and 7 July.
- All the income earned from these trees will be utilized by the families to safeguard the future of girls.
- Plants saplings will be of different varieties – teakwood, mango, jackfruit, black plum and tamarind.
- Farmers can avail this benefit for maximum of 2 girls in a single family.
Kanya Van Samriddhi Yojana – How to Apply
Under this scheme, any farmer family in which a girl child is born between April 1 and March 31 can make apply. For the application, farmers will have to visit the with the gram panchayat after which they will get 10 saplings free of cost from the forest department.
After that, the farmer beneficiaries will have to plant the saplings between July 1 and 7.
Through the Kanya Van Samriddhi Yojana, it is expected that the income from these trees will be utilised for safeguarding the future of the girls.