Physics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Distance and Displacement
We define distance as a scalar expression; that implies how much area is covered by an object while travelling from one location to another....
Study notes on Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019
The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 that seeks to give Indian nationality to non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan facing religious persecution there was...
Chemistry Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Molecular mass
Definition of molecular mass : the mass of a molecule that is equal to the sum of the masses of all the atoms contained...
Economics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Scope of Economics
The nature and scope of economics are related to the study of wealth or human behaviour or of scarce resources. The scope is very...
Physics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Motion
In science, motion is defined as a change in position. An object’s position is its location.
If an object changes its position with...
Chemistry Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Atomic masses
The atomic mass of an element is the average mass of the atoms of an element measured in atomic mass unit (amu, also known...
Economics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Economics: Its Nature
Similar to definitions of economics, there are a number of controversial issues related to its nature. Some economists believed economics as a science, while...
How to Prepare General Awareness section for Banking Exam : Read Now
General Awareness is the most important section for all the examinations. With the expanded competition in the field of Banking examinations, it has now...
Government scheme For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on : Ayushman Bharat–PM Jan...
Ayushman Bharat, a flagship scheme of Government of India was launched as recommended by the National Health Policy 2017, to achieve the vision of...
Study notes on ” Complete List Foundation Days of Indian States ” for SSC...
General Awareness play a vital role in all Examination. we can expect Questions from different Topics.In Banking and other competitive exams like RRB, CDS,...