Permutation And Combination Tips and Tricks

Permutation And Combination Tips and Tricks for IBPS, SBI, SSC, RRB, RBI, Railway, LIC,IAS,SSB Exams. Permutation:An arrangement is called a Permutation. It is the rearrangement...


DIRECTION AND DISTANCE Tips and Tricks Reasoning comprises of a very important concept that is – Directions. It is one of the easiest topics to...

Blood Relation Tricks and Tips

Blood Relation Tricks and Tips Generally, in every competitive exam you may find these type problems. These types of problems test your understanding potential in...

Syllogisms Tricks and Tips

Syllogisms Tricks and Tips Syllogism is one of the most important and interesting topics in Reasoning and Solving Syllogism is always fun if you understand...

ORDER AND RANKING Short Tricks and Tips

ORDER AND RANKING In this chapter generally the ranks of a person from both sides left or right or from top and from bottom are...

Input Output / Machine Input in Reasoning Tips and Tricks

Input Output / Machine Input in Reasoning Tips and Tricks In the reasoning section, another important Topic is Input Output problems. In such types of problems,...

How to solve Inequalities In Reasoning Tricks and Tips

How  to solve Inequalities In Reasoning Tricks and Tips The questions regarding inequality are often asked in Exams; usually a candidate can expect at least...

How To Solve Cloze Test Tips and Tricks

How To Solve Cloze Test Tips and Tricks In Cloze passages the candidate is given a text passage with some words removed. The candidate has...

Tricks to solve profit and loss problems

PROFIT AND LOSS SHORT TRICKS In the examination conducted by various recruitment we find this type of question that will be asked in chapter of...

Tricks to Solve Percentage Problems

Tricks to Solve Percentage Problems All quantitative aptitude examinations will have questions based on percentage system. Most of the questions from this category are related...