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Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions. 
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people each in such a way that there is equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1, Jack, Kunal, Lalit, Monty and Nathan are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. In row 2, Ricky, Smith, Tret, Uber and Vivian are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
Vivian sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only two people sit between Vivian and Ricky. The one who faces Ricky sits on the immediate left of Lalit. Only one person sits between Lalit and Kunal. The one who faces Kunal sits on the immediate left of Smith. Nathan sits second to the right of Jack. Neither Kunal nor Lalit faces Uber.

Q1. Who among the following is facing Monty?
(a) Uber              (b) Ricky              (c) Tret              (d) Vivian             (e) Smith

Q2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Who among the following does not belong to that group?
(a) Nathan, Kunal              (b) Jack, Lalit             (c) Monty, Lalit             (d) Ricky, Uber             (e) Smith, Tret

Q3. What is the position of Uber with respect to Smith?
(a) Third to the right              (b) Immediate left              (c) Second to the left              (d) Second to the right              (e) Immediate right

Q4. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Nathan?
(a) Only two persons sit between Nathan and Monty.              (b) Nathan sits at an extreme end of the row – 1.
(c) Nathan faces one of the immediate neighbours of Ricky.              (d) None of the given statements is true
(e) Lalit sits on the immediate right of Nathan.

Q5. Who among the following is facing Tret?
(a) Nathan              (b) Monty              (c) Kunal              (d) Jack             (e) Lalit

Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions. 
Chris, Demon, Ela, Fan, Prince, Queen, Rocky and Smith are sitting around a circular table facing the centre with equal distance between each other (but not necessarily in the same order). Each one of them is also related to Demon in some way or the other.
Prince sits third to the right of Ela. Demon sits on the immediate left of Ela. Only one person sits between Prince and Demon’s son.
Rocky sits on the immediate right of Demon’s son. Only three people sit between Demon’s husband and Rocky. Only one person sits between Demon’s husband and Chris.
Fan sits on the immediate right of Queen. Demon’s father sits second to the right of Fan. Only three people sit between Demon’s father and Demon’s brother.
Demon’s daughter sits second to the right of Smith. Demon’s sister sits third to the right of Demon’s mother.

Q6. Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to the given information?
(a) Smith is brother of Rocky.              (b) Only three people sit between Queen and Smith.
(c) Ela sits third to the right of Demon’s daughter.              (d) All the given options are true
(e) Rocky is an immediate neighbour of Demon.

Q7. Who among the following is brother of Demon?
(a) Queen             (b) Ela             (c) Fan             (d) Chris             (e) Rocky

Q8. As per the given seating arrangement, Queen is related to Prince in the same way as Rocky is related to Ela. Then, following the same pattern Demon is related to?
(a) Rocky             (b) Smith             (c) Queen             (d) Chris             (e) Fan

Q9. Who sits on the immediate left of Demon’s son?
(a) Demon’s father             (b) Rocky             (c) Queen             (d) Smith             (e) Demon’s mother

Q10. How is Queen related to Prince?
(a) Sister              (b) Sister-in-law              (c) Niece              (d) Brother-in-law              (e) Aunt

Q11. Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions:
A fatal disease has spread across the ‘Spatter’ village of State X. Even though the prescribed medicine is abundantly available in one of the cities near ‘Spatter’ which can cure the disease, the Medical Association of the State has decided not to allow the medicine to be transported to ‘Spatter’ and is calling the infected people to the city to be injected with the medicine.
Which of the following can be a reason behind the decision of the Medical Association?
a) The Association may not be able to earn high profits from selling the medicine to ‘Spatter’.
b) Many of the villagers may not be able to afford the medicine as it is highly priced.
c) The disease has started spreading in other villages also, making it challenging for the   association to provide the medicine everywhere.
d) Reportedly, many of the villagers are trying home remedies to reduce the effect of the disease and hence they may not require the medicine.
e) If the medicine is not injected under the prescribed controlled environments, it may have  adverse effects.

Q12. Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows:
The government of state Y is promoting organic farming this year onwards. Thus, the raw material needed for it is made available at a subsidized rate. Free regular classes are also arranged to train the farmers in organic farming methods and to solve their problems. The farmers of village B, however, are still continuing with the industrial farming methods despite several requests from the government.
Which of the following statements, if considered true, may support the action of the farmers of village B?
a) Industrial farming leads to more productivity in the short term; however, in the long term, it diminishes the soil life and production becomes heavily dependent on chemicals.
b) Organic farming requires considerably more skill as compared to industrial farming.
c) Although a few farmers across State Y have tried their hands at organic farming earlier, none of the farmers of village B have participated in it before.
d) Organic food is expensive and not many people in State Y may be able to afford it; however with the subsidies provided by the government, it will become affordable.
e) Organic farming methods are very labour-intensive as regular extensive observation is required whereas finding labour at affordable costs is a challenge for farmers of village B.

Q13. Read the following information and answer the given question.
Despite strong opposition from the social activists of village X, the Pollution Control Board renewed the licence of a coal depot to operate coal handling barely one kilometer away from the village.
Which of the following statements supports the decision of the pollution Control Board to some extent?
a) Several crops were destroyed due to disposal of waste from the coal depot in the previous year.
b) Maintenance cost of roads in village X has increased due to transportation of coal.
c) The depot provides employment for many people in the neighboring area.
d) Several complaints have been filed against the depot in the past for violating safety standards.
e) Nine out of ten residents of village X suffer from respiratory problems.

Q14. Read the following information carefully and answer the question that follows:
The number of deaths due to ABN poisoning has risen in village A from 23 two years ago, to 69 this year. Since the number of patients is the same, it can be concluded that the new medication is responsible for the deaths.
Which of the following statements weakens the given statement that the new medication is responsible for increased number of fatalities?
a) While azethorin-1 was being used to treat ABN poisoning for 5 years, azethorin-6 was introduced last year after it obtained necessary clinical approvals.
b) PB released from a new fertilizer being used by the farmers of the village this year, when combined with ABN, renders all types of medicines ineffective to treat the disease.
c) Due to low awareness regarding the disease, very few patients have been reporting this disease for many years which proves that the actual numbers could be much higher.
d) The new medicines introduced in village A for TQW and RST poisoning have been successful in significantly bringing down the fatality rate.
e) A cement factory set up 5 years ago in the village was responsible for leaching ABN in the soil as well as drinking water way above the danger limit.



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