Statement and Course of Action Tricks & Tips
These days, Reasoning area in all the major aggressive examinations like SBI, IBPS, RBI, also, LIC and so forth have begun incorporated an assortment of themes. Statement and Courses of Action is one such significant theme of sensible thinking. This has these days turn into a general component in the exams.
You have to read the statement, analyse it and identify its cause and thus deciding an apt action that should be taken at that situation. Course of Action should be practical and relate with the realistic aspect of life
Statement- As the name suggests, there will be a statement.
Directions :- Read the situation and then decide which of the given courses of action follows.
Give answer,
(a) if only course of action I follows
(b) if only course of action II follows
(c) if both the course of action follow
(d) if neither follows
(e) If the data given is inadequate
Approach to solve the questions of this section
- Don’t make your individual perception.
- Act according to the rules of any organization.
- Go for impartial and personal thinking.
- Existing practices are not effective Course of Action.
- Whenever problem arises, it is always sensible course of action to find out the cause.
Statement: A large number of people in ward X of the city are diagnosed to be suffering from a fatal malaria type.
Courses of Action:
1. The city municipal authority should take immediate steps to carry out extensive fumigation in ward X.
2 ) The people in the area should be advised to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.
(1). Only I follows
(2). Only II follows
(3). Either I or II follows
(4). Neither I nor II follows
(5). Both I and II follow

Statement : The sale of a particular product ‘A’ has gone down considerably, causing great concern to company ‘X’.
Courses of action :
I. Company should make a proper study of rival products in the market.
II. The price of product ‘A’ should be reduced.
Solution:- Option (a) is the correct option as only I follows. Reason /Explanation: If the sale of ‘A’ has gone down, then there must be some solved reasons. The company X must know this reason. As I suggest the similar solution, it follows. But II does not follow. The company should first know if price was a factor behind the drop in sale. Without knowing this, reducing price may turn out to be a wrong and harmful action.
Problem Set On Statement and Course of Action
Directions (1-5): In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow – up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc on the basis of the information given in the statement. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true. Then decide which of the two given suggested courses of action logically follows for pursuing. Give answer
(1) If only I follows
(2) If only II follows
(3) If either I or II follows
(4) If neither I nor II follows.
(5) If both I and II follow
1. Statement: Some of India’s greatest musician and folk artistes are struggling to make both ends meet.
Courses of Action:
I. The folk artistes should be advised to leave their traditional profession and adopt any other profession to earn their lining.
II. The government should give financial aids to these artistes.
2. Statement: Taking advantage of loopholes in service rules and protection from political authorities, a large number of government employees have been doing a “disappearing act” by remaining absent from work for prolonged periods after availing simple leave for a brief period.
Courses of Action:
I. All such employees should be shown the door immediately.
II. All the erring employees should be deprived of pension and other such benefits.
3. Statement: Air export volumes have increased substantially over the past decade causing backlogs and difficulties for air cargo agents because of increased demand for space and service.
Course of Action:
I. Airlines and air cargo agents should jointly work out a solution to combat the problem.
II. The reasons for the increase in the volume of air export should be found out.
4. Statement: The world conference of “Education for all” took place in 1990. Members who attended conference endorsed the frame-work of action for meeting the basic learning needs of all children.
Course of Action:
I. India should suitably implement the action points of this conference.
II. India should also immediately organize this type of conference.
5. Statement: About 30% to 40% of children who are enrolled, do not attend the school on any given day.
Course of Action:
I. More schools should be started.
II. Reasons for this absenteeism should be found out.
Solutions (1-5)
1. (2)
I statement not advisable because it is not a rational way to tackle the problem. I statement is advisable because the move will reduce the miseries if the artistes.
2. (4)
I statement not advisable because of two reasons, First it is not prudent to take action against all such employees because there may be some employees who are on leave for genuine reasons.
Second a proper enquiry must be made and a notice should be sent to such employees in this regard. Taking hasty action does not seem judicious. In other words, course of action I is a harsh action. Hence not advisable. Course of action II is also not advisable on similar grounds.
3. (1)
The problem faced by the airlines and cargo agents is the non availability of cargo space. Therefore, right course of action is to combat the plan.
4. (1)
Implementation of such action plans as framed by the conference is a right course of action as it will give an immediate and effective impact on the standard of education for the children.
5. (2)
Reasons for this absenteeism should be found out as it will help to check such absenteeism of students from the class.
Directions : In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up, or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the two given suggested courses of action logically follows for pursuing.
Give answer:
(a) if only I follows
(b) if only II follows
(c) if either I or II follows
(d) if neither I nor II follows
(e) if both I and II follow
1. Statement : The inmates of Jail X are very dangerous people.
Courses of Action :
I) More security personnel should be deployed to guard the Jail.
II) Some inmates should be shifted to a different jail.
2. Statement : Power supply on state X is terribly poor.
Courses of Action :
I) The concerned authorities should immediately take measures to protect power theft. pilferage etc.
II) The government should buy excess power from the neighboring states.
3. Statement: The teenager was arrested by the police for taking drugs.
Courses of Action :
I) The teenager should be meted with corporal punishment by the police.
II) The teenager should be sent to a drug rehabilitation centre.
4) Statement: Corruption has become rampant in our society.
Courses of Action :
I) All corrupt persons should be brought to book.
II) We should all strive to make our society corruption free.
5) Statement : Floods may create havoc in the country this year too.
Courses of Action :
I) The Government should be on the alert to evacuate flood-affected victims.
II) People should not be afraid of floods.
6) Statement : The State Government has decided to declare “Kala Azar” as a notifiable disease under the Epidemics Act. 1987 . Family members or neighbours of the patient are liable to be punished in case they do not inform the state authorities.
Courses of Action :
I) Efforts should be made to effectively implement the Act.
II) The cases of punishment should be propagated through mass media so that more people become aware of the stern action.
7) Statement : Every year, at the beginning or at the end of the monsoons, we have some cases of conjunctivitis, but this year it seems to be a major epidemic witnessed after nearly four years.
Courses of Action :
I) Precautionary measures should be taken after every four years to check this epidemic.
II) People should be advised to drink boiled water during winter season.
8) Statement : A recent study shows that children below five die in the cities of the developing countries mainly of diarrhoea and parasitic intestinal worms.
Courses of Action :
I) Governments of the developing countries should take adequate measures to improve the hygienic conditions in the cities.
ii) Children below five years in the cities of the developing countries need to be brought under constant medication.
9) Statement : One of the problems facing the food- processing industry is the irregular supply of raw material to other industries also.
Courses of Action :
I) The government should regulate the supply of raw material for the food processing industry.
II) The government should annouce an attractive Package to ensure regular supplly of raw material. The producers of raw material are not getting a reasonable price.
10) Statement : Most the development plans develop on paper only.
Courses of Action :
I) The incharge should be instructed to supervise the field – work regularly.
II) the supply of paper to such departments should be cut short.
Solutions :
1)a I is desirable because tighter security arrangements are needed for dangerous people. II is ruled out because its efficacy is in doubt.
2) e Both I and II are established facts and hence both I and II follows.
3) b It is an established fact that a teenager who takes drugs will never stop it if he is beaten by the police. But the right action is to take him to a rehabilitation centre. Hence only II follows.
4) d Both I and II are vague. It lacks substance. Nothing concrete is being said here.
5) a If floods occur this year too, I is likely to yield positive results. II is a negative approach. We must refrain from panic but a healthy fear is desirable.
6) e When the Government takes such an action it is necessary that people are made aware of the consequences they would face if they do not obey the directive . Hence II follows. I is obvious.
7) d Against an epidemic, precautionary measures should be taken every year and not every four years. Hence I does not follow. II is not a preventive action against conjunctivitis. Hence II also does not follow.
8) a To improve the hygienic conditions is always a welcome step and in view of the statement it becomes even more necessary. Hence, I unquestionably follows. But II does not. We should not medicate any child unless he has actually contracted the disease. Prevention is all right but curing should begin only after the disease has been contracted.
9) b I is an absurd suggestion. When one industry is facing trouble because of regulations, it talks of regulating the supply of other industrial raw materials too. II is a better action because it would tend to solve the problem.
10) a The Statement mentions a problem that most of the development plans develop on paper only. They are not materialised in reality. This problem could be solved if field work was supervised properly. Hence I follows. But II is a absurd suggestion. The issue is lack of actual field work and not misuse of paper.
Directions (Q. 1-5): In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follows for pursuing:
Give answer
(a) If only Course of action I follows Give answer
(b) If only Course of action II follows Give answer
(c) If either Course of action I or Course of action II follows Give answer
(d) If neither Course of action I nor Course of action II follows Give answer
(e) If both courses of action I and II follow
1. Statement :
The dolphin population in India has been decreasing sharply over the past few years.
Course of Action :
I. Dolphins should be declared an endangered species and bred in aquariums or protected areas.
II. Locals should be enlisted to protect dolphins.
(e) Both the courses of action will help increase the population of dolphins.
2. Statement :
Cell phone users have found that tariff plans are not as attractive as promoted by telecom companies and complained to regulatory authority about the same.
Course of Action :
I.The regulatory authority should direct telecom companies to be transparent on the tariff structure of all plans.
II.The government should restrict the number of telecom companies operating in the country.
(a) Being “not as attractive as promoted” is the answer to the problem and I follows. II goes against the spirit of free market and is not relevant to the problem either.
3. Statement :
A number of school children in the local schools have fallen ill after the consumption of their subsidized tiffin provided by the school authority.
Course of Action :
I.The tiffin facility of all schools should be discontinued with immediate effect.
II.The government should implement a system to certify the quality of tiffin provided by the school.
(b) I would be an extreme action. II is a proper corrective measure.
4. Statement :
Heavy rains hit the state during October, just before the State Assembly elections, and caused heavy damage to standing crops in most parts of the state.
Course of Action :
I.Elections should be postponed to give candidates the opportunity to campaign.
II.The Government should announce a relief package for those who are affected.
(b) I do not follow because elections are not conducted only in favourable conditions. II follows as it is the genuine course of action to provide relief to the people I case of adversity.
5. Statement :
An increasing number of graduates produced by Indian universities are unemployable.
Course of Action :
I.Colleges and Institutes of higher learning should be given greater autonomy to decide the course content.
II.World-class foreign universities should be encouraged to set up campuses in India.
(e) Both follow as both provide the technique to improve the level of graduates.
Directions (Q.1-5): In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step of administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.
Give answer
(a) If only course of action I follows
(b) If only course of action II follows
(c) If either course of action I or II follows
(d) If neither course of action I nor II follows
(e)If both courses of action I and II follow.
1. Statement:
Many pilgrims died in a stampede while boarding a private ferry to the holy place on the first day of the ten-day-long festival.
Courses of action:
I.The Govt. should immediately cancel the licenses of all the private ferry operators with
immediate effect.
II.The Govt. should deploy an adequate number of its personnel to guide pilgrims on their
journey to the holy place.
Answer: (b) I is an insensible action. But II will be helpful in preventing such accidents.
2. Statement:
Some students of the local college were caught travelling in the train without purchasing valid tickets.
Course of action:
I. The parents of these students should be informed about the incident and requested to counsel their
II. These students should be put behind bars for travelling without bona fide credentials.
Answer: (a) We should remember that the culprits are mere students. Going for II instead of I would make sense only if it is a repeated act.)
3. Statement:
A large part of the locality was flooded as the main pipe supplying drinking water burst while the workers of a utility company were laying cables in the area.
Course of action:
I. The civic authority should immediately arrange to repair the damage and stop loss of water.
II. The civic authority should seek an explanation and compensation from the utility company for the damage caused by them.
Answer: (e) I is advisable in the short term and II in the long term.
4. Statement:
Millions of pilgrims are expected to take a dip in the Ganges at the holy place during the next fortnight.
Course of action:
I. The Govt. should restrict the number of pilgrims who can take dip each day during the fortnight.
II. The Govt. should deploy an adequate number of security personnel to maintain law and order during the next fortnight at the holy place.
Answer: (b) I is a sensitive issue and not feasible. II will help take care of the rush.
5. Statement:
The rate of inflation has reached its highest in last twenty years and there is no sign of it
softening in the coming months.
Course of action:
I. The Govt. should initiate steps like reducing Govt. taxes on essential commodities with immediate effect.
II. Farmers should be asked by the Govt. to sell their produce at lower prices.
Answer: (d) Going for I and II would create other problems.
Directions :- In the following questions a factsituation is given followed by two suggested courses. A course of action is a step of administrative decision taken for improvement or follow- up action. Read the situation and then decide which of the given courses of action follows.
Give answer,
(a) if only course of action I follows
(b) if only course of action II follows
(c) if both the course of action follow
(d) if neither follows
(e) If the data given is inadequate i.e., if in the light of the given information. It cannot be asserted with certainty whether a course of action follows or not.
6. Statement : The Central Bureau of Investigation receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.
Courses of Action :
I ) CBI should try to catch the officer taking bribe red-handed and then take a strict action against him
II) CBI should wait for some more complaints about the officer to be sure about the matter.
7. Statement : The Finance Minister submits his resignation a month before the new budget is to be presented in the parliament.
Courses of Action :
I) The resignation should be accepted and another person should be appointed as the Finance Minister.
II) the resignation should not be accepted.
8. Statement : The Asian Development Bank has approved a $ 285 million loan to finance a project to construct coal ports by Paradip and Madras Port Trusts.
Courses of Action :
I) India should use financial assistance from other international financial organisations to develop such ports in other places.
II) India should not seek such financial assistance from the international financial agencies
9. Statement : Orissa and Andhra Pradesh have agreed in principle to set up a joint control board for better control management and productivity of several inter-state multipurpose projects.
Courses of Action :
I) Other neighbouring states should set up such control boards.
II) The proposed control board should not be allowed to function as such joint boards are always ineffective.
10. Statement : Certian mining industries in Gujarat may come to a standstill because of the notification issued by the Department of Environment and Forest banning mining operations and industries alike within 25 kms of National park, the game sanctuary and reserve forest areas.
Courses of Action :
I) The department should be asked to immediately withdraw the notification.
II) The Government should make effort to shift the parks, sanctuaries and reserve forests to other non-mining areas.
6. (a) One complaint is enough for a wrong doing. This should be confirmed by catching the guilty red- should be handed and strict action taken against him. So only course I follows.
7. (b) An already working Finance Minister shall know better all the plans and resources of the Government and he alone can present a suitable budget. So course II
should be followed.
8. (a) Such projects shall be an asset and a source of income to the country later on. So course I shall follow
9. (a) The effectiveness of such control boards is established by the fact that Orissa and A.P have agreed to it for better control of its multipurpose projects. Hence only I follows.
10. (d) None follows. Firstly , the notification is issued to promote the natural environment and so cannot be withdrawn and secondly, the sanctuaries etc cannot be shifted.
Directions :- In the following questions a fact or situation is given followed by two suggested courses. A course of action is a step of administrative decision taken for improvement or follow- up action. Read the situation and then decide which of the given courses of action follows.
Give answer,
(a) if only course of action I follows
(b) if only course of action II follows
(c) if both the course of action follow
(d) if neither follows
(e) If the data given is inadequate
1) Statement : The officer in-charge of a company had a hunch that some money was missing from the safe.
Courses of Action :
I) He should get it recounted with the help of the staff and check it with the balance sheet
II) He should inform the police.
2) Statement : Doordarshan is concerned about the quality of its programmes particularly in view of stiff competition it is facing from Star and other satellite TV channels and is contemplating various measures to attract talent for its programers.
I In an effort to attract talent, the Doordarshan has decided to revise its fee structure for the artists.
II. The fee structure should not be revised until other electronic media also revise it.
3) Statement : Since its launching in 1981, Vayudoot has so far accumulated losses amounting to Rs. 153 crore during the last ten years.
Courses of Action :
I) Vayudoot should be directed to reduce wasteful expenditure and to increase passenger fare
II) An amount of about Rs. 300 crore should be provided to vayudoot to make the airlines economically viable.
4) Statement : Youngsters are often found staring at obscene posters.
I) Children should be punished and penalised if they are found doing so.
II) Any display of such materials should be banned.
5) Statement: Exporters in the capital are alleging that commercial banks are violating a RBI directive to operate a post shipment export credit denominated in foreign Currency at international interest rate from January this year.
I) The officers concerned in the commercial banks are to be suspended.
II) The RBI Should be asked to stop giving such directives to commercial banks.
6) Statement : India’s performance in the recent Busan Asian – Games was very poor. Government has spent a few crores in training and deputing a team of players to participate in these games.
Courses of Action:
I) India should stop sending players to the future Asian games.
II) Government should immediately set up an enquiry commission to find out the reason for India’s dismal performance.
7) Statement : Courts take too long in deciding important disputes of various departments.
I) Courts should be ordered to speed up matters.
II) Special powers should be granted to officers to settle disputes concerning their department.
8) Statement : A shop – keeper was reported to be selling adulterated grains.
Courses of Action :
I) He should be fined and shop sealed.
II) He should be asked to leave the town and open a shop elsewhere.
9) Statement : A train has derailed near a station while moving over a bridge and fell into the river.
I) The Railway Authorities should clarify the reason of the accident to the Government.
II) The Government should allocate founds to compensate the destruction caused .
10) Statement : The librarian finds some case in which the pages from certain books issued from the library, are torn.
I) The Librarian should keep a record of books issued by each student, and if the pages are found torn, strict measures should be taken against the child who had been issued that book.
II) Some funds should be collected from the children collectively to renovate the library.
1) a Clearly, a suspicion first needs to be confirmed and only when it is confirmed , should an action be taken. So only course I follows.
2) a Clearly, the decision to revise its fee structure for artists is taken by Doordarshan as a remedy to the challenging problem that had arisen before it. It cannot wait till other media lack action. So only course I follows.
3) a Clearly, for better economic gain, losses should be reduced and income should be increased. So only course I follows.
4) b Bad things attract more and punishment after the act has been committed is no remedy. The act should be prevented so only II follows.
5) d The statement mentions that the commercial banks violate a directive issued by the RBI. The remedy is only to make the banks implement the act . So none of the courses follows.
6) b Clearly to compete against a challenge, the first step must be to find out where the lackening is . So only course II follows.
7) e For quick disposal of cases, either the matters in the court should be speeded up or the matters should be cleared up in their respective departments to prevent the delay. So both the courses follow.
8) a Clearly if allowed to continue without being punished , the shopkeeper would create the problem elsewhere. So course I shall follow.
9) d What is necessary is the preventive measures to protect the passengers and pay them adequate compensation. So, none of the courses follow.
10) a Clearly, Precaution should be taken to catch the guilty person and punish him for the act. This alone will help curb the wrong practice. So only course I will follow.
Directions :- In the following questions a fact/situation is given followed by two suggested courses. A course of action is a step of administrative decision taken for improvement
or follow- up action. Read the situation and then decide which of the given courses of action follows.
Give answer,
(a) if only course of action I follows
(b) if only course of action II follows
(c) if both the course of action follow
(d) if neither follows
(e) If the data given is inadequate i.e., if in the light of the given information. It cannot be asserted with certainty whether a course of action follows or not.
1) Statement : A leading US multinational engineering and construction firm is keen to invest in India in a variety of sectors ranging from power to land management.
Courses of Action :
I) Such multinational companies should not be allowed to operate in India.
II) India should encourage multinational companies from other developed countries to invest in power sectors to bring in competitive climate.
2) Statement : The Government could consider the possibility of increasing the software budget from the current Rs. 20 crore to Rs. 100 crore in the Eighth Plan, provided there are concrete suggestions for the utilisation of the funds.
Courses of Action :
I) The Government should consult the trade unions in this regard.
II) Software companies should submit detailed proposals to the Government.
3) Statement : Inspite of the Principal’s repeated warnings a child was caught exploding crackers secretly in the school.
Courses of Action:
I) All the crackers should be taken away from the child and he should be threatened not to do it again.
II) the child should be severely punished for his wrong act.
4) Statement : Most of the children in India are not able to get education, because they get employed to earn livelihood in their childhood only.
Courses of Action :
I) Education should be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14
II) Employment of children below the age of 14 years, should be banned
5) Statement : The Central Bureau of Investigation receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.
Courses of Action :
I ) CBI should try to catch the officer taking bribe red-handed and then take a strict action against him
II) CBI should wait for some more complaints about the officer to be sure about the matter.
6) Statement : The Finance Minister submits his resignation a month before the new budget is to be presented in the parliament.
Courses of Action :
I) The resignation should be accepted and another person should be appointed as the Finance Minister.
II) the resignation should not be accepted.
7) Statement : The Asian Development Bank has approved a $ 285 million loan to finance a project to construct coal ports by Paradip and Madras Port Trusts.
Courses of Action :
I) India should use financial assistance from other international financial organisations to develop such ports in other places.
II) India should not seek such financial assistance from the international financial agencies
8) Statement : Orissa and Andhra Pradesh have agreed in principle to set up a joint control board for better control management and productivity of several inter-state multipurpose projects.
Courses of Action :
I) Other neighbouring states should set up such control boards.
II) The proposed control board should not be allowed to function as such joint boards are always ineffective.
9) Statement : Certian mining industries in Gujarat may come to a standstill because of the notification issued by the Department of Environment and Forest banning mining operations and industries alike within 25 kms of National park, the game sanctuary and reserve forest areas.
Courses of Action :
I) The department should be asked to immediately withdraw the notification.
II) The Government should make effort to shift the parks, sanctuaries and reserve forests to other non-mining areas.
10) Statement : The Indian electronic component industry venturing into the west European markets faces tough competition from the Japanese.
Courses of Action :
I) India should search for other international markets for its products.
II) India should improve the quality of the electronic components to complete with the Japanese in capturing these markets.
1) b
Clearly, financing is the major problem in starting any project. The investment by multinational companies shall, therefore, be a way to development. So course II should follow.
2) b
The suggestions shall be offered to the Government only through detailed proposals by software Companies. Hence II follows.
3) b
Since the act has been repeated despite various warnings, course I would only be another warning and would not help. Severe punishment to set example to him and others is inevitable. Thus II follows.
4) e
To educate all children enforcement of education is necessary . Also, the reason is that they are employed. So , ban on such employment is also needed. Thus both the courses follow.
5) a
One complaint is enough for a wrong doing. This should be confirmed by catching the guilty red- should be handed and strict action taken against him. So only course I follows.
6) b
An already working Finance Minister shall know better all the plans and resources of the Government and he alone can present a suitable budget. So course II should be followed.
7) a
Such projects shall be an asset and a source of income to the country later on. So course I shall follow
8) a
The effectiveness of such control boards is established by the fact that Orissa and A.P have agreed to it for better control of its multipurpose projects. Hence only I follows.
9) d
None follows. Firstly , the notification is issued to promote the natural environment and so cannot be withdrawn and secondly, the sanctuaries etc cannot be shifted.
10) b
An escapists attitude does not help much. The need is to compete and emerge successful. So only II follows.