New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips
New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips : New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips Question Pdf for Banking, SSC, RRB, FCI, Railway, UPSC, State PCS, Insurance & other Competitive exams. New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips shortcut Tricks Pdf, New Pattern Coding-Decoding Short-Cut Tricks & Tips MCQ, Coding-Decoding Short-Cut Tricks & Tips Objective Question & Answer Pdf. “New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips Questions PDF” In this post we are providing you the New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips pdf with detailed solution & Short Tricks. So that you can easily get the logic of question. This New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips Pdf we are Providing is free to download. ” Most Important New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips Question PDF with Answers“
New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips Plays a vital role in Exam. In every exam you will get at least 5-10 questions from this topic. So candidates must focus on this topic and download this New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips pdf to get important questions with best solution regarding Coding-Decoding Short-Cut Tricks & Tips. We have put all Previous Year Questions of New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips that are Asked in various Govt & Private Exam.
Coding and decoding has been the choice of many aspirants to solve in the first hand in the exam but not a serious trend nowadays as the questions and the pattern have differed far from the pattern and it is entirely new. So we are here with an helpful solution to decode the tips and tricks associated with the Coding and Decoding in the new pattern.
After reading this you will not find difficulty in solving the new pattern based on Coding and Decoding and these tips and tricks will surely help you for the exams in days to come.
The New Pattern Of The Coding And Decoding Exactly Looks Like This : New Pattern Coding-Decoding Tricks & Tips
In a certain code language,
Thin paper neatly folded’ is written as @D6, %R5, !N4, ?Y6‘
Four people from USA’ is written as @M4, %E6, #A3, @R4‘
Urban development programme launched’ is written as % E9, *T11, #N5 &D8‘
Dhaya likes forties hero’ is written as @E7, &E5, *A5, $O4
Ways To Solve The New Pattern Of The Coding And Decoding
Previously the coding and decoding was in a pattern which can be solved in a way by comparing all the given lines with each other. The level of the questions asked based on that pattern is easier and now it has been made difficult with the introduction of the new pattern.
Solution :-
@ = 10 % =9;
Hence, @% = 10:45 AM
= 10:45+40 MIN=11:25 AM
The hour hand on 11 and minute hand on 5
∴ The Answer is ‘©*’.
Answer: E
To Find the Number in the Question :
- Find the Reverse Number of the 1st Letter of the word
- Find the Reverse Number of the Last Letter of the word
- Add the Reverse Number of the First Letter and the Last Letter , which will give the number in the series
To find the Symbol :
- Count the Number of Letters in the word
- Each number corresponds to a certain symbol
No of Letters
Corresponding Symbol
To Find the Letter :
- Count the total number of letters in the word
- Choose the Alphabet which has the total number as the reverse number
- N E W —————————————— 17 # x
- The First Letter of the word is N
Take the Reverse Letter of N which is M
M’s Position is 13
Take the Last word which is W
Take the reverse letter of W which is D
D’s Position is 4
Add the Position of M + D = 13+4 = 17
- Total Number of Letters in the word is 3 , the equivalent symbol associated with 3 is “#” .
- Total Number of letters in the word is 3 , So the reverse letter of the number 3 is X.
So if you have garnered some confidence to crack the new pattern coding and decoding , check out the questions below to know how far you have understood the new pattern coding decoding.
The new pattern of the Coding and Decoding exactly looks like this :
In a certain code language,
“New economic development begin” is written as “38%v 30~p 17#x 46&s”
“Great influence to development” is written as “19@y 30~p 27%v 40*r”
“New opportunity to start” is written as “19@y 15%v 14~p 17#x”
“Have less economic opportunity” is written as “46&s 14~p 41$w 23$w”
Which of the following is the code for the word “economic”?
(a) 38%v
(b) 38%v
(c) 17#x
(d) 46&s
(e) None of these
The code “27%v 15%v” denotes which of the following word?
(a) Development Start
(b) Great influence
(c) Great start
(d) Either a or b
(e) None of these
The code word of “capacity” according to the given code is?
(a) 26?t
(b) 26&t
(c) 25&s
(d) 26*s
(e) 26&s
“38%v 46?u” denotes which of the following word?
(a) New Economic
(b) Great influence
(c) Development start
(d) Course begin
(e) None of these
According to the given code word, what will be the code for “given opportunity for development”?
(a) 30~p 33%v 14~p 30&x
(b) 30~p 33$v 14~p 30#x
(c) 30~p 33%v 14*p 30#x
(d) 30?p 33%v 14~p 30#x
(e) 30~p 33%v 14~p 30#x
- (D)
- (C)
- (E)
- (D)
- (E)
In a certain code language
- “Black, Red, Green, Blue” is written as “23S18, 16C2, 22C2, 13H7”
- “White, Yellow, Violet, Purple” is written as “7W22, 22X23, 22Q16, 4Z25
- “Brown, Grey, Orange, Silver” is written as “9T19, 2H7, 13C2, 22P15”
A. 21C3
B. 22C3
C. 21D2
D. 22D3
E. None of these
A. 7Q16, 9D4
B. 7Q16, 9D3
C. 6Q16, 9D3
D. 6Q16, 9D4
E. None of these
A. Golden
B. Silver
C. Green
D. Red
E. None of these
Ques. 4
A. 3C3
B. 2D3
C. 4E2
D. 25D3
E. None of these
A. 15E5 22H10 13H7
B. 16E5 22L10 13H7
C. 16E4 22K10 13H7
D. 16D4 23L10 13H7
E. None of these
Answers & Solutions
1. Ans: D
2. Ans: B
3. Ans: A
4. Ans: B
5. Ans: C
Direction (1-5): Study the information below and answer the following question: In a certain code language,
‘Attend class daily good’ is written as 9$5, 24%9, 3$6, 24*3
‘Begin great any matter’ is written as 3&3, 8$9, 10*15, 14$4
‘Less error and fire’ is written as 10$7, 23%8, 9%14, 24&3
‘Tool better than screw’ is written as 16%22, 5$21, 10*4, 14%22
1). The code for the word ‘ great’
- a)3&3
- b)8$9
- c)10*15
- d)14$4
- e)None of these
2). The code word ‘10$7’ for the word
- a)Less
- b)Error
- c)And
- d)Fire
- e)None of these
3). According to the given code what will be the code for the word ‘Burst’?
- a)8*2
- b)6$2
- c)8$4
- d)6#4
- e)None of these
4). According to the given code, what is the code for ‘Person’?
- a)12*16
- b)14*18
- c)12$16
- d)16#18
- e)None of these
5). By using the given code word, find the code word for ‘Behave well after school’?
- a)14*19, 8$5, 18%23, 21*6
- b)18*21, 12$3, 18%22, 23*5
- c)15*19, 8$6, 14%27, 21*4
- d)16*21, 10$3, 16%25, 23*4
- e)18*23, 10$4, 16%27, 21*4
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions
In a certain code language
” Making the working place ” is written as “%U20, &N13, #X23 , !Q16.
” Make clear difference between ” is written as “$E04, *D03, %N13, @C02 .
“sLove your job even ” is written as “#F05, !K10, &M12, %Z25 .
” Less emphasis on team ” is written as ” *F05 , @P15, #M12, !U20.
6). What is the code for ‘difference’ in the given code language?
- a)*D03
- b)%N13
- c)$E04
- d)@C02
- e)None of these
7). What is the possible for ‘*D03, !K10’ in the given code language?
- a)clear job
- b)make even
- c)difference love
- d)even between
- e)None of these
8). What may be the possible word for ‘@C02, #X23, !U20 ’ in the given code language?
- a)making clear job
- b)love the team
- c)less place difference
- d)working between team
- e)None of these
9). What may be the possible code for ‘make emphasis’ in the given code language?
- a)#X23, @P15
- b)!Q16, @P15
- c)#X23, #M12
- d)%U20, !U20
- e)%N13, *F05
10). What is the code for ‘solve tough puzzle’ in the given code language?
- a)#R18,&P22, %S20
- b)#Q16,&U20, %T19
- c)#S14,&T18, %P21
- d)#M10,&O15, %T17
- e)None of these
Answer Key with Detailed Explanation:
Direction (1 – 5):
The logic for all the above code is:
1.Z – 1, Y – 2, X – 3, ……., B – 25, A – 26àThe number that represents last letter in the word + 1
2.The symbol with respect to the no. of letters in the word,
Three letter word =&
Four letter word = %
Five letter word = $
Six letter word = *
3.A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, ….., Y – 25, Z – 26àThe number that represents the first letter in the word + 2.
- Answer: b
Explanation : GREAT = 8$9
G = 7 in alphabet + 2 = 9
T = 7 in reverse order + 1 = 8 Five letter word = $
- Answer: b
Explanation :
Error = 10$7
E = 5 in alphabet + 2 = 7
R = 9 in reverse order + 1 = 10
Five letter word = $
- Answer: c
Explanation : Burst = 8$4
B = 2 in alphabet + 2 = 4
T = 7 in reverse order + 1 = 8
Five letter word = $
- Answer: b
Explanation : Person = 14*18
P = 16 in alphabet + 2 = 18
N = 13 in reverse order + 1 = 14
Six letter word = *
- Answer: d
Explanation :
Behave well after school = 16*21, 10$3, 16%25, 23*4
Direction (6 – 10):
The logic for all the above code is:
The letter denotes the next letter of the First letter of each word
Like “Clear” – First letter “C” – Next word – D
The Two digit number denotes the alphabet number of First letter (1 – 26)
Like “Make” – First letter – M – 13
And rest of the one symbol and can be anything.
- Answer: c)
- Answer: a)
- Answer: d)
- Answer: e)
- Answer: b)
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Oject Indefinite Interbank Login′ is written as ′I@11 E%14 E$17 J#11′
′Park Abatement Edible Green ′ is written as ′D@18 F#7 U$3 E%9′
′Countercheck Carbon Illicit Pipeline′ is written as ′H#18 E%5 G$11 L@5′
′Expectant Uncollectible Panick Hometown′ is written as ′I$7 F@18 H%10 M#23′
- What will be the code for ‘Absorption Mixture’?
A) H#15 J#3
B) G@15 J%3
C) G@15 J$3
D) G#15 J%3
E) None of these - What will be the code for ‘Unopen Celebrative’?
A) K#5 F%23
B) I#5 F#23
C) L#5 F@23
D) J#5 F%23
E) None of these - What will be the code for ‘Maiden Timework’?
A) E%16 H@22
B) F%15 H#22
C) F%15 H@22
D) F%16 H#22
E) Cannot be determined - What will be the code for ‘Trademark Economist’?
A) IJ7 I@22
B) I$7 I@22
C) J$7 I%22
D) I$7 I$22
E) None of these - What will be the code for ‘Fastest Monopolisation’?
A) H$9 N#15
B) H$7 N%14
C) G$8 N%15
D) G$7 N#15
E) Cannot be determined
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Team Made Best Solve′ is written as ′P17 C21 K28 N22′
′Solve Keep Test Team′ is written as ′M18 C21 N22 J20′
′Best Beep Wait Node′ is written as ′K28 W15 B12 K20′
′Wait Taste Care Main′ is written as ′S17 F23 W15 D27′
- What can be the code for ‘Wait Merit’?
A) C21 W15
B) W15 D27
C) N22 J20
D) C21 D27
E) None of these - Which of the following can be used to find out the code for ‘Solve’?
(i) C21 K28 M18 D27
(ii) P17 K20 C21 K28
(iii) C21 K20 S17 N22
(iv) C12 N22 J20 K28
A) (ii) or (iii) or (iv)
B) (ii) or (iv)
C) (i) or (ii) or (iv)
D) (ii) or (iii)
E) None of these - Which of the following cannot be used to find the code for ‘Node’?
A) K20 F23 J13 L09
B) C21 B12 W15 L22
C) P23 B12 M12 N12
D) B12 K28 K20 M18
E) M18 K20 N22 O34 - If ‘Care’ is coded as ‘F23’, then what can be used to find code for ‘Taste’?
A) D27 P17 S17 W15
B) H17 M19 D27 L25
C) G19 E22 D27 S17
D) S17 C22 D27 L04
E) M18 S17 D27 C21 - If the code for ‘Beep is ‘B12’, then which of the following can be used to find the code for ‘Node Test’?
A) K20 M18
B) J20 M18
C) J20 K20
D) P17 K20
E) A or C
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘example hijack picnic classroom’ is written as ‘!k3 %v3 $x4 #s3 ’,
‘recheck puzzle excuse hygienic’ is written as ‘!s4 #i3 %v3 %k3’,
‘victim jumble lock chronic’ is written as ‘%q3 #o2 !x3 $e3 ’, and
‘hardwork terrific beam prism’ is written as ‘$y2 #s4 $k2 !g4’.
- What is the code for ‘proclaim analytic’?
A) $j4 !z4
B) $k4 !z4
C) %k4 !y4
D) #k4 !z4
E) Cannot be determined - What is the code for ‘ringworm outkick’?
A) $i4 #l3
B) $h4 #l4
C) $i3 #k3
D) !i4 #l3
E) Cannot be determined - What is the code for ‘autism displace’?
A) $z4 %w3
B) $z3 %x4
C) $y3 %w4
D) $z3 %w4
E) Cannot be determined - What is code for ‘pacific struck’?
A) !k3 %h3
B) $j3 #h3
C) !k3 #h3
D) !k3 #i3
E) Cannot be determined - What is code for ‘invasive turmeric’?
A) !d3 %r4
B) !g4 %r4
C) !j4 %r3
D) !g4 !y4
E) Cannot be determined
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘group factor content over’ is written as ‘#p20 %t24 @r21 $r12’,
‘distant heart prove listen’ is written as ‘@n15 %t23 #e11 #t19’,
‘goal noble policy discount’ is written as ‘@y11 $l20 %t23 #l13’, and
‘narrow express journal sign’ is written as ‘%s22 %l17 @w13 $n8’.
- What is the code for ‘best coding’?
A) %t25 @g23
B) %t23 @g24
C) $t25 @g24
D) $t25 #g24
E) Cannot be determined - What is the code for ‘update draft’?
A) %e6 #t25
B) @e6 #t23
C) @f6 #d23
D) #e6 #t24
E) Cannot be determined - What is the code for ‘preview status’?
A) %w11 @s9
B) %w10 @s8
C) %w12 @s9
D) %w11 @s8
E) Cannot be determined - What is code for ‘public feature’?
A) @c11 %e21
B) @c12 %e22
C) %c12 #e21
D) %d11 %e21
E) Cannot be determined - What is code for ‘browse trash’?
A) @e24 #h8
B) @e25 #h8
C) @e24 #h7
D) @e25 #h7
E) Cannot be determined
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
′Produce Land Shares Total′ is written as ′H1% O4$ K5@ G3#′
′World Puzzles Estate Favour′ is written as ′K1@ U9% D4# V5%′
′Matter Quicker Sale First′ is written as ′U2# H5$ N9% J9@′
′Gate Owner Complex Meet′ is written as ′N2$ T5$ L9# X6@′
- What will be the code for ‘Goods Service’?
A) T2# G5@
B) T1$ G5@
C) T1# H5@
D) T2# H5%
E) None of these - What will be the code for ‘Major Share’?
A) N2% G5#
B) M9% H4#
C) N2# G5#
D) N9# H5#
E) None of these - What will be the code for ‘Download’?
A) W4@
B) X4@
C) T4@
D) V4@
E) Cannot be determined - What will be the code for ‘Free Games’?
A) U1$ U5#
B) T1# U5$
C) S2% U5$
D) T1% V4$
E) None of these - What will be the code for ‘Angry Birds’?
A) Y1# Z7#
B) Y2$ X6#
C) Y1% Z7$
D) Z1$ Z8#
E) Cannot be determined
Directions (Q. 1- 5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
“RUNG MADLY BUN JAR” is written as ‘24#G, 7%Y, 16$N, 12@R’
“JAM RAPID BUT MONKEY” is written as ‘17@M, 28#D, 10$T, 8%Y’
“MACAROON BIRR RACISM JEEP” is written as ‘21%N, 13$R, 20#M, 15@P’
“RATIO JUKE BAILEE MOD” is written as ‘17#O, 26@E, 28$E, 26%D’
- The code for the word ‘RAN’ is
5.None of these - The code ‘26#E’ denotes which of the following word?
5.None of these - Which of the following is the code for “MONK”?
5.None of these - Which of the following denotes @ symbol?
5.J - Which of the following is the code for ‘MUSIC BITE RACE JARL’ ?
1.15@E, 13#C, 5?E, 13%L
2.21%E, 6$L, 18#E, 20@C
3.19@E, 17#L, 7?E, 18%C
4.26@E, 29%C, 26#E, 19@L
5.None of these
Q(6 –10) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language,
‘COT DAINTY FUN EPOCH’ is written as “&23T, $31Y, *17N, #13H”
‘COW DOLL FLUENT EMBOW’ is written as “&26W, $16L, *26T, #28W”
‘CON DOORS FAIR ELEVEN’ is written as “&17N, $24S, *22R, #20N”
‘FLOPPY COR ENTER ENG’ is written as “*31Y, &21R, #23R, #10G”
- Which of the following is the code for “FEAR”?
5.None of these - Which of the following denotes # symbol?
5.None of these - Which of the following denotes $ symbol?
5.None of these - The code ‘#24T’ denotes which of the following word?
5.None of these - By using the given code word, find the code word for ‘FAN COAL EBONY DACTYL’?
1. *18N, &15L, #32Y, $18L
2. *17N, &16L, #31Y, $18L
3. *17N, &16L, #23Y, $18L
4. *18N, &16L, #33Y, $18L
5. *17N, &16L, #30Y, $18L
Directions (Q. 1- 5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
“RAIL MADLY BUN JAR” is written as ‘19#L, 7%Y, 16$N, 12@R’
“JOB RAPID BOT MONKEY” is written as ‘28@B, 28#D, 10$T, 8%Y’
“MICRO BOAR RANSOM JUMP” is written as ‘21%O, 13$R, 20#M, 15@P’
“RADAR JUKE BANGLE MOD” is written as ‘14#R, 26@E, 28$E, 26%D’
- The code for the word ‘RAN’ is
B. 8*N
C. 17#N
D. 16#N
E. None of these - The code ‘27#E’ denotes which of the following word?
E. None of these - Which of the following is the code for “MONK”?
B. 26%K
C. 28!K
D. 24!K
E. None of these - Which of the following denotes % symbol?
B. M
C. B
D. R
E. J - Which of the following is the code for ‘MACRO BAKE ROSE JAIL’ ?
15@E, 13#O, 5?E, 13%L
B.21%E, 6$L, 18#E, 20@O
C.19@E, 17#L, 7?E, 18%O
D.26$E, 17%O, 26#E, 19@L
E.None of these
Q(6 –10) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language,
‘CUT DONKEY FUN EAR’ is written as “&23T, $31Y, *17N, #21R”
‘COW DOLL FABRICANT ELBOW’ is written as “&26W, $16L, *29T, #28W”
‘CAN DEAR FOUR ELEVEN’ is written as “&17N, $22R, *22R, #20N”
‘FANCY CYBER EAGER END’ is written as “*30Y, &23R, #23R, #7D”
- Which of the following is the code for “FEAR”?
5.None of these - Which of the following denotes * symbol?
5.None of these - Which of the following denotes & symbol?
5.None of these - The code ‘#10G’ denotes which of the following word?
5.None of these
By using the given code word, find the code word for ‘FAN COAL EBONY DACTYL’?
1. *18N, &15L, #32Y, $18L
2. *17N, &16L, #31Y, $18L
3. *17N, &16L, #23Y, $18L
4. *18N, &16L, #33Y, $18L
5. *17N, &16L, #30Y, $18L
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