Synonyms and Antonyms
M to Z List Of Synonym and Antonym
Negligent | लापरवाह | inattentive, careless |
vigilant, careful |
Niggardly | कंजूसी से | miser, covetous | generous, profuse |
Nimble | तेज़ | prompt, brisk | sluggish, languid |
Nonchalant | बेपरवाह | indifferent, negligent |
attentive, considerate |
Novice | नौसिखिए | tyro, beginner | veteran, ingenious |
Noxious | हानिकारक | baneful, injurious | healing, profitable |
Nullify | उठा देना | cancel, annual | confirm, uphold |
Numerous | बहुत | profuse, various | scarce, deficient |
Obstruct | रोकना | impede, prevent | hasten, encourage |
Obvious | ज़ाहिर | evident, apparent | obscure, ambiguous |
Occult | मनोगत | latent, ambiguous | intelligible, transparent |
Odious | घिनौना | malevolent, obnoxious |
engaging, fascinating |
Offensive | आक्रमण | abhorrent, arrogant |
docile, compliant |
Offspring | संतति | descendant, sibling |
ancestor, forefather |
Opaque | अपारदर्शी | obscure, shady | transparent, bright |
Oracular | पेशीनगोई का | cryptic, vague | lucid, distinct |
Ordain | हुक्म देना | order, impose | revoke, abolish |
Ornamental | सजावटी | decorative, adorned |
unseemly, plain |
Outbreak | प्रकोप | eruption, insurrection |
compliance, subjection |
Outrage | उल्लंघन | offence, maltreatment |
praise, favour |
Overwhelm | डूब | triumph, subjugate | flounder, falter |
Pamper | संतुष्ट करना | flatter, indulge | deny, disparage |
Paramount | आला दर्जे का | foremost, eminent | trivial, inferior |
Peerless | अद्वितीय | matchless, unrivalled |
mediocre, commonplace |
Peevish | चिड़चिड़ा | perverse, sullen | suave, amiable |
Pertness | Pertness | flippancy, impudence |
modesty, diffidence |
Perverse | विकृत | petulant, obstinate |
complacent, docile |
Placid | शांत | tranquil, calm | turbulent, hostile |
Pompous | गर्वित | haughty, arrogant | unpretentious, humble |
Precarious | अनिश्चित | doubtful, insecure | assured, undeniable |
Predicament | स्थिति | plight, dilemma | resolution, confidence |
Premature | असामयिक | precocious, untimely |
belated, opportune |
Prodigious | अस्वाभाविक | vast, enormous | unimpressive, diminutive |
Prodigy | कौतुक | miracle, marvel | normal, average |
Profligate | अपव्ययी | dissolute, degenerate |
virtuous, upright |
Profuse | विपुल | lavish, abundant | scarce, scantly |
Proscribe | देश से निकालना | prohibit, exclude | solicit, include |
Protract | बढ़ाना | prolong, delay | abbreviate, curtail |
Provoke | भड़काना | inflame, incite | pacify, comfort |
Prudent | विवेकी | cautious, discreet | impetuous, unwise |
Quack | नीमहकीम | impostor, deceiver | upright, unfeigned |
Quaint | विचित्र | queer, strange | familiar, usual |
Quarantine | कोरांटीन | seclude, screen | befriend, socialize |
Quell | वश में करना | subdue, reduce | exacerbate, agitate |
Questionable | संदिग्ध | dubious, disputable |
reliable, authentic |
Quibble | वक्रोक्ति | equivocate, prevaricate |
unfeign, plain |
Ratify | पुष्टि करना | consent, approve | deny, dissent |
Ravage | नाश | destroy, ruin | reconstruct, renovate |
Redeem | एवज | recover, liberate | conserve, lose |
Remnant | अवशेष | residue, piece | entire, whole |
Remonstrate | प्रतिवाद करना | censure, protest | agree, loud |
Remorse | पछतावा | regret, penitence | ruthlessness, obduracy |
Remote | रिमोट | inaccessible, farther |
adjoining, adjacent |
Rescind | रद्द कर देना | annul, abrogate | delegate, permit |
Resentment | नाराज़गी | displeasure, wrath | content, cheer |
Retract | वापस लेना | recant, withdraw | confirm, assert |
Reverence | श्रद्धा | respect, esteem | disrespect, affront |
Rout | घोर पराजय | vanquish, overthrow |
succumb, withdraw |
Rustic | देहाती | rural uncivilised | cultured, refined |
Ruthless | क्रूर | remorseless, inhumane |
compassionate, lenient |
Sarcastic | कटु | ironical, derisive | courteous, gracious |
Saucy | सजीव | impudent, insolent | modest, humble |
Scanty | अल्प | scarce, insufficient |
lavish, multitude |
Shabby | जर्जर | miserable, impoverished |
prosperous, thriving |
Shrewd | चालाक | cunning, crafty | simple, imbecile |
Slander | बदनामी | defame, malign | applaud, approve |
Sneer | उपहास | mock, scorn | flatter, praise |
Solicit | मांगना | entreat, implore | protest, oppose |
Sporadic | छिटपुट | intermittent, scattered |
incessant, frequent |
Squalid | मलिन | dirty, filthy | tidy, attractive |
Stain | धब्बा | blemish, tarnish | honour, purify |
Stupor | व्यामोह | lethargy, unconsciousness |
sensibility, consciousness |
Subsequent | आगामी | consequent, following |
Preceding, Previous |
Substantial | ठोस | considerable, solid |
tenuous, fragile |
Subvert | पलट देना | demolish, sabotage | generate, organise |
Superficial | सतही | partial, shallow | profound, discerning |
Sycophant | चापलूस | parasite, flatterer |
devoted, loyal |
Taboo | निषेध | prohibit, ban | permit, consent |
Taciturn | अल्पभाषी | reserved, silent | talkative, extrovert |
Tedious | ग़ैरदिलचस्प | wearisome, irksome | exhilarating, lively |
Temperate | शीतोष्ण | cool, moderate | boisterous, violent |
Throng | भीड़ | assembly, crowd | dispersion, sparsity |
Timid | डरपोक | diffident, coward | bold, intrepid |
Tranquil | शांत | peaceful, composed | violent, furious |
Transient | क्षणिक | temporal, transitory |
lasting, enduring |
Trenchant | तल्खी | assertive, forceful |
feeble, ambiguous |
Trivial | तुच्छ | trifling, insignificant |
significant veteran |
Tumultuous | उथल-पुथल | violent, riotous | peaceful, harmonious |
Tyro | नौसिखिए | beginner, learner | proficient, veteran |
Umbrage | साया | resentment, bitterness |
sympathy, goodwill |
Uncouth | गंवार | awkward, ungraceful |
elegant, graceful |
Usurp | हड़पना | seize, wrest | restore, compensate |
Utterly | बिलकुल | completely, entirely |
deficiently, incompletely |
Vagrant | आवारा | wanderer, roaming | steady, settled |
Valid | मान्य | genuine, authentic | fallacious, deceptive |
Valour | वेलर | bravery, prowess | fear, cowardice |
Vanity | घमंड | conceit, pretension |
modesty, humility |
Venerable | आदरणीय | esteemed, honoured | unworthy, immature |
Venom | विष | poison, malevolence |
antidote, benevolent |
Veteran | वयोवृद्ध | ingenious, experienced |
novice, tyro |
Vicious | शातिर | corrupt, obnoxious | noble, virtuous |
Vigilant | जागरूक | cautious, alert | careless, negligent |
Volatile | परिवर्तनशील | light, changing | heavy, ponderous |
Vouch | ज़मानत देना | confirm, consent | repudiate, prohibit |
Vulgar | अशिष्ट | inelegant, offensive |
elegant, civil |
Waive | माफ़ करें | relinquish, remove | impose, clamp |
Wan | वान | pale, faded | bright, healthy |
Wane | पतन | decline, dwindle | ameliorate, rise |
Wary | सावधान | cautious, cirumspect |
heedless, negligent |
Wed | विवाह करना | marry, combine | divorce, separate |
Wicked | शैतान | vicious, immoral | virtuous, noble |
Wield | फिराना | use, employ | forgo, avoid |
Wilt | विल्ट | wither, perish | revive, bloom |
Yearn | हुड़कना | languish, crave | content, satisfy |
Yell | चिल्लाना | shout, shriek | whisper, muted |
Yield | प्राप्ति | surrender, abdicate |
resist, protest |
Yoke | दासत्व का चिह्न | connect, harness | liberate, release |
Zeal | उत्साह | eagerness, fervour | apathy, lethargy |
Zenith | शीर्षबिंदु | summit, apex | nadir, base |
Zest | दिलचस्पी | delight, enthusiasm |
disgust, passive |
Zig-zag | oblique, wayward | straight, unbent |