Directions(1-5) Study the information below and answer the following question: –
In a certain code language,
‘Thin paper neatly folded’ is written as @D6, %R5, !N4, ?Y6
‘Four people from USA’ is written as @M4, %E6, #A3, @R4
‘Urban development programme launched’ is written as % E9, *T11, #N5 &D8
‘Dhaya likes forties hero’ is written as @E7, &E5, *A5, $O4
1.The code for the word ‘People’ is
a) @M4
b) %E6
c) #A3
d) @R4
e) None of these
2.The code ‘ *A5 ‘ denotes which of the following word ?
a) Likes
b) Hero
c) Forties
d) Dhaya
e) None of these
3.The code word of ‘Four’ is
a) @R4
b) %E6
c) @M4
d) #A3
e) None of these
4.‘#’ denotes which letter of the given words ?
a) N
b) F
c) L
d) D
e) U
5.According to the given code word, what will be the code for ‘ Data Line reach points’ ?
a) *4A &4E @5H %6S
b) *4A &4E !5H %6S
c) *4A &4E #5H %6S
d) *4A &4E $5H %6S
e) None of these
Directions(6-10): Study the information below and answer the following question:
In a certain code language,
‘Arrive today eagles later’ is written as 21*R,6$A, 14$O, 25*A
‘Begin work faster table’ is written as 14$A, 17%O, 26*A, 22$E
‘Length error arrow burn’ is written as 6*E, 25$R, 22%U, 21$R
‘Trial better than wisdom’ is written as 14$R, 14%H, 22*E, 17*I
6.The code for the word ‘ table’
a) 26*A
b) 17%O
c) 14$A
d) 22$ E
e) None of these
7.The code word 6$A for the word
a) Later
b) Arrive
c) Earlier
d) Today
e) Either 1 or 3
8.Find the code word for the word ‘Burn’ ?
a) 25$R
b) 22%U
c) 21$R
d) 6*E
e) Can’t be determined
9.According to the given code, what is the code for ‘M’ ?
a) 12
b) 8
c) 10
d) 7
e) Can’t be determined
10.By using the given code word, find the code word for ‘ Better Luck Next Arrive’ ?
a) 22$E, 21$R, 6*U, 8%E
b) 8*E, 21*R, 22%E, 6%U
c) 22*E, 6%U, 8%E, 21*R
d) 21%R, 22$E, 6*U, 8%E
e) 6$U, 22*E, 8*E, 21%R