Birds migrate long stretches, sometimes even thousands of
miles between its breeding and non-breeding ground, a
journey _____________ many hiccups, often perilous, but it
doesn’t have the luxury to reproduce and blossom in a
fixed habitat. It has to fly to a new spot, sometimes
_____________ food, some other times to escape harsh
winters, the reasoning the same each time-the desire to
survive. Migration as a phenomenon is nature’s
remarkable way of _____________ Darwin’s theory-‘Survival
of the fittest’; the Syrian migrants _____________ the theory
even more vehemently.
(a) encompassing – in search of – validating –
(b) encompass – in lieu of – validating – authenticating
(c) encompass – in lieu of – validating – authenticating
(d) encompassing – in search of – including – approving
(e) encompassing – in search of – including – approving
The current migrant _____________ also brings to light the
insecurities and selfish disposition of us humans. The
people, who ought to support us, comfort us, cheer us in
times of distress, give us a _____________. These are the
people who speak the same language, adorn the same garb,
practise the same rituals, celebrate the same festivals,
indulge in same nosh, pray to the same God- but give us
apathy when we seek their _____________. The 5 wealthiest
countries of the Arabian Peninsula namely Saudi Arabia,
UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain- none of these lousy rich
economies _____________ considered offering a roof to the
homeless Syrians. They take comfort in the fact that they
financially support refugee camps in Jordan, Turkey and
Lebanon, thus doing their bit.
(a) disaster – Luke warm – asylum – have even
(b) crisis – cold shoulder – asylum – have even
(c) disaster – Luke warm – asylum – have even
(d) crisis – cold shoulder – support – have even been
(e) crisis – cold support – have even been
Think of the times when you felt vulnerable, miserable and
_____________. What did you desire the most in that
situation? A kin offering you few thousands of dollars to
rebuilt your life, sans the emotions? _____________ that kind
of support suffice? Or did you seek a dear one offering you
a shoulder _____________, have him wipe off your tears, have
him hold your hand assuringly and tell you- All will be OK!
I find solace in words of kindness, I feel reassured with a
warm hug, I feel consoled with a gesture that _____________ a
sense of belonging. And I need all this even if I am behind
the eight ball.
(a) Hoping for – Would be – to lean on – conveys
(b) Hoping for – Would be – to lean on – conveys
(c) hopeless – Would – to lean on – conveys
(d) hopeless – Would – to lay around – deliver
(e) hopeless – Would – to lay around – deliver
It is appalling to see how these Gulf nations, floating in
wealth, show no compassion or _____________ responsibility
of this crisis. It’s indeed a disgrace to the Muslim
community who are shying away from taking the onus.
How can they turn their backs to their ‘own’ people? Yes,
the refugees do need the financial support _____________the
pieces of their once beautiful life; no denying that fact. But
what they need the most is _____________. A flourishing
economy like Kuwait would have been an ideal ground for
the abandoned _____________ because of similar customs,
language, beliefs. Closing doors to these destitute and
asking them to seek asylum elsewhere(EU being the most
popular choice) where they are alien to their language,
rituals,festivals and customs , reflects the inhumane and
insensitive stance of these nations and its leaders.
(a) Shared by – to take up – compassion – to recapitulate
(b) Shared by – to take up – compassion – to recapitulate
(c) sharing of – to pick up – no disturbance – to recalculate
(d) sharing of – to pick up – compassion – to recapitulate
(e) sharing of – to pick up – no disturbance – to recalculate
Though there’s a lot of buzz on rehabilitating the refugees,
the world _____________ needs to focus all its energies on
ways to consummate the 4-year long civil war. The world
is _____________ over the Syrian crisis. Russia and Iran
backing the Assad regime whereas US, Europe alongside
few Gulf countries want Assad to vacate power. The
_____________ want Assad to continue to prevent Syria from
falling into further chaos, thus allowing subsequent
strengthening of IS’s foothold. The latter want to dislodge
Assad’s regime _____________ all the atrocities conducted by
him; the reason behind the break of civil war.
(a) Along with – division – former – in face of
(b) Along with – division – former – in face of
(c) simultaneously – divided – first – in lieu of
(d) simultaneously – divided – first – in lieu of
(e) simultaneously – divided – former – in face of
The presence of information in electronic _____________ on
real-time basis, and the availability of advanced natural
language processors, helps one measure sentiment of any
new information on a continuous basis. Whether an
investor will act rationally _____________ availability of
information depends on the ‘effort’ that the investor
_____________ to put in processing such information. Vendors
who provide sentiment scores on news are, in a way,
reducing the mental effort _____________ process any
information. They would, therefore, argue that an investor
needs to spend a fraction of her limited attention span to
act on available sentiment.
(a) format – based on the – would like – required to
(b) Form – basis in the – would like – required to
(c) Form – basis in the – would like – required to
(d) format – based on the – must like – requirements
(e) format – based on the – must like – requirements
But our research _____________ that investors cannot operate
on divided attention. Major non-market attention-grabbing
events overwhelm firm _____________ information carrying
strong sentiment. For example, when Hazare was on his
fast, a positive news item on Coal India gaining Maharatna
status _____________ negative sentiment. Its price fell by
almost 2 per cent over the next two days. Around the same
period, there was neutral-to positive news on Infosys with
officials _____________ in talks to have the IT company set up
local presence. Strangely, the stock reported a negative
cumulative abnormal return (CAR) of 1 per cent in the two
days around the Hazare event.
(a) has been shown – in particular – generated – reportedly
(b) has shown – specific – generated – reportedly
(c) has been shown – in particular – generated – reportedly
(d) has shown – specific – develop – reported
(e) has shown – specific – develop – reported
Let’s simply decode the first verse of the Rig Veda.
Language experts have concluded that there are older
verses in the Rig Veda, _____________ when the books were
re-organized, this verse was located as the first one. A
traditionalist will try to exclude general public people from
the decoding exercise using various _____________ reasons.
These isolationist rules were created to protect the
_____________ of hymns, but _____________ breeding corruption
in the priestly class, much like the License Raj. Again it is a
burden we do not bear in the 21st century. The hymn is
identified as Rig Veda 1.1.1, meaning it is the first hymn
(rig) of the first poem (sukta) of the first of the ten books
(a) So – devout – sanctity – ended up
(b) So – devout – sanctity – ended up
(c) but – orthodox – sanctity – ended up
(d) but – orthodox – religiousness – closed
(e) but – orthodox – religiousness – closed
Exchange happens between shareholder and the
organisation, _____________ employees and the organisation,
between customers and the organisation, between the
state and the organisation. When exchange favours one
side _____________ we speak of inefficiency, or exploitation,
or the absence of ethics. All the various directors and
managers and supervisors and team leaders of an
organisation play are the purohitams, the rtviks, the
hotras, all _____________ the exchange. German Indologists of
the 18th century wrongly translated the word yagna as
sacrifice. This meant one group of _____________as it was
expected to ‘give’ without ‘getting’. But this word has
glamour in the religious world and so a preferred
translation even amongst those who conduct yagna.
(a) Among – over the latter – participating in – being
(b) Among – over the latter – participating in – being
(c) between – over the other – including – been exploited
(d) between – over the other – participating in – being
(e) between – over the other – including – been exploited
We want to be seen as ‘givers’. But the yagna is as much
about ‘getting’. Not taking but getting. So yagna is not
_____________ a contract, that is the cornerstone of modern
management, and contract as an idea comes from
Abrahamic _____________, not the Vedas. The deity is under
no contractual obligation for there is no regulatory
authority out there to _____________ we can petition in case
of breach of contract. It is all about trust between the
buyer and the seller, the seeker and the hoarder. When
there is decent exchange, relationships _____________ and
society prospers. That is the direction in which the first
hymn of the Veda takes us.
(a) More than – myth – which – thrive
(b) More than – myth – which – thrive
(c) quite – mythologies – whom – generate
(d) quite – mythologies – whom – generate
(e) quite – mythologies – which – thrive