Dear Aspirants,

We all are giving SBI & IBPS PO/Clerk exams and these exams are conducted in two phases Prelims & Mains. We all know that in Prelim exam 100 questions will be there and time allotted for that is 60 minutes and for Mains 190 Questions for 200 Marks with time limit for every section and overall time limit for Mains exam is 2 hrs 40 minutes.

SBI Clerk Study Material | Books | Quant | Reasoning | English | GA Pdfs

Sbi Clerk Previous Year Cut Off : Check Here

Sbi Clerk Previous Year Papers : Check Her

SBI Clerk Exam Full Syllabus In Detail : Read Now

60 Days Study Plan For SBI Clerk 2018 Prepration


SBI Clerk Syllabus 2018

The syllabus for SBI Preliminary Exam and SBI Mains Exam is more or less the same with minute variation for SBI Clerk 2018 Exam. Candidates should have strong understanding of concepts in English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Computer Knowledge and General Awareness.

Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Computer Knowledge English General Awareness
Simplification Machine Input/Output Basics of computer, different generations, hardware/software, etc. Reading comprehension including Synonyms and Antonyms Current Affairs – news on banking industry, awards and honors, books and authors,latest appointments, obituaries, new schemes of central and state governments, sports, etc.
Number Series Syllogism DBMS Sentence rearrangement or Para jumbles Static GK – country-capital, country-currency, headquarters of financial organizations (of insurance companies), constituencies of ministers, dance forms, nuclear and thermal power stations, etc.
Data Sufficiency Blood Relation Networking Sentence Correction/ Error Finding Banking/Financial terms
Data Interpretation Direction Sense Internet Spell Checks
Quadratic Equations Inequalities MS Office and Shortcuts used in MS Officers Fillers
Time and Work Puzzles – Seating Arrangement, Floor puzzle, etc. Input/output Devices, their types Cloze Test
Partnership Coding Decoding Important abbreviations
Profit and Loss Ranking
Mensuration Statement and Assumptions/Conclusions
Time, Distance and Speed – Trains, Boats n Streams
Simple and Compound interest
Mixture and Alligation
Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Averages



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