With State Bank of India having narrowed down candidates for the final interview for their Probationary Officer post, there is a lot in the kitty for people who have missed the bus. If SBI PO is the trend setter with their recruitment beginning early in the year, IBPS PO is the lender of last resort for aspirants who aspire to grab the coveted spot in a Nationalized Bank.

After RBI’s Prompt Corrective Action on banks, IBPS PO is expected to be a tough battle as a “seat-shrinkage” is on the shores this year which naturally enhances the competition. In between this SBI and IBPS saga, a lot of other exams are also planned but IBPS PO carries its own importance and weightage due to the “Banks” if offers in its catalogue.

With cut-throat competition expected this year, aspirants will be going all guns blazing to not leave any stone unturned. And with rising competition, margin of error becomes very less and you can’t afford any lacunae in the preparation. But there are people who are still taking it lightly and their “invisible” competitors are stepping ahead day by day. It might be anyone, it might be you too who is giving other competitors an edge over you. Here are the signs which imply that you might miss the bus this year too:

# 1. Social Networking addiction

With plethora of Social Networking in place, we have started living our life less in “real” and more in “virtual”. The fun that it brings gradually converts into addiction and there comes a point where in “your status” gain more importance than “your preparation”.  If you are the one who constantly flip between Whatsapp, Hike, Quora, Instagram, Snapchat etc, congratulations, you are cooking the recipe for your own failure.

# 2. Lack of planning

With competition at its peak, you can’t crack this examination without proper planning. When they say that “Planning is the foundation stone of all good things ahead”, it holds relevance in competitive examination arena. If there is no plan at place right now, start charting a plan for next two months and follow it diligently.

# 3. Lack of Implementation

If in case, there is a proper planning put in place, its implementation becomes difficult. If you have already charted out your path till the exam but are not putting in extra efforts to stick to that properly, the very idea of planning is futile. Not everything can be planned, not everything can be implemented at one go but somewhere, you need to devise methods to implement what you have planned in advance.

# 4. Doing it just because people around you are doing

Indians’ are highly equipped with this habit of “herd” race where we choose our careers on the basis of what the “kid next door” is pursuing or what some of our friends are doing.If you have chosen this field just to give it a try because some of your friends or family members prompted you to, there are high chances that you might end up on the losing side.

# 5. Not attempting or analyzing the mocks

This is the most found factor behind separating “wheat” from the “chaff”. If you are not attempting or analyzing the mocks with all seriousness at this juncture, the doomsayers will have a larger say in your fate because mocks always gives you the feel of real exam and helps you in assessing the mistakes you might incur on the D-day.

# 6. Referring to too much study material and sources

With Information technology springing up, there is bound to be information overload in every aspect of our lives. This is where one should be judicious about what to choose and what to leave. If you are referring to many sources in a hope that it will give you the much needed diversity, it is a myth that you have kept all along the way. Start banking on one source; otherwise, you will end up bouncing from one to the other without gaining any “intrinsic” returns.

7. Referring traditional sources

Gone are the days when a complete coverage of a RS Agrawal book armed you with sufficient weapons to battle it out. Or gone are the days when a full class-room coaching assured your selection because these traditional sources seem to be defunct now. With everything available on the edge of your laptop screen, referring to traditional sources might end up on wasting your time and money.

8. Brooding about the number of seats and cut-throat competition

As I have proffered earlier, thinking about metrics that you have no control on would leave you with “dried” confidence and nothing else. A lot of aspirants get involved into this calculation of “competition” and waste their precious time over an inevitable reality. If you are thinking too much about all this, it won’t help you in grabbing that seat.

9. Lack of consistency

You want to improve English?  Go, consume a lot of stuff daily reading newspaper and articles. You want to improve accuracy? Solve at least 30-40 questions daily to see results in future. Sadly, nobody is able to carry on this pattern for a prolonged period and this lack of “consistency” tickles the graph down to the bottom. If you can‘t be consistent with preparation for 3-4 months, you are bound to face a lot of problems in the long run.

10. Lack of Self-confidence

This is the last but the most important factor which might tilt the balance in your favor. No matter if you are scoring highest or lowest in the mocks, if you are solving questions on the blink of an eye or struggling with them, your self-confidence needs to stand intact all this while. If you are still unsure about whether you have it in you to clear this or not, whether you are good enough for this or not and these questions keep arriving at the front time and again, it is high time that you work on your confidence level first so as to not miss the bus this time.


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