IBPS PO Memory Based Questions (Prelims) 2017:  8th Oct- Shift 1

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After 1st shift of IBPS PO Prelims 2017, now it’s time for the Memory Based Paper Question Papers and their Solutions. 
After the exam analysis, many students are eagerly waiting for Memory Based Question Paper and their solutions and as we promised here, we provide you The Memory Based Question Paper of IBPS PO Prelims 2017 with Solutions.

IBPS Po Prelims Exam Analysis 2017: 8th Oct – Shift 1


IBPS PO Questions Asked – Reasoning

Q1) Circular Arrangement – 8 people, all facing inside.

Q2) Floor Puzzle – Tricky with more number of possibility cases.

Q3) Linear Seating Arrangement – Easier

Q4) Scheduling – Students studying in different days (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thr, Fri, Sat) of a week & one more variable was given.

There are eight people T S U V W X Y Z live on different floor of a building. Living in different states.

  • Z live on a odd no floor above floor no 3.the one from Gujarat live immediately below Z.
  • Three persons live between Z and the one who is from Rajasthan.
  • As many people live above z as below X. V live immediately below Y.
  • Y live on an odd no floor above X.
  • One person live between who is from Maharashtra and Y.
  • U live on an odd no floor. One from Kerala live immediately above U.
  • As many persons live between U & Z as between s and Goa.
  • More than two persons live Y and one from Bihar.
  • T is neither from Bihar nor from Odisha.


IBPS PO Questions Asked – Quant

1) 1, 20, 58, 134, 286, ?

Logic: ×2+18, ×2+18, ×2+18

Answer: 590

2) 8, 7, 13, 38, 151, ?

Logic: ×1-1, ×2-1, ×3-1, ×4-1

Answer: 754

3) 32, ?, 1024, 2048, 2048

Logic: ×8, ×4, ×2, ×1

Answer: 256

4) 9, 5, 6, 10.5, 23, ?

Logic: ×0.5+0.5, ×1+1. ×1.5+1.5, ×2+2

Answer: 60

5) 18, 20, 26, 38, 58, 88

Logic: Difference of Difference- 4, 6, 8, 10

Answer: 58


Q2) Data Interpretation –

  1. Tabular Graph – Employees working in 5 different firms. Number of employees working in finance were given & percentage of employees working in HR were given. The questions were based on averages & ratio. This DI was more time consuming than the Pie chart.
  2. Pie Chart – Number of students studying in different classes with percentage of students studying in different sections was given.


1st shift puzzle

Puzzle Questions Asked in (1st Slot) IBPS PO Prelims Held on 8th Oct 2017:

There are eight people T S U V W X Y Z live on different floor of a building. Living in different states.

  • Z live on a odd no floor above floor no 3.the one from Gujarat live immediately below Z.
  • Three persons live between Z and the one who is from Rajasthan.
  • As many people live above z as below X. V live immediately below Y.
  • Y live on an odd no floor above X.
  • One person live between who is from Maharashtra and Y.
  • U live on an odd no floor. One from Kerala live immediately above U.
  • As many persons live between U & Z as between s and Goa.
  • More than two persons live Y and one from Bihar.
  • T is neither from Bihar nor from Odisha.

Synonyms and Antonyms Asked in IBPS PO Prelims 8th Oct 2017:


  1. Bleak

Definition: (of an area of land) lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements.

Synonyms: bare, exposed, desolate, stark, arid, desert

Usage: bleak and barren moor.

  1. Overwhelming

Definition: very great in amount.

Synonyms: very large, profuse, enormous, immense
Usage: His party won overwhelming support.

  1. Linger

Definition: stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.

Synonyms: wait around, stay, remain, stay put, wait; loiter

Usage: The crowd lingered for a long time, until it was almost dark

  1. Underlay

Definition: place something under (something else), especially to support or raise it.

Usage: The green fields are underlaid with limestone

  1. Limited

Definition: restricted in size, amount, or extent; few, small, or short.

Synonyms: restricted, finite, bounded, little, narrow
Usage: limited number of places are available.

  1. Tandem

Definition: having two things arranged one in front of the other.

Usage: A tandem trailer

  1. Disinclined

Definition: unwilling; reluctant.

Synonyms: reluctant, unwilling, unenthusiastic, unprepared, indisposed
Usage: She was disinclined to abandon the old ways.

  1. Persistent

Definition: continuing firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Synonyms: tenacious, persevering, determined, resolute, purposeful
Usage: One of the government’s most persistent critics.


Number Series Asked in IBPS PO 2017*







Today’s synonym tandem

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