Supreme Court order highlights the bigotry and prejudice behind the mob violence

The Supreme Court order calling for a special law to deal with lynching(बिना वैध निर्णय के मार डालना/हत्या) sends a strong message about the growing(बढ़ती ) phenomenon(घटना) of mob(भीड़ ) violence(हिंसा). From vigilante(सतर्क/सजग ) violence targeting(लक्षित) cattle(मवेशी/पशु ) traders(व्यापारियों) in the name of cow protection(सुरक्षा/संरक्षण), it has taken a new turn. While the former was organised (संयोजित/संगठित) vigilantism, the recent spate(आवेश/चढ़ाव) of killings seemingly(प्रतीत होता है/उचित रूप में) comprises(शामिल करना/दाखिल करना) impulsive(आवेगपूर्ण /प्रेरक) and unplanned(अनियोजित) acts of violence, fuelled(ईंधन) by rumour(अफवाह ) and panic-inducing social media messaging. Last year the apex court(सर्वोच्च न्यायालय) reminded(याद दिलाना) the Centre and the States they cannot remain silent while vigilantes take the law into their own hands in the name of cow protection. It asked all States to appoint nodal officers in each district to curb(नियंत्रण/प्रतिबंध) mobs(भीड़).While the incidence(घटना) of lynching and violence committed by self-styled gau rakshaks appear(दिखाई/प्रतीत होना) to havereduced(कम किया हुआ/बदला हुआ) since then, the killing and attacks on those mistaken to be child-kidnappers have had adisquieting(बेचैन/अशांत) rise. The police say the circulation(प्रसार/प्रचार) of videos and other messages about child-lifters through messaging apps is the main reason. In its 45-page order, the Supreme Court has significantly(महत्व के साथ/अर्थपूर्णता से) located lynching and vigilante violence in a socio-political framework linked to disrespect for an inclusive(सम्मिलित) social order,  rising(बढ़ती)intolerance(असहिष्णुता) and growing polarisation(ध्रुवीकरण). There is an implicit(अस्पष्ट/अंतर्निहित) indictment(अभियोग/कलंक) of the preponderant(प्रेरक ) mood(मनोदशा) of the times when it says that “hate crimes as a product of intolerance, ideological(विचारधारा) dominance(प्रभाव/प्रभावित) and prejudice(पक्षपात/हानि) ought not to be tolerated(सहन करना/बर्दाश्त )”.

Besides directing specific(विशिष्ट/असामान्य) preventive(निवारक/निरोधक ), punitive(दंडनीय ) and remedial(उपचारात्मक) measures(उपाय कार्यवाही), a three-judge Bench headed by the Chief Justice of India has mooted(विचार करना/बहस करना) the idea of making lynching a separate(अलग) offence(अपराध/अपमान) . It says a special law would “instil a sense of fear” among those involved(शामिल/लिप्त). Whether a special law is enough(पर्याप्त है) to ensure(सुनिश्चित करने) a greater level of deterrence(निवारण/अवरोध) is open to question, especially so when murder and mob violence are covered by existing(मौजूदा provisions(प्रावधान). But in sending this message out, the apex court has ensured that the issue cannot be brushed under the carpet(क़ालीन/फ़र्श) and, ipso facto, has forced those who govern us to pay special attention(ध्यान) towards curbing this madness. Any legislation though should be comprehensive(विस्तृत/व्यापक) , covering not only incidents of lynching, but also the extent to which criminality(अपराधिता) can be apportioned(विभाजित) among(के बीच में) rumour-mongers(बेचनेवाला/विक्रेता)instigators(उत्तेजक/भड़काने), principal offenders(अपराधियों/मुजरिम) and those who are accessories(सामान/सहायक उपकरण) to the crime. Whether it must penalise(दंडित) (and if so how) those who do nothing to stop such crimes or help bring the offenders to book, is another issue worth considering(ध्यान में रखते हुए). The judgment places the onus on the law and order machinery to prevent(रोकना/प्रतिबंध करना) and punish lynchings. But we must heed what it says on the role of bigotry(कट्टरता ),non-acceptance of plurality and diversity(विविधता/परिवर्तन) in creating an atmosphere where human beings are dehumanised: one in which freedom of speech, expression(अभिव्यक्ति/वाक्यांश) and personal choices are endangered.(लुप्तप्राय).



Important Vocabulary

1.Lynching(बिना वैध निर्णय के मार डालना/हत्या)
Synonyms: execution, capital punishment, mob justice, stringing up, the gallows

Synonyms: anomaly, aspect, circumstance, episode, event
Antonyms: usualness, normality, regularity

Synonyms: deluge, flood, flurry, outpouring, string

4.Reminded(याद दिलाना)
Synonyms: advised, cautioned, forewarned, notified, prodded

Synonyms: barrier, ledge, rein, restraint, restriction
Antonyms: freedom, center, encouragement, inside, interior

6.Reduced(कम किया हुआ/बदला हुआ)
Synonyms: decreased, diminished, shortened, abbreviated, abridged
Antonyms:elevated, enlarged, heightened, increased, raised

Synonyms:bigotry, prejudice, dogmatism, narrow-mindedness
Antonyms: fairness,tolerance

Synonyms: allegation, arraignment, bill, charge, citation
Antonyms: praise, absolution, acquittal, exoneration

9.Tolerated(सहन करना/बर्दाश्त )
Synonyms: abide, accept, brook, condone, countenance
Antonyms: deny, disagree, disallow, dispute, refuse

Synonyms: ringleader, agitator, firebrand, hellion, incendiary

Synonyms: definition, explanation, interpretation, language, phrase
Antonyms: question, silence, concealment, denial, quiet




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