As we all know that now a day’s in All Banking Exams and other competitive exams most of the English Sections were taken from Editorial pages. So it is essential to have a sound knowledge and understanding of English vocabulary. So here we are presenting you Vocabulary from “The Hindu”.

  1. Gavel (noun) – a hammer (which an auctioneer uses).
  2. Nail (verb) – secure, take in.
  3. Trope (noun) – a significant manner, style, way.
  4. Buck (verb) – go against, contradict, defy.
  5. Bonanza (verb) – a large amount of money received unexpectedly, jackpot, award, reward.
  6. Unsung (adjective) – relating to a person who does great achievements but he is unknown/unacknowledged; uncelebrated, unacclaimed.
  7. Doughty (adjective) – determined, persistent, unfaulty.
  8. Roller-coaster ride (noun) – (figuratively) an experience with unexpected highs and lows, sudden and rapid changes in a short period of time.
  9. Attribute (noun) – quality, feature, characteristic/trait.
  10. Grit (noun) – courage, spirit, determination.
  11. Accent (noun) – emphasis, importance, priority.
  12. Fire (of) (noun) – energy, vigor, vibrancy/enthusiasm.
  13. Nerve-racking (adjective) – stressful, difficult, demanding.
  14. Raging (adjective) – stormy, strong, wild.
  15. Nurture (verb) – encourage, promote, foster.




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